# We only run RDoc on the top-level files in here: we skip # all the helper stuff in sub-directories # Eventually, we hope to see... # *.rb # But for now English.rb Env.rb abbrev.rb base64.rb benchmark.rb cgi cgi.rb complex.rb csv.rb date date.rb date2.rb debug.rb delegate.rb drb drb.rb erb.rb eregex.rb fileutils.rb finalize.rb find.rb forwardable.rb ftools.rb generator.rb getoptlong.rb getopts.rb gserver.rb importenv.rb ipaddr.rb irb.rb jcode.rb logger.rb mailread.rb mathn.rb matrix.rb mkmf.rb monitor.rb mutex_m.rb net observer.rb open-uri.rb open3.rb optparse optparse.rb ostruct.rb parsearg.rb parsedate.rb pathname.rb ping.rb pp.rb prettyprint.rb profile.rb profiler.rb pstore.rb racc rational.rb rdoc readbytes.rb resolv-replace.rb resolv.rb rexml rinda rss rss.rb rubyunit.rb runit scanf.rb set.rb shell shell.rb shellwords.rb # TODO: YARV cause error. why ...? # singleton.rb soap sync.rb tempfile.rb test thread.rb thwait.rb time.rb timeout.rb tmpdir.rb tracer.rb tsort.rb un.rb uri uri.rb weakref.rb webrick webrick.rb wsdl xmlrpc xsd yaml yaml.rb