#!./miniruby load "./rbconfig.rb" include Config File.umask(0) while arg = ARGV.shift case arg when /^--/ # ignore when /^-/ $dryrun = /n/ =~ arg when /=/ # ignore else destdir ||= arg break end end destdir ||= '' $:.unshift File.join(CONFIG["srcdir"], "lib") require 'ftools' require 'shellwords' class Installer < File; end class << Installer if $dryrun def makedirs(*dirs) String === dirs.last or dirs.pop for dir in dirs File.directory?(dir) or print "mkdir -p #{dir}\n" end end def install(file, dir, mode = nil, verbose = false) to = catname(file, dir) unless FileTest.exist? to and cmp file, to print "install#{' -m %#o'%mode if mode} #{file} #{dir}\n" end end def makelink(orig, link, verbose = false) unless File.symlink?(link) and File.readlink(link) == orig print "ln -sf #{orig} #{link}\n" end end else require "ftools" def makelink(orig, link, verbose = false) if exist? link delete link end symlink orig, link print "link #{orig} -> #{link}\n" end end end exeext = CONFIG["EXEEXT"] ruby_install_name = CONFIG["ruby_install_name"] rubyw_install_name = CONFIG["rubyw_install_name"] version = CONFIG["ruby_version"] bindir = destdir+CONFIG["bindir"] libdir = destdir+CONFIG["libdir"] rubylibdir = destdir+CONFIG["rubylibdir"] archlibdir = destdir+CONFIG["archdir"] sitelibdir = destdir+CONFIG["sitelibdir"] sitearchlibdir = destdir+CONFIG["sitearchdir"] mandir = File.join(destdir+CONFIG["mandir"], "man1") configure_args = Shellwords.shellwords(CONFIG["configure_args"]) enable_shared = CONFIG["ENABLE_SHARED"] == 'yes' dll = CONFIG["LIBRUBY_SO"] lib = CONFIG["LIBRUBY"] arc = CONFIG["LIBRUBY_A"] Installer.makedirs bindir, libdir, rubylibdir, archlibdir, sitelibdir, sitearchlibdir, mandir, true Installer.install ruby_install_name+exeext, File.join(bindir, ruby_install_name+exeext), 0755, true if rubyw_install_name and !rubyw_install_name.empty? Installer.install rubyw_install_name+exeext, bindir, 0755, true end Installer.install dll, bindir, 0755, true if enable_shared and dll != lib Installer.install lib, libdir, 0555, true unless lib == arc Installer.install arc, libdir, 0644, true Installer.install "config.h", archlibdir, 0644, true Installer.install "rbconfig.rb", archlibdir, 0644, true if CONFIG["ARCHFILE"] for file in CONFIG["ARCHFILE"].split Installer.install file, archlibdir, 0644, true end end if dll == lib and dll != arc for link in CONFIG["LIBRUBY_ALIASES"].split Installer.makelink(dll, File.join(libdir, link), true) end end Dir.chdir CONFIG["srcdir"] for src in Dir["bin/*"] next unless File.file?(src) name = ruby_install_name.sub(/ruby/, File.basename(src)) dest = File.join(bindir, name) Installer.install src, dest, 0755, true open(dest, "r+") { |f| shebang = f.gets body = f.readlines f.rewind f.print shebang.sub(/ruby/, ruby_install_name), *body f.truncate(f.pos) } unless $dryrun end Dir.glob("lib/**/*{.rb,help-message}") do |f| dir = File.dirname(f).sub!(/\Alib/, rubylibdir) || rubylibdir Installer.makedirs dir, true unless File.directory? dir Installer.install f, dir, 0644, true end for f in Dir["*.h"] Installer.install f, archlibdir, 0644, true end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32|mingw|bccwin32/ Installer.makedirs File.join(archlibdir, "win32"), true Installer.install "win32/win32.h", File.join(archlibdir, "win32"), 0644, true end Installer.makedirs mandir, true Installer.install "ruby.1", File.join(mandir, ruby_install_name+".1"), 0644, true # vi:set sw=2: