/** ##skip -*-c-*- insns.def - YARV instruction definitions $Author: $ $Date: $ created at: 04/01/01 01:17:55 JST Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Koichi Sasada */ /** ##skip instruction comment @c: category @e: english description @j: japanese description instruction form: DEFINE_INSN instrunction_name (instruction_operands, ..) (pop_values, ..) (return value) { .. // insn body } */ /** @c nop @e nop @j nop */ DEFINE_INSN nop () () () { /* none */ } /**********************************************************/ /* deal with variables */ /**********************************************************/ /** @c variable @e get local variable(which is pointed by idx). @j idx で指定されたローカル変数をスタックに置く。 */ DEFINE_INSN getlocal (lindex_t idx) () (VALUE val) { val = *(GET_LFP() - idx); } /** @c variable @e get local variable (which is pointed by idx) as val. @j idx で指定されたローカル変数を val にする。 */ DEFINE_INSN setlocal (lindex_t idx) (VALUE val) () { (*(GET_LFP() - idx)) = val; } /** @c variable @e get special local variable ($~, $_, ..) @j 特殊なローカル変数の値を得る */ DEFINE_INSN getspecial (rb_num_t idx, rb_num_t type) () (VALUE val) { if (type == 0) { VALUE *pv = lfp_svar(GET_LFP(), idx); val = *pv; } else { VALUE backref = *lfp_svar(GET_LFP(), 1); if (type & 0x01) { switch (type >> 1) { case '&': val = rb_reg_last_match(backref); break; case '`': val = rb_reg_match_pre(backref); break; case '\'': val = rb_reg_match_post(backref); break; case '+': val = rb_reg_match_last(backref); break; default: rb_bug("unexpected back-ref"); } } else { val = rb_reg_nth_match(type >> 1, backref); } } } /** @c variable @e set special local variables @j 特別なローカル変数を設定する */ DEFINE_INSN setspecial (rb_num_t idx) (VALUE obj) () { VALUE *pv = lfp_svar(GET_LFP(), idx); *pv = obj; } /** @c variable @e get block local variable(which is pointed by idx and level). level means nest level of block, and specify how above this variable. @j level, idx で指定されたブロックローカル変数の値をスタックに置く。 level はブロックのネストレベルで、何段上かを示す。 */ DEFINE_INSN getdynamic (dindex_t idx, rb_num_t level) () (VALUE val) { int i; VALUE *dfp2 = GET_DFP(); for (i = 0; i < level; i++) { dfp2 = GET_PREV_DFP(dfp2); } val = *(dfp2 - idx); } /** @c variable @e set block local variable(which is pointed by 'idx') as val. level means nest level of block, and specify how above this variable. @j level, idx で指定されたブロックローカル変数の値を val にする。 level はブロックのネストレベルで、何段上かを示す。 */ DEFINE_INSN setdynamic (dindex_t idx, rb_num_t level) (VALUE val) () { int i; VALUE *dfp2 = GET_DFP(); for (i = 0; i < level; i++) { dfp2 = GET_PREV_DFP(dfp2); } *(dfp2 - idx) = val; } /** @c variable @e get instance variable id of obj. if is_local is not 0, search as class local variable. @j obj のインスタンス変数 id を得る。 もし is_local が !0 ならクラスローカル変数を得る */ DEFINE_INSN getinstancevariable (ID id) () (VALUE val) { val = rb_ivar_get(GET_SELF(), id); } /** @c variable @e set instance variable id of obj as val. if is_local is not 0, search as class local variable. @j obj のインスタンス変数を val にする。 もし is_local が !0 ならクラスローカル変数を得る */ DEFINE_INSN setinstancevariable (ID id) (VALUE val) () { rb_ivar_set(GET_SELF(), id, val); } /** @c variable @e get class variable id of klass as val. @j klass のクラス変数 id を得る。 */ DEFINE_INSN getclassvariable (ID id) () (VALUE val) { VALUE klass = eval_get_cvar_base(th, GET_ISEQ()); val = rb_cvar_get(klass, id); } /** @c variable @e set class variable id of klass as val. @j klass のクラス変数 id を val にする。 */ DEFINE_INSN setclassvariable (ID id) (VALUE val) () { rb_cvar_set(eval_get_cvar_base(th, GET_ISEQ()), id, val); } /** @c variable @e get constant variable id. if klass is Qnil, constant are searched in current scope. if klass is Qfalse, constant as top level constant. otherwise, get constant under klass class or module. @j 定数を得る。klass が Qnil なら、そのスコープで得られ る定数を得る。Qfalse なら、トップレベルスコープを得る。 それ以外なら、klass クラスの下の定数を得る。 */ DEFINE_INSN getconstant (ID id) (VALUE klass) (VALUE val) { val = eval_get_ev_const(th, GET_ISEQ(), klass, id, 0); } /** @c variable @e set constant variable id. if klass is Qfalse, constant is able to access in this scope. if klass is Qnil, set top level constant. otherwise, set constant under klass class or module. @j 定数 id を val にする。klass が Qfalse なら、そのスコープ で得られる定数を設定 id を設定する。Qnil なら、トップレベ ルスコープを設定、それ以外なら、klass クラスの下の定数を 設定する。 */ DEFINE_INSN setconstant (ID id) (VALUE val, VALUE klass) () { if (klass == Qnil) { klass = th_get_cbase(th); } if (NIL_P(klass)) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "no class/module to define constant"); } switch (TYPE(klass)) { case T_CLASS: case T_MODULE: break; default: rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "%s is not a class/module", RSTRING_PTR(rb_obj_as_string(klass))); } rb_const_set(klass, id, val); INC_VM_STATE_VERSION(); } /** @c variable @e get global variable id. @j グローバル変数 id を得る。 */ DEFINE_INSN getglobal (GENTRY entry) () (VALUE val) { val = GET_GLOBAL(entry); } /** @c variable @e set global variable id as val. @j グローバル変数 id を得る。 */ DEFINE_INSN setglobal (GENTRY entry) (VALUE val) () { SET_GLOBAL(entry, val); } /**********************************************************/ /* deal with values */ /**********************************************************/ /** @c put @e put nil @j put nil */ DEFINE_INSN putnil () () (VALUE val) { val = Qnil; } /** @c put @e put self. @j self を置く。 */ DEFINE_INSN putself () () (VALUE val) { val = GET_SELF(); } /** @c put @e put Qundef. DO NOT USE in NORMAL RUBY PROGRAM @j put Qundef. */ DEFINE_INSN putundef () () (VALUE val) { val = Qundef; } /** @c put @e put some object. i.e. Fixnum, true, false, nil, and so on. @j オブジェクトを置く。i.e. Fixnum, true, false, nil, and so on. */ DEFINE_INSN putobject (VALUE val) () (VALUE val) { /* */ } /** @c put @e put string val. string will be copied. @j 文字列を置く。文字列はコピーしとく。 */ DEFINE_INSN putstring (VALUE val) () (VALUE val) { val = rb_str_new3(val); } /** @c put @e put concatenate strings @j 文字列を連結して置く。 */ DEFINE_INSN concatstrings (rb_num_t num) (...) (VALUE val) // inc += 1 - num; { int i; VALUE v; val = rb_str_new(0, 0); for (i = num - 1; i >= 0; i--) { v = TOPN(i); rb_str_append(val, v); } POPN(num); } /** @c put @e to_str @j to_str */ DEFINE_INSN tostring () (VALUE val) (VALUE val) { val = rb_obj_as_string(val); } /** @c put @e to Regexp @j to Regexp */ DEFINE_INSN toregexp (rb_num_t flag) (VALUE str) (VALUE val) { val = rb_reg_new(RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_LEN(str), flag); } /** @c put @e put new array. @j 新しい配列をスタック上の num 個の値で初期化して置く。 */ DEFINE_INSN newarray (rb_num_t num) (...) (VALUE val) // inc += 1 - num; { val = rb_ary_new4((long)num, STACK_ADDR_FROM_TOP(num)); POPN(num); } /** @c put @e dup array @j 配列を dup してスタックに置く */ DEFINE_INSN duparray (VALUE ary) () (VALUE val) { val = rb_ary_dup(ary); } /** @c put @e expand array to num objects. @j スタックトップのオブジェクトが配列であれば、それを展開する。 配列オブジェクトの要素数が num以下ならば、代わりに nil を積む。num以上なら、 num以上の要素は切り捨てる。 配列オブジェクトでなければ、num - 1 個の nil を積む。 もし flag が真なら、残り要素の配列を積む */ DEFINE_INSN expandarray (rb_num_t num, rb_num_t flag) (..., VALUE ary) (...) // inc += (num > 0) ? num - 1 + (flag ? 1 : 0) : num + 1 - (flag ? 1 : 0); { int i; if ((long)num >= 0) { int len; if (TYPE(ary) != T_ARRAY) { ary = rb_ary_to_ary(ary); } len = RARRAY_LEN(ary); for (i = 0; i < len && i < num; i++) { PUSH(RARRAY_PTR(ary)[i]); } for (; i < num; i++) { PUSH(Qnil); } if (flag) { if (len > num) { PUSH(rb_ary_new4(len - num, &RARRAY_PTR(ary)[num])); } else { PUSH(rb_ary_new()); } } } else { long holdnum = -num; VALUE val; val = rb_ary_new4(holdnum, STACK_ADDR_FROM_TOP(holdnum)); if (CLASS_OF(ary) == rb_cArray) { val = rb_ary_concat(val, ary); } else { rb_ary_push(val, ary); } POPN(holdnum); PUSH(val); } } /** @c put @e concat two arrays @j 二つの配列をとってきてくっつける */ DEFINE_INSN concatarray () (VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2st) (VALUE ary) { VALUE ary2 = ary2st; if (ary2 == Qnil) { ary = ary1; } else { VALUE tmp1 = rb_check_convert_type(ary1, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_splat"); VALUE tmp2 = rb_check_convert_type(ary2, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_splat"); if (NIL_P(tmp1)) { tmp1 = rb_ary_new3(1, ary1); } if (NIL_P(tmp2)) { tmp2 = rb_ary_new3(1, ary2); } if (tmp1 == ary1) { tmp1 = rb_ary_dup(ary1); } ary = rb_ary_concat(tmp1, tmp2); } } /** @c put @e splat array @j splat array */ DEFINE_INSN splatarray (VALUE flag) (VALUE ary) (VALUE obj) { VALUE tmp = rb_check_convert_type(ary, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_splat"); if (NIL_P(tmp)) { tmp = rb_ary_new3(1, ary); } obj = tmp; if (0) { if (flag == Qfalse) { /* NODE_SPLAT */ obj = rb_Array(ary); } else { /* NODE_SVALUE */ if (RARRAY_LEN(ary) == 0) { obj = Qnil; } else if (RARRAY_LEN(ary) == 1) { obj = RARRAY_PTR(ary)[0]; } else { obj = ary; } } } } /** @c put @e check value is included in ary @j 配列に要素が入っているかどうかチェック。case/when で使う */ DEFINE_INSN checkincludearray (VALUE flag) (VALUE obj, VALUE ary) (VALUE obj, VALUE result) { int i; result = Qfalse; if (TYPE(ary) != T_ARRAY) { ary = rb_Array(ary); } if (flag == Qtrue) { /* NODE_CASE */ for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) { /* TODO: fix me (use another method dispatch) */ if (RTEST(rb_funcall2(RARRAY_PTR(ary)[i], idEqq, 1, &obj))) { result = Qtrue; break; } } } else { obj = Qfalse; /* NODE_WHEN */ for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) { if (RTEST(RARRAY_PTR(ary)[i])) { obj = result = Qtrue; break; } } } } /** @c put @e put new Hash. @j Hash.new */ DEFINE_INSN newhash (rb_num_t num) (...) (VALUE val) // inc += 1 - num; { int i; VALUE k, v; val = rb_hash_new(); for (i = num; i > 0; i -= 2) { v = TOPN(i - 2); k = TOPN(i - 1); rb_hash_aset(val, k, v); } POPN(num); } /** @c put @e put new Range object.(Range.new(low, high, flag)) @j Range.new(low, high, flag) のようなオブジェクトを置く。 */ DEFINE_INSN newrange (rb_num_t flag) (VALUE low, VALUE high) (VALUE val) { val = rb_range_new(low, high, flag); } /** @c put @e put !val. @j !val であるオブジェクトを置く。 */ DEFINE_INSN putnot () (VALUE obj) (VALUE val) { if (RTEST(obj)) { val = Qfalse; } else { val = Qtrue; } } /**********************************************************/ /* deal with stack operation */ /**********************************************************/ /** @c stack @e pop from stack. @j スタックから一つポップする。 */ DEFINE_INSN pop () (VALUE val) () { val = val; /* none */ } /** @c stack @e duplicate stack top. @j スタックトップをコピーしてスタックにおく */ DEFINE_INSN dup () (VALUE val) (VALUE val1, VALUE val2) { val1 = val2 = val; } /** @c stack @e duplicate stack top n elements @j スタックトップから n 個をコピーしてスタックにおく */ DEFINE_INSN dupn (rb_num_t n) (...) (...) // inc += n; { int i; VALUE *sp = STACK_ADDR_FROM_TOP(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { GET_SP()[i] = sp[i]; } INC_SP(n); } /** @c stack @e swap top 2 vals @j スタックトップの2つを交換する。 */ DEFINE_INSN swap () (VALUE val, VALUE obj) (VALUE obj, VALUE val) { /* none */ } /** @c stack @e @j */ DEFINE_INSN reput () (..., VALUE val) (VALUE val) // inc += 0; { /* none */ } /** @c stack @e get nth stack value from stack top @j スタックトップから n 個目をスタックトップにコピー */ DEFINE_INSN topn (rb_num_t n) (...) (VALUE val) // inc += 1; { val = TOPN(n); } /** @c stack @e set Nth stack entry to stack top @j スタックトップの値を n 個目のスタックにコピー */ DEFINE_INSN setn (rb_num_t n) (..., VALUE val) (VALUE val) // inc += 0 { GET_SP()[-n] = val; } /** @c stack @e empt current stack @j current stack を空にする */ DEFINE_INSN emptstack () (...) (...) // inc = 0; depth = 0; { SET_SP(GET_CFP()->bp); } /**********************************************************/ /* deal with setting */ /**********************************************************/ /** @c setting @e define (singleton) method id as body @j (特異)メソッド m を body として定義する。 */ DEFINE_INSN definemethod (ID id, ISEQ body, rb_num_t is_singleton) (VALUE obj) () { eval_define_method(th, obj, id, body, is_singleton, get_cref(GET_ISEQ(), GET_LFP())); } /** @c setting @e make alias (if v_p is Qtrue, make valias) @j alias を作る。もし v_p が Qtrue なら、valias (global variable) を作る */ DEFINE_INSN alias (VALUE v_p, ID id1, ID id2) () () { VALUE klass; if (v_p == Qtrue) { rb_alias_variable(id1, id2); } else { klass = get_cref(GET_ISEQ(), GET_LFP())->nd_clss; rb_alias(klass, id1, id2); } } /** @c setting @e undef @j undef */ DEFINE_INSN undef (ID id) () () { VALUE klass = get_cref(GET_ISEQ(), GET_LFP())->nd_clss; rb_undef(klass, id); INC_VM_STATE_VERSION(); } /** @c setting @e defined? @j defined? */ DEFINE_INSN defined (rb_num_t type, VALUE obj, VALUE needstr) (VALUE v) (VALUE val) { VALUE klass; char *expr_type = 0; char buf[0x10]; val = Qnil; switch (type) { case DEFINED_IVAR: if (rb_ivar_defined(GET_SELF(), SYM2ID(obj))) { expr_type = "instance-variable"; } break; case DEFINED_IVAR2: klass = get_cref(GET_ISEQ(), GET_LFP())->nd_clss; break; case DEFINED_GVAR: if (rb_gvar_defined((struct global_entry *)(obj & ~1))) { expr_type = "global-variable"; } break; case DEFINED_CVAR: klass = get_cref(GET_ISEQ(), GET_LFP())->nd_clss; if (rb_cvar_defined(klass, SYM2ID(obj))) { expr_type = "class variable"; } break; case DEFINED_CONST: klass = v; if (eval_get_ev_const(th, GET_ISEQ(), klass, SYM2ID(obj), 1)) { expr_type = "constant"; } break; case DEFINED_FUNC: klass = CLASS_OF(v); if (rb_method_boundp(klass, SYM2ID(obj), 0)) { expr_type = "method"; } break; case DEFINED_METHOD:{ VALUE klass = CLASS_OF(v); NODE *method = (NODE *) rb_method_node(klass, SYM2ID(obj)); if (method) { if (!(method->nd_noex & NOEX_PRIVATE)) { if (!((method->nd_noex & NOEX_PROTECTED) && !rb_obj_is_kind_of(GET_SELF(), rb_class_real(klass)))) { expr_type = "method"; } } } break; } case DEFINED_YIELD: if (GET_BLOCK_PTR()) { expr_type = "yield"; } break; case DEFINED_ZSUPER:{ rb_iseq_t *ip = GET_ISEQ(); while (ip) { if (ip->defined_method_id) { break; } ip = ip->parent_iseq; } if (ip) { VALUE klass = search_super_klass(ip->klass, GET_SELF()); if (rb_method_boundp(klass, ip->defined_method_id, 0)) { expr_type = "super"; } } break; } case DEFINED_REF:{ int nth = FIX2INT(obj); VALUE backref = *lfp_svar(GET_LFP(), 1); if (rb_reg_nth_match(nth, backref) != Qnil) { snprintf(buf, 0x10, "$%d", nth); expr_type = buf; } break; } default: rb_bug("unimplemented defined? type (VM)"); break; } if (expr_type != 0) { if (needstr != Qfalse) { val = rb_str_new2(expr_type); } else { val = Qtrue; } } } /** @c setting @e END{} @j END{} */ DEFINE_INSN postexe (ISEQ blockiseq) () () { rb_block_t *blockptr; VALUE proc; blockptr = RUBY_VM_GET_BLOCK_PTR_IN_CFP(GET_CFP()); blockptr->iseq = blockiseq; blockptr->proc = 0; proc = th_make_proc(th, GET_CFP(), blockptr); rb_set_end_proc(call_yarv_end_proc, proc); } /** @c setting @e trace @j trace */ DEFINE_INSN trace (rb_num_t nf) () () { rb_event_flag_t flag = nf; EXEC_EVENT_HOOK(th, flag, GET_SELF(), 0, 0 /* TODO: id, klass */); } /**********************************************************/ /* deal with control flow 1: class/module */ /**********************************************************/ /** @c class/module @e enter class definition scope. if super is Qfalse, and clsas "klass" is defined, it's redefine. otherwise, define "klass" class. @j クラス定義スコープへ移行する。もし super が Qfalse で klassクラスが 定義されていれば、再定義である。そうでなければ、klass クラスを定義する。 */ DEFINE_INSN defineclass (ID id, ISEQ klass_iseq, rb_num_t define_type) (VALUE cbase, VALUE super) (VALUE val) { VALUE klass; if (define_type == 0) { /* val is dummy. classdef returns class scope value */ if (super == Qnil) { super = rb_cObject; } if (cbase == Qnil) { cbase = th_get_cbase(th); } /* find klass */ if (rb_const_defined_at(cbase, id)) { /* already exist */ klass = rb_const_get_at(cbase, id); if (TYPE(klass) != T_CLASS) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "%s is not a class", rb_id2name(id)); } if (super != rb_cObject) { VALUE tmp; tmp = rb_class_real(RCLASS(klass)->super); if (tmp != super) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "superclass mismatch for class %s", rb_id2name(id)); } } } else { /* new class declaration */ klass = rb_define_class_id(id, super); rb_set_class_path(klass, cbase, rb_id2name(id)); rb_const_set(cbase, id, klass); rb_class_inherited(super, klass); } } else if (define_type == 1) { /* val is dummy. classdef returns class scope value */ /* super is dummy */ klass = rb_singleton_class(cbase); } else if (define_type == 2) { /* val is dummy. classdef returns class scope value */ /* super is dummy */ if (cbase == Qnil) { cbase = th_get_cbase(th); } /* find klass */ if (rb_const_defined_at(cbase, id)) { klass = rb_const_get_at(cbase, id); /* already exist */ if (TYPE(klass) != T_MODULE) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "%s is not a module", rb_id2name(id)); } } else { /* new module declaration */ klass = rb_define_module_id(id); rb_set_class_path(klass, cbase, rb_id2name(id)); rb_const_set(cbase, id, klass); } } else { rb_bug("unknown defineclass type: %d", define_type); } COPY_CREF(klass_iseq->cref_stack, th_cref_push(th, klass, NOEX_PUBLIC)); /* enter scope */ push_frame(th, klass_iseq, FRAME_MAGIC_CLASS, klass, (VALUE) GET_DFP() | 0x02, klass_iseq->iseq_encoded, GET_SP(), 0, klass_iseq->local_size); RESTORE_REGS(); INC_VM_STATE_VERSION(); NEXT_INSN(); } /**********************************************************/ /* deal with control flow 2: method/iterator */ /**********************************************************/ /** @c method/iterator @e obj.send(id, args..) # args.size => num @j obj.send(id, args..) # args.size => num flag & VM_CALL_ARGS_SPLAT_BIT != 0 -> splat last arg flag & VM_CALL_ARGS_BLOCKARG_BIT != 0 -> Proc as Block flag & VM_CALL_FCALL_BIT != 0 -> FCALL ( func() ) flag & VM_CALL_VCALL_BIT != 0 -> VCALL ( func ) */ DEFINE_INSN send (ID op_id, rb_num_t op_argc, ISEQ blockiseq, rb_num_t op_flag, IC ic) (...) (VALUE val) // inc += - (op_argc + ((op_flag & VM_CALL_ARGS_BLOCKARG_BIT) ? 1 : 0)); { NODE *mn; VALUE recv; VALUE klass; rb_block_t *blockptr = 0; rb_num_t num = op_argc; rb_num_t flag = op_flag; ID id = op_id; macro_eval_setup_send_arguments(num, blockptr, flag, blockiseq); if (flag & VM_CALL_FCALL_BIT) { /* method(...) */ recv = GET_SELF(); } else { /* recv.method(...) */ recv = TOPN(num); } klass = CLASS_OF(recv); mn = eval_method_search(id, klass, ic); if ((flag & VM_CALL_SEND_BIT) && mn && nd_type(mn->nd_body) == NODE_CFUNC) { NODE *node = mn->nd_body; extern VALUE rb_f_funcall(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE recv); extern VALUE rb_f_send(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE recv); if (node->nd_cfnc == rb_f_funcall || node->nd_cfnc == rb_f_send) { int i; VALUE sym = TOPN(num - 1); id = SYMBOL_P(sym) ? SYM2ID(sym) : rb_to_id(sym); /* shift arguments */ for (i=1; ind_cfnc == rb_f_funcall) { flag |= VM_CALL_FCALL_BIT; } } #if CURRENT_INSN_send || CURRENT_INSN_send_SC_xx_ax #if !YARV_AOT_COMPILED if (0) { if (0) { LABEL_IS_SC(start_init_in_send_for_opt_1): num = 1; recv = TOPN(1); } else if (0) { LABEL_IS_SC(start_init_in_send_for_opt_2): num = 2; recv = TOPN(2); } flag = 0; id = tmp_id; klass = CLASS_OF(recv); blockptr = 0; mn = rb_method_node(klass, id); } if (0) { LABEL_IS_SC(start_init_in_super): { rb_iseq_t *iseq = GET_ISEQ(); rb_iseq_t *ip = iseq; num = tmp_num; flag = VM_CALL_FCALL_BIT; recv = GET_SELF(); while (ip && !ip->klass) { ip = ip->parent_iseq; } if (ip == 0) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMethodError, "super called outside of method"); } id = ip->defined_method_id; if (ip != ip->local_iseq) { /* defined by method_defined() */ rb_control_frame_t *lcfp = GET_CFP(); while (lcfp->iseq != ip) { VALUE *tdfp = GET_PREV_DFP(lcfp->dfp); while (1) { lcfp = RUBY_VM_PREVIOUS_CONTROL_FRAME(lcfp); if (lcfp->dfp == tdfp) { break; } } } id = lcfp->method_id; klass = search_super_klass(lcfp->method_klass, recv); if (TOPN(num) == Qfalse) { /* for ZSUPER */ int i; POPN(num); num = ip->argc; for (i = 0; i < ip->argc; i++) { PUSH(lcfp->dfp[i - ip->local_size]); } } } else { klass = search_super_klass(ip->klass, recv); } flag = VM_CALL_SUPER_BIT | VM_CALL_FCALL_BIT; blockptr = tmp_blockptr; mn = rb_method_node(klass, id); } } LABEL_IS_SC(start_method_dispatch): #endif #endif macro_eval_invoke_method(recv, klass, id, num, mn, blockptr); RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS(); } /** @c method/iterator @e super(args) # args.size => num @j super(args) # args.size => num */ DEFINE_INSN invokesuper (rb_num_t op_argc, ISEQ blockiseq, rb_num_t flag) (...) (VALUE val) // inc += - op_argc; { #if YARV_AOT_COMPILED /* TODO: */ rb_bug("..."); #else tmp_num = op_argc; tmp_blockptr = 0; macro_eval_setup_send_arguments(tmp_num, tmp_blockptr, flag, blockiseq); if (!tmp_blockptr && !(flag & VM_CALL_ARGS_BLOCKARG_BIT)) { tmp_blockptr = GET_BLOCK_PTR(); } goto LABEL_IS_SC(start_init_in_super); #endif } /** @c method/iterator @e yield(args) # args.size => num, flag shows expand argument or not @j yield(args) # args.size => num */ DEFINE_INSN invokeblock (rb_num_t num, rb_num_t flag) (...) (VALUE val) // inc += 1 - num; { rb_block_t *block = GET_BLOCK_PTR(); rb_iseq_t *iseq; int argc = num; if (GET_ISEQ()->local_iseq->type != ISEQ_TYPE_METHOD || block == 0) { th_localjump_error("no block given (yield)", Qnil, 0); } iseq = block->iseq; if (BUILTIN_TYPE(iseq) != T_NODE) { if (flag & VM_CALL_ARGS_SPLAT_BIT) { VALUE ary = TOPN(0); if (CLASS_OF(ary) != rb_cArray) { /* not a [BUG] */ } else { VALUE *ptr = RARRAY_PTR(ary); VALUE *dst = GET_SP() - 1; int i, len = RARRAY_LEN(ary); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { dst[i] = ptr[i]; } argc += i - 1; INC_SP(i - 1); } } INC_SP(-argc); argc = th_yield_setup_args(th, iseq, argc, GET_SP(), 0); INC_SP(argc); push_frame(th, iseq, FRAME_MAGIC_BLOCK, block->self, (VALUE) block->dfp, iseq->iseq_encoded, GET_SP(), block->lfp, iseq->local_size - argc); reg_cfp->sp -= argc; RESTORE_REGS(); NEXT_INSN(); /* unreachable */ } else { val = th_yield_with_cfunc(th, block, block->self, num, STACK_ADDR_FROM_TOP(num)); POPN(num); } } /** @c method/iterator @e return from this scope. @j このスコープから抜ける。 */ DEFINE_INSN leave () (VALUE val) (VALUE val) { if (OPT_CHECKED_RUN) { if (reg_cfp->sp != reg_cfp->bp) { rb_bug("Stack consistency error (sp: %p, bp: %p)", reg_cfp->sp, reg_cfp->bp); } } RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS(); pop_frame(th); RESTORE_REGS(); } /** @c method/iterator @e return from this vm loop @j VM loop から抜ける */ DEFINE_INSN finish () (VALUE val) (VALUE val) { th->cfp++; return val; } /**********************************************************/ /* deal with control flow 3: exception */ /**********************************************************/ /** @c exception @e longjump @j longjump */ DEFINE_INSN throw (rb_num_t throw_state) (VALUE throwobj) (VALUE val) { rb_num_t state = throw_state & 0xff; rb_num_t flag = throw_state & 0x8000; rb_num_t level = throw_state >> 16; val = Qnil; /* dummy */ if (state != 0) { VALUE *pt; int i; if (flag != 0) { if (throw_state & 0x4000) { pt = (void *)1; } else { pt = 0; } } else { if (state == TAG_BREAK || state == TAG_RETRY) { pt = GC_GUARDED_PTR_REF((VALUE *) * GET_DFP()); for (i = 0; i < level; i++) { pt = GC_GUARDED_PTR_REF((VALUE *) * pt); } } else if (state == TAG_RETURN) { rb_control_frame_t *cfp = GET_CFP(); int is_orphan = 1; VALUE *dfp = GET_DFP(); /* check orphan */ while ((VALUE *) cfp < th->stack + th->stack_size) { if (GET_LFP() == cfp->lfp) { is_orphan = 0; break; } else if (dfp == cfp->dfp) { /* return from lambda{} */ if (cfp->magic == FRAME_MAGIC_LAMBDA) { is_orphan = 0; break; } dfp = GC_GUARDED_PTR_REF(*cfp->dfp); } cfp++; } if (is_orphan) { th_localjump_error("unexpected return", throwobj, TAG_RETURN); } /* set current lfp */ pt = GET_LFP(); } else { rb_bug("isns(throw): unsupport throw type"); } } th->state = state; return (VALUE) NEW_THROW_OBJECT(throwobj, (VALUE) pt, state); } else { /* continue throw */ VALUE err = throwobj; if (FIXNUM_P(err)) { th->state = FIX2INT(err); } else if (SYMBOL_P(err)) { th->state = TAG_THROW; } else if (BUILTIN_TYPE(err) == T_NODE) { th->state = GET_THROWOBJ_STATE(err); } else { th->state = FIX2INT(rb_ivar_get(err, idThrowState)); } return err; } /* unreachable */ } /**********************************************************/ /* deal with control flow 4: local jump */ /**********************************************************/ /** @c jump @e set PC to (PC + dst). @j PC を (PC + dst) にする。 */ DEFINE_INSN jump (OFFSET dst) () () { RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS(); JUMP(dst); } /** @c jump @e if val is not false or nil, set PC to (PC + dst). @j もし val が false か nil でなければ、PC を (PC + dst) にする。 */ DEFINE_INSN branchif (OFFSET dst) (VALUE val) () { if (RTEST(val)) { RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS(); JUMP(dst); } } /** @c jump @e if val is false or nil, set PC to (PC + dst). @j もし val が false か nil ならば、PC を (PC + dst) にする。 */ DEFINE_INSN branchunless (OFFSET dst) (VALUE val) () { if (!RTEST(val)) { RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS(); JUMP(dst); } } /**********************************************************/ /* for optimize */ /**********************************************************/ /** @c optimize @e inline cache @j inline cache */ DEFINE_INSN getinlinecache (IC ic, OFFSET dst) () (VALUE val) { if (ic->ic_vmstat == GET_VM_STATE_VERSION()) { val = ic->ic_value; JUMP(dst); } else { /* none */ val = Qnil; } } /** @c optimize @e inline cache (once) @j inline cache (once) */ DEFINE_INSN onceinlinecache (IC ic, OFFSET dst) () (VALUE val) { if (ic->ic_vmstat) { val = ic->ic_value; JUMP(dst); } else { /* none */ val = Qnil; } } /** @c optimize @e set inline cache @j set inline cahce */ DEFINE_INSN setinlinecache (OFFSET dst) (VALUE val) (VALUE val) { IC ic = (IC) * (GET_PC() + dst + 1); ic->ic_value = val; ic->ic_vmstat = GET_VM_STATE_VERSION(); } /** @c optimize @e case dispatcher @j case dispatcher */ DEFINE_INSN opt_case_dispatch (CDHASH hash, OFFSET else_offset) (..., VALUE key) () // inc += -1; { if (0) { /* if some === method is overrided */ } else { VALUE val; if (st_lookup(RHASH(hash)->tbl, key, &val)) { JUMP(FIX2INT(val)); } else { JUMP(else_offset); } } } /** @c optimize @e check environment @j check environment */ DEFINE_INSN opt_checkenv () () () { if (GET_CFP()->bp != GET_DFP() + 1) { VALUE *new_dfp = GET_CFP()->bp - 1; /* TODO: copy env and clean stack at creating env? */ *new_dfp = *GET_DFP(); SET_DFP(new_dfp); } } /** simple functions */ /** @c optimize @e optimized X+Y. @j 最適化された X+Y。 */ DEFINE_INSN opt_plus () (VALUE recv, VALUE obj) (VALUE val) { if (0) { } #if 1 else if (FIXNUM_2_P(recv, obj) && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_PLUS)) { /* fixnum + fixnum */ val = (recv + (obj & (~1))); if ((~(recv ^ obj) & (recv ^ val)) & ((VALUE)0x01 << ((sizeof(VALUE) * CHAR_BIT) - 1))) { val = rb_big_plus(rb_int2big(FIX2INT(recv)), rb_int2big(FIX2INT(obj))); } } #endif else if (!SPECIAL_CONST_P(recv) && !SPECIAL_CONST_P(obj)) { if (0) { } #if 1 else if (HEAP_CLASS_OF(recv) == rb_cFloat && HEAP_CLASS_OF(obj) == rb_cFloat && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_PLUS)) { val = rb_float_new(RFLOAT(recv)->value + RFLOAT(obj)->value); } #endif #if 1 else if (HEAP_CLASS_OF(recv) == rb_cString && HEAP_CLASS_OF(obj) == rb_cString && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_PLUS)) { val = rb_str_plus(recv, obj); } #endif #if 1 else if (HEAP_CLASS_OF(recv) == rb_cArray && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_PLUS)) { val = rb_ary_plus(recv, obj); } #endif else { goto INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch); } } else { INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch): #ifdef YARV_AOT_COMPILED val = rb_funcall(recv, idPLUS, 1, obj); #else PUSH(recv); PUSH(obj); tmp_id = idPLUS; goto LABEL_IS_SC(start_init_in_send_for_opt_1); #endif } } /** @c optimize @e optimized X-Y. @j 最適化された X-Y。 */ DEFINE_INSN opt_minus () (VALUE recv, VALUE obj) (VALUE val) { if (FIXNUM_2_P(recv, obj) && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_MINUS)) { long a, b, c; a = FIX2LONG(recv); b = FIX2LONG(obj); c = a - b; val = LONG2FIX(c); if (FIX2LONG(val) != c) { val = rb_big_minus(rb_int2big(a), rb_int2big(b)); } } else { /* other */ #ifdef YARV_AOT_COMPILED val = rb_funcall(recv, idMINUS, 1, obj); #else PUSH(recv); PUSH(obj); tmp_id = idMINUS; goto LABEL_IS_SC(start_init_in_send_for_opt_1); #endif } } /** @c optimize @e optimized X*Y. @j 最適化された X*Y。 */ DEFINE_INSN opt_mult () (VALUE recv, VALUE obj) (VALUE val) { if (FIXNUM_2_P(recv, obj) && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_MULT)) { long a, b, c; a = FIX2LONG(recv); if (a == 0) { val = recv; } else { b = FIX2LONG(obj); c = a * b; val = LONG2FIX(c); if (FIX2LONG(val) != c || c / a != b) { val = rb_big_mul(rb_int2big(a), rb_int2big(b)); } } } else if (!SPECIAL_CONST_P(recv) && !SPECIAL_CONST_P(obj)) { if (0) { } #if 1 else if (HEAP_CLASS_OF(recv) == rb_cFloat && HEAP_CLASS_OF(obj) == rb_cFloat && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_MULT)) { val = rb_float_new(RFLOAT(recv)->value * RFLOAT(obj)->value); } #endif else { goto INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch); } } else { INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch): /* other */ #ifdef YARV_AOT_COMPILED val = rb_funcall(recv, idMULT, 1, obj); #else PUSH(recv); PUSH(obj); tmp_id = idMULT; goto LABEL_IS_SC(start_init_in_send_for_opt_1); #endif } } /** @c optimize @e optimized X/Y. @j 最適化された X/Y。 */ DEFINE_INSN opt_div () (VALUE recv, VALUE obj) (VALUE val) { if (FIXNUM_2_P(recv, obj) && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_DIV)) { long x, y, div; x = FIX2LONG(recv); y = FIX2LONG(obj); { /* copied from numeric.c#fixdivmod */ long mod; if (y == 0) rb_num_zerodiv(); if (y < 0) { if (x < 0) div = -x / -y; else div = -(x / -y); } else { if (x < 0) div = -(-x / y); else div = x / y; } mod = x - div * y; if ((mod < 0 && y > 0) || (mod > 0 && y < 0)) { mod += y; div -= 1; } } val = LONG2FIX(div); } else if (!SPECIAL_CONST_P(recv) && !SPECIAL_CONST_P(obj)) { if (0) { } #if 1 else if (HEAP_CLASS_OF(recv) == rb_cFloat && HEAP_CLASS_OF(obj) == rb_cFloat && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_DIV)) { val = rb_float_new(RFLOAT(recv)->value / RFLOAT(obj)->value); } #endif else { goto INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch); } } else { INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch): /* other */ #ifdef YARV_AOT_COMPILED val = rb_funcall(recv, idDIV, 1, obj); #else PUSH(recv); PUSH(obj); tmp_id = idDIV; goto LABEL_IS_SC(start_init_in_send_for_opt_1); #endif } } /** @c optimize @e optimized X%Y. @j 最適化された X%Y。 */ DEFINE_INSN opt_mod () (VALUE recv, VALUE obj) (VALUE val) { if (FIXNUM_2_P(recv, obj) && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_MOD)) { long x, y, mod; x = FIX2LONG(recv); y = FIX2LONG(obj); { /* copied from numeric.c#fixdivmod */ long div; if (y == 0) rb_num_zerodiv(); if (y < 0) { if (x < 0) div = -x / -y; else div = -(x / -y); } else { if (x < 0) div = -(-x / y); else div = x / y; } mod = x - div * y; if ((mod < 0 && y > 0) || (mod > 0 && y < 0)) { mod += y; div -= 1; } } val = LONG2FIX(mod); } else if (!SPECIAL_CONST_P(recv) && !SPECIAL_CONST_P(obj)) { if (0) { } else if (HEAP_CLASS_OF(recv) == rb_cFloat && HEAP_CLASS_OF(obj) == rb_cFloat && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_MOD)) { double x = RFLOAT(recv)->value; double y = RFLOAT(obj)->value; double div, mod; /* copied from numeric.c#flodivmod */ #if 0 && defined(HAVE_FMOD) && !__x86_64__ /* temporary */ mod = fmod(x, y); printf("-- %f %% %f = %f\n", x, y, mod); #else { double z; modf(x / y, &z); mod = x - z * y; } #endif div = (x - mod) / y; if (y * mod < 0) { mod += y; div -= 1.0; } val = rb_float_new(mod); } else { goto INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch); } } else { INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch): /* other */ #ifdef YARV_AOT_COMPILED val = rb_funcall(recv, idMOD, 1, obj); #else PUSH(recv); PUSH(obj); tmp_id = idMOD; goto LABEL_IS_SC(start_init_in_send_for_opt_1); #endif } } /** @c optimize @e optimized X==Y. @j 最適化された X==Y。 */ DEFINE_INSN opt_eq () (VALUE recv, VALUE obj) (VALUE val) { if (FIXNUM_2_P(recv, obj) && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_EQ)) { long a = FIX2LONG(recv), b = FIX2LONG(obj); if (a == b) { val = Qtrue; } else { val = Qfalse; } } else if (!SPECIAL_CONST_P(recv) && !SPECIAL_CONST_P(obj)) { if (0) { } else if (HEAP_CLASS_OF(recv) == rb_cFloat && HEAP_CLASS_OF(obj) == rb_cFloat && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_EQ)) { double a = RFLOAT(recv)->value; double b = RFLOAT(obj)->value; if (isnan(a) || isnan(b)) { val = Qfalse; } else if (a == b) { val = Qtrue; } else { val = Qfalse; } } else if (HEAP_CLASS_OF(recv) == rb_cString && HEAP_CLASS_OF(obj) == rb_cString && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_EQ)) { VALUE str1 = recv; VALUE str2 = obj; if (str1 == str2) { val = Qtrue; } else if (RSTRING_LEN(str1) == RSTRING_LEN(str2) && rb_memcmp(RSTRING_PTR(str1), RSTRING_PTR(str2), RSTRING_LEN(str1)) == 0) { val = Qtrue; } else { val = Qfalse; } } else { goto INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch); } } else { INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch): /* other */ #ifdef YARV_AOT_COMPILED val = rb_funcall(recv, idEq, 1, obj); #else PUSH(recv); PUSH(obj); tmp_id = idEq; goto LABEL_IS_SC(start_init_in_send_for_opt_1); #endif } } /** @c optimize @e optimized Xtbl->num_entries); } else { goto INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch); } } else { INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch): /* other */ #ifdef YARV_AOT_COMPILED val = rb_funcall(recv, idLength, 0); #else val = rb_funcall(recv, idLength, 0); #endif } } /** @c optimize @e optimized succ @j optimized succ */ DEFINE_INSN opt_succ () (VALUE recv) (VALUE val) { if (SPECIAL_CONST_P(recv)) { if (FIXNUM_P(recv) && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_SUCC)) { const VALUE obj = INT2FIX(1); /* fixnum + INT2FIX(1) */ val = (recv + (obj & (~1))); if ((~(recv ^ obj) & (recv ^ val)) & 0x80000000) { val = rb_big_plus(rb_int2big(INT2FIX(recv)), rb_int2big(INT2FIX(obj))); } } else { goto INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch); } } else { if (HEAP_CLASS_OF(recv) == rb_cString && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_SUCC)) { val = rb_str_succ(recv); } else if (HEAP_CLASS_OF(recv) == rb_cTime && BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P(BOP_SUCC)) { val = rb_time_succ(recv); } else { goto INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch); } } if (0) { INSN_LABEL(normal_dispatch): /* other */ #ifdef YARV_AOT_COMPILED val = rb_funcall(recv, idSucc, 0); #else val = rb_funcall(recv, idSucc, 0); #endif } } /** @c optimize @e optimized regexp match @j 最適化された正規表現マッチ */ DEFINE_INSN opt_regexpmatch1 (VALUE r) (VALUE obj) (VALUE val) { val = rb_reg_match(r, obj); } /** @c optimize @e optimized regexp match 2 @j 最適化された正規表現マッチ 2 */ DEFINE_INSN opt_regexpmatch2 () (VALUE obj2, VALUE obj1) (VALUE val) { if (TYPE(obj2) == T_STRING) { val = rb_reg_match(obj1, obj2); } else { val = rb_funcall(obj2, idEqTilde, 1, obj1); } } /** @c optimize @e call native compiled method @j ネイティブコンパイルしたメソッドを kick */ DEFINE_INSN opt_call_native_compiled () () () { #if __GNUC__ && OPT_USE_JIT_COMPILE rb_iseq_t *iseq = GET_ISEQ(); void *label = (void *)iseq->jit_compiled; breakpoint(); SET_PC(iseq->iseq_orig); goto *label; #else rb_bug("opt_call_native_compiled is not supported"); #endif } /** @c joke @e BLT @j BLT */ DEFINE_INSN bitblt () () (VALUE ret) { ret = rb_str_new2("a bit of bacon, lettuce and tomato"); } /** @c joke @e The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything @j 人生、宇宙、すべての答え */ DEFINE_INSN answer () () (VALUE ret) { ret = INT2FIX(42); }