# frozen_string_literal: true begin require "rubygems/deprecate" rescue LoadError # it's fine if it doesn't exist on the current RubyGems... nil end module Bundler # If Bundler::Deprecate is an autoload constant, we need to define it if defined?(Bundler::Deprecate) && !autoload?(:Deprecate) # nothing to do! elsif defined? ::Deprecate Deprecate = ::Deprecate elsif defined? Gem::Deprecate Deprecate = Gem::Deprecate else class Deprecate end end unless Deprecate.respond_to?(:skip_during) def Deprecate.skip_during original = skip self.skip = true yield ensure self.skip = original end end unless Deprecate.respond_to?(:skip) def Deprecate.skip @skip ||= false end end unless Deprecate.respond_to?(:skip=) def Deprecate.skip=(skip) @skip = skip end end end