/* Functions and variables that are used by more than one source file of * the kernel. Not available to extensions and applications. */ /* array.c */ void memclear _((register VALUE*, register int)); VALUE assoc_new _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE ary_new _((void)); VALUE ary_new2 _((int)); VALUE ary_new3 __((int,...)); VALUE ary_new4 _((int, VALUE *)); VALUE ary_freeze _((VALUE)); VALUE ary_aref _((int, VALUE*, VALUE)); void ary_store _((VALUE, int, VALUE)); VALUE ary_push _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE ary_pop _((VALUE)); VALUE ary_shift _((VALUE)); VALUE ary_unshift _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE ary_entry _((VALUE, int)); VALUE ary_each _((VALUE)); VALUE ary_join _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE ary_to_s _((VALUE)); VALUE ary_print_on _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE ary_reverse _((VALUE)); VALUE ary_sort_bang _((VALUE)); VALUE ary_sort _((VALUE)); VALUE ary_delete _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE ary_delete_at _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE ary_plus _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE ary_concat _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE ary_assoc _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE ary_rassoc _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE ary_includes _((VALUE, VALUE)); /* bignum.c */ VALUE big_clone _((VALUE)); void big_2comp _((VALUE)); VALUE big_norm _((VALUE)); VALUE uint2big _((unsigned long)); VALUE int2big _((long)); VALUE uint2inum _((unsigned long)); VALUE int2inum _((long)); VALUE str2inum _((char*, int)); VALUE big2str _((VALUE, int)); long big2long _((VALUE)); #define big2int(x) big2long(x) unsigned long big2ulong _((VALUE)); #define big2uint(x) big2ulong(x) VALUE big_to_i _((VALUE)); VALUE dbl2big _((double)); double big2dbl _((VALUE)); VALUE big_to_f _((VALUE)); VALUE big_plus _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE big_minus _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE big_mul _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE big_pow _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE big_and _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE big_or _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE big_xor _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE big_lshift _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE big_rand _((VALUE)); /* class.c */ VALUE class_new _((VALUE)); VALUE singleton_class_new _((VALUE)); VALUE singleton_class_clone _((VALUE)); void singleton_class_attached _((VALUE,VALUE)); VALUE rb_define_class_id _((ID, VALUE)); VALUE module_new _((void)); VALUE rb_define_module_id _((ID)); VALUE mod_included_modules _((VALUE)); VALUE mod_ancestors _((VALUE)); VALUE class_instance_methods _((int, VALUE*, VALUE)); VALUE class_private_instance_methods _((int, VALUE*, VALUE)); VALUE obj_singleton_methods _((VALUE)); void rb_define_method_id _((VALUE, ID, VALUE (*)(), int)); void rb_undef_method _((VALUE, char*)); void rb_define_protected_method _((VALUE, char*, VALUE (*)(), int)); void rb_define_private_method _((VALUE, char*, VALUE (*)(), int)); void rb_define_singleton_method _((VALUE,char*,VALUE(*)(),int)); void rb_define_private_method _((VALUE,char*,VALUE(*)(),int)); VALUE rb_singleton_class _((VALUE)); /* enum.c */ VALUE enum_length _((VALUE)); /* error.c */ VALUE exc_new _((VALUE, char*, unsigned int)); VALUE exc_new2 _((VALUE, char*)); VALUE exc_new3 _((VALUE, VALUE)); void TypeError __((char*, ...)) NORETURN; void ArgError __((char*, ...)) NORETURN; void NameError __((char*, ...)) NORETURN; void IndexError __((char*, ...)) NORETURN; void LoadError __((char*, ...)) NORETURN; /* eval.c */ void rb_remove_method _((VALUE, char*)); void rb_disable_super _((VALUE, char*)); void rb_enable_super _((VALUE, char*)); void rb_clear_cache _((void)); void rb_alias _((VALUE, ID, ID)); void rb_attr _((VALUE,ID,int,int,int)); int rb_method_boundp _((VALUE, ID, int)); VALUE dyna_var_defined _((ID)); VALUE dyna_var_ref _((ID)); VALUE dyna_var_asgn _((ID, VALUE)); void dyna_var_push _((ID, VALUE)); void ruby_init _((void)); void ruby_options _((int, char**)); void ruby_run _((void)); VALUE rb_eval_cmd _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE rb_trap_eval _((VALUE, int)); int rb_respond_to _((VALUE, ID)); void rb_raise _((VALUE)); void rb_fatal _((VALUE)); void rb_interrupt _((void)); int iterator_p _((void)); VALUE rb_yield_0 _((VALUE, volatile VALUE)); VALUE rb_apply _((VALUE, ID, VALUE)); VALUE rb_funcall2 _((VALUE, ID, int, VALUE*)); void rb_backtrace _((void)); ID rb_frame_last_func _((void)); VALUE f_load _((VALUE, VALUE)); void rb_provide _((char*)); VALUE f_require _((VALUE, VALUE)); void obj_call_init _((VALUE)); VALUE class_new_instance _((int, VALUE*, VALUE)); VALUE f_lambda _((void)); void rb_set_end_proc _((void (*)(),VALUE)); void gc_mark_threads _((void)); void thread_start_timer _((void)); void thread_stop_timer _((void)); void thread_schedule _((void)); void thread_wait_fd _((int)); void thread_fd_writable _((int)); int thread_alone _((void)); void thread_sleep _((int)); void thread_sleep_forever _((void)); VALUE thread_create _((VALUE (*)(), void*)); void thread_interrupt _((void)); void thread_trap_eval _((VALUE, int)); int thread_select(); void thread_wait_for(); /* file.c */ VALUE file_open _((char*, char*)); int eaccess _((char*, int)); VALUE file_s_expand_path _((int, VALUE *)); /* gc.c */ void rb_global_variable _((VALUE*)); void gc_mark_locations _((VALUE*, VALUE*)); void gc_mark_maybe(); void gc_mark(); void gc_force_recycle(); void gc_gc _((void)); void init_stack _((void)); void init_heap _((void)); /* hash.c */ VALUE hash_freeze _((VALUE)); VALUE rb_hash _((VALUE)); VALUE hash_new _((void)); VALUE hash_aref _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE hash_aset _((VALUE, VALUE, VALUE)); int env_path_tainted _((void)); /* io.c */ void eof_error _((void)); VALUE io_write _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE io_gets _((VALUE)); VALUE io_getc _((VALUE)); VALUE io_ungetc _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE io_close _((VALUE)); VALUE io_binmode _((VALUE)); int io_mode_flags _((char*)); VALUE io_reopen _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE f_gets _((void)); void rb_str_setter _((VALUE, ID, VALUE*)); /* numeric.c */ void num_zerodiv _((void)); VALUE num_coerce_bin _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE float_new _((double)); VALUE flo_pow _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE num2fix _((VALUE)); VALUE fix2str _((VALUE, int)); VALUE fix_to_s _((VALUE)); VALUE num_upto _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE fix_upto _((VALUE, VALUE)); /* object.c */ VALUE rb_equal _((VALUE, VALUE)); int rb_eql _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE obj_equal _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE any_to_s _((VALUE)); VALUE rb_inspect _((VALUE)); VALUE obj_is_instance_of _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE obj_is_kind_of _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE obj_alloc _((VALUE)); VALUE rb_convert_type _((VALUE,int,char*,char*)); VALUE rb_Integer _((VALUE)); VALUE rb_Float _((VALUE)); VALUE rb_String _((VALUE)); VALUE rb_Array _((VALUE)); double num2dbl _((VALUE)); /* parse.y */ int yyparse _((void)); void pushback _((int)); ID id_attrset _((ID)); void yyappend_print _((void)); void yywhile_loop _((int, int)); int rb_is_const_id _((ID)); int rb_is_instance_id _((ID)); VALUE backref_get _((void)); void backref_set _((VALUE)); VALUE lastline_get _((void)); void lastline_set _((VALUE)); /* process.c */ int rb_proc_exec _((char*)); void rb_syswait _((int)); /* range.c */ VALUE range_new _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE range_beg_end _((VALUE, int*, int*)); /* re.c */ VALUE reg_nth_defined _((int, VALUE)); VALUE reg_nth_match _((int, VALUE)); VALUE reg_last_match _((VALUE)); VALUE reg_match_pre _((VALUE)); VALUE reg_match_post _((VALUE)); VALUE reg_match_last _((VALUE)); VALUE reg_new _((char*, int, int)); VALUE reg_match _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE reg_match2 _((VALUE)); int reg_options _((VALUE)); char*rb_get_kcode _((void)); void rb_set_kcode _((char*)); /* ruby.c */ void rb_load_file _((char*)); void ruby_script _((char*)); void ruby_prog_init _((void)); void ruby_set_argv _((int, char**)); void ruby_process_options _((int, char**)); void ruby_require_modules _((void)); void ruby_load_script _((void)); /* signal.c */ VALUE f_kill _((int, VALUE*)); void gc_mark_trap_list _((void)); void posix_signal _((int, void (*)())); void rb_trap_exit _((void)); void rb_trap_exec _((void)); /* sprintf.c */ VALUE f_sprintf _((int, VALUE*)); /* string.c */ VALUE str_new _((char*, unsigned int)); VALUE str_new2 _((char*)); VALUE str_new3 _((VALUE)); VALUE str_new4 _((VALUE)); VALUE obj_as_string _((VALUE)); VALUE str_to_str _((VALUE)); VALUE str_dup _((VALUE)); VALUE str_plus _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE str_times _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE str_substr _((VALUE, int, int)); void str_modify _((VALUE)); VALUE str_freeze _((VALUE)); VALUE str_dup_frozen _((VALUE)); VALUE str_taint _((VALUE)); VALUE str_tainted _((VALUE)); VALUE str_resize _((VALUE, int)); VALUE str_cat _((VALUE, char*, unsigned int)); VALUE str_concat _((VALUE, VALUE)); int str_hash _((VALUE)); int str_cmp _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE str_upto _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE str_inspect _((VALUE)); VALUE str_split _((VALUE, char*)); /* struct.c */ VALUE struct_new __((VALUE, ...)); VALUE struct_define __((char*, ...)); VALUE struct_alloc _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE struct_aref _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE struct_aset _((VALUE, VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE struct_getmember _((VALUE, ID)); /* time.c */ VALUE time_new _((int, int)); /* util.c */ void add_suffix _((VALUE, char*)); unsigned long scan_oct _((char*, int, int*)); unsigned long scan_hex _((char*, int, int*)); /* variable.c */ struct st_table *new_idhash _((void)); VALUE mod_name _((VALUE)); VALUE rb_class_path _((VALUE)); void rb_set_class_path _((VALUE, VALUE, char*)); VALUE rb_path2class _((char*)); void rb_name_class _((VALUE, ID)); void rb_autoload _((char*, char*)); VALUE f_autoload _((VALUE, VALUE, VALUE)); void gc_mark_global_tbl _((void)); VALUE f_trace_var _((int, VALUE*)); VALUE f_untrace_var _((int, VALUE*)); VALUE rb_gvar_set2 _((char*, VALUE)); VALUE f_global_variables _((void)); void rb_alias_variable _((ID, ID)); VALUE rb_ivar_get _((VALUE, ID)); VALUE rb_ivar_set _((VALUE, ID, VALUE)); VALUE rb_ivar_defined _((VALUE, ID)); VALUE obj_instance_variables _((VALUE)); VALUE mod_const_at _((VALUE, VALUE)); VALUE mod_constants _((VALUE)); VALUE mod_const_of _((VALUE, VALUE)); int rb_const_defined_at _((VALUE, ID)); int rb_autoload_defined _((ID)); int rb_const_defined _((VALUE, ID));