#!./miniruby load "./rbconfig.rb" include Config $:.unshift File.join(CONFIG["srcdir"], "lib") require 'fileutils' require 'shellwords' require 'getopts' require 'tempfile' File.umask(0) def parse_args() getopts('n', 'dest-dir:', 'make:', 'make-flags:', 'mflags:', 'mantype:doc') $dryrun = $OPT['n'] $destdir = $OPT['dest-dir'] || '' $make = $OPT['make'] || $make || 'make' $mantype = $OPT['mantype'] mflags = ($OPT['make-flags'] || '').strip mflags = ($OPT['mflags'] || '').strip if mflags.empty? $mflags = Shellwords.shellwords(mflags) if arg = $mflags.first arg.insert(0, '-') if /\A[^-][^=]*\Z/ =~ arg end $make, *rest = Shellwords.shellwords($make) $mflags.unshift(*rest) unless rest.empty? def $mflags.set?(flag) grep(/\A-(?!-).*#{'%c' % flag}/i) { return true } false end if $mflags.set?(?n) $dryrun = true else $mflags << '-n' if $dryrun end $mflags << "DESTDIR=#{$destdir}" $continue = $mflags.set?(?k) end parse_args() include FileUtils::Verbose include FileUtils::NoWrite if $dryrun @fileutils_output = STDOUT @fileutils_label = '' def install(src, dest, options = {}) options[:preserve] = true super end $made_dirs = {} def makedirs(dirs) dirs = fu_list(dirs) dirs.reject! do |dir| $made_dirs.fetch(dir) do $made_dirs[dir] = true File.directory?(dir) end end super(dirs, :mode => 0755, :verbose => true) unless dirs.empty? end def with_destdir(dir) dir = dir.sub(/\A\w:/, '') if File::PATH_SEPARATOR == ';' $destdir + dir end exeext = CONFIG["EXEEXT"] ruby_install_name = CONFIG["ruby_install_name"] rubyw_install_name = CONFIG["rubyw_install_name"] version = CONFIG["ruby_version"] bindir = with_destdir(CONFIG["bindir"]) libdir = with_destdir(CONFIG["libdir"]) rubylibdir = with_destdir(CONFIG["rubylibdir"]) archlibdir = with_destdir(CONFIG["archdir"]) sitelibdir = with_destdir(CONFIG["sitelibdir"]) sitearchlibdir = with_destdir(CONFIG["sitearchdir"]) mandir = with_destdir(File.join(CONFIG["mandir"], "man")) configure_args = Shellwords.shellwords(CONFIG["configure_args"]) enable_shared = CONFIG["ENABLE_SHARED"] == 'yes' dll = CONFIG["LIBRUBY_SO"] lib = CONFIG["LIBRUBY"] arc = CONFIG["LIBRUBY_A"] makedirs [bindir, libdir, rubylibdir, archlibdir, sitelibdir, sitearchlibdir] ruby_bin = File.join(bindir, ruby_install_name) install ruby_install_name+exeext, ruby_bin+exeext, :mode => 0755 if rubyw_install_name and !rubyw_install_name.empty? install rubyw_install_name+exeext, bindir, :mode => 0755 end install dll, bindir, :mode => 0755 if enable_shared and dll != lib install lib, libdir, :mode => 0755 unless lib == arc install arc, libdir, :mode => 0644 install "config.h", archlibdir, :mode => 0644 install "rbconfig.rb", archlibdir, :mode => 0644 if CONFIG["ARCHFILE"] for file in CONFIG["ARCHFILE"].split install file, archlibdir, :mode => 0644 end end if dll == lib and dll != arc for link in CONFIG["LIBRUBY_ALIASES"].split ln_sf(dll, File.join(libdir, link)) end end Dir.chdir CONFIG["srcdir"] ruby_shebang = File.join(CONFIG["bindir"], ruby_install_name) if File::ALT_SEPARATOR ruby_bin_dosish = ruby_shebang.tr(File::SEPARATOR, File::ALT_SEPARATOR) end for src in Dir["bin/*"] next unless File.file?(src) next if /\/[.#]|(\.(old|bak|orig|rej|diff|patch|core)|~|\/core)$/i =~ src name = ruby_install_name.sub(/ruby/, File.basename(src)) dest = File.join(bindir, name) install src, dest, :mode => 0755 next if $dryrun shebang = '' body = '' open(dest, "r+") { |f| shebang = f.gets body = f.read if shebang.sub!(/^\#!.*?ruby\b/) {"#!" + ruby_shebang} f.rewind f.print shebang, body f.truncate(f.pos) end } if ruby_bin_dosish batfile = File.join(CONFIG["bindir"], name + ".bat") open(with_destdir(batfile), "w") { |b| b.print < 0644 end for f in Dir["*.h"] install f, archlibdir, :mode => 0644 end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32|mingw|bccwin32/ makedirs File.join(archlibdir, "win32") install "win32/win32.h", File.join(archlibdir, "win32"), :mode => 0644 end for mdoc in Dir["*.[1-9]"] next unless File.file?(mdoc) and open(mdoc){|fh| fh.read(1) == '.'} section = mdoc[-1,1] destdir = mandir + section destfile = File.join(destdir, mdoc.sub(/ruby/, ruby_install_name)) makedirs destdir if $mantype == "doc" install mdoc, destfile, :mode => 0644 else require 'mdoc2man.rb' w = Tempfile.open(mdoc) open(mdoc) { |r| Mdoc2Man.mdoc2man(r, w) } w.close install w.path, destfile, :mode => 0644 end end # vi:set sw=2: