#ifndef RBIMPL_INTERN_PARSE_H /*-*-C++-*-vi:se ft=cpp:*/ #define RBIMPL_INTERN_PARSE_H /** * @file * @author Ruby developers * @copyright This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. * Permission is hereby granted, to either redistribute and/or * modify this file, provided that the conditions mentioned in the * file COPYING are met. Consult the file for details. * @warning Symbols prefixed with either `RBIMPL` or `rbimpl` are * implementation details. Don't take them as canon. They could * rapidly appear then vanish. The name (path) of this header file * is also an implementation detail. Do not expect it to persist * at the place it is now. Developers are free to move it anywhere * anytime at will. * @note To ruby-core: remember that this header can be possibly * recursively included from extension libraries written in C++. * Do not expect for instance `__VA_ARGS__` is always available. * We assume C99 for ruby itself but we don't assume languages of * extension libraries. They could be written in C++98. * @brief Public APIs related to ::rb_cSymbol. */ #include "ruby/internal/attr/const.h" #include "ruby/internal/attr/nonnull.h" #include "ruby/internal/dllexport.h" #include "ruby/internal/value.h" RBIMPL_SYMBOL_EXPORT_BEGIN() /* symbol.c */ /** * Calculates an ID of attribute writer. For instance it returns `:foo=` when * passed `:foo`. * * @param[in] id An id. * @exception rb_eNameError `id` is not for attributes (e.g. operator). * @return Calculated name of attribute writer. */ ID rb_id_attrset(ID id); RBIMPL_ATTR_CONST() /** * Classifies the given ID, then sees if it is a constant. In case an ID is in * Unicode (likely), its "constant"-ness is determined if its first character * is either upper case or title case. Otherwise it is detected if case- * folding the first character changes its case or not. * * @param[in] id An id to classify. * @retval 1 It is a constant. * @retval 0 It isn't. */ int rb_is_const_id(ID id); RBIMPL_ATTR_CONST() /** * Classifies the given ID, then sees if it is a global variable. A global * variable must start with `$`. * * @param[in] id An id to classify. * @retval 1 It is a global variable. * @retval 0 It isn't. */ int rb_is_global_id(ID id); RBIMPL_ATTR_CONST() /** * Classifies the given ID, then sees if it is an instance variable. An * instance variable must start with `@`, but not `@@`. * * @param[in] id An id to classify. * @retval 1 It is an instance variable. * @retval 0 It isn't. */ int rb_is_instance_id(ID id); RBIMPL_ATTR_CONST() /** * Classifies the given ID, then sees if it is an attribute writer. An * attribute writer is otherwise a local variable, except it ends with `=`. * * @param[in] id An id to classify. * @retval 1 It is an attribute writer. * @retval 0 It isn't. */ int rb_is_attrset_id(ID id); RBIMPL_ATTR_CONST() /** * Classifies the given ID, then sees if it is a class variable. A class * variable is must start with `@@`. * * @param[in] id An id to classify. * @retval 1 It is a class variable. * @retval 0 It isn't. */ int rb_is_class_id(ID id); RBIMPL_ATTR_CONST() /** * Classifies the given ID, then sees if it is a local variable. A local * variable starts with a lowercase character, followed by some alphanumeric * characters or `_`, then ends with anything other than `!`, `?`, or `=`. * * @param[in] id An id to classify. * @retval 1 It is a local variable. * @retval 0 It isn't. */ int rb_is_local_id(ID id); RBIMPL_ATTR_CONST() /** * Classifies the given ID, then sees if it is a junk ID. An ID with no * special syntactic structure is considered junk. This category includes for * instance punctuation. * * @param[in] id An id to classify. * @retval 1 It is a junk. * @retval 0 It isn't. */ int rb_is_junk_id(ID); RBIMPL_ATTR_NONNULL(()) /** * Sees if the passed C string constructs a valid syntactic symbol. Invalid * ones for instance includes whitespaces. * * @param[in] str A C string to check. * @retval 1 It is a valid symbol name. * @retval 0 It is invalid as a symbol name. */ int rb_symname_p(const char *str); /* vm.c */ /** * Queries the last match, or `Regexp.last_match`, or the `$~`. You don't have * to use it, because in reality you can get `$~` using rb_gv_get() as usual. * * @retval RUBY_Qnil The method has not ran a regular expression. * @retval otherwise An instance of ::rb_cMatch. */ VALUE rb_backref_get(void); /** * Updates `$~`. You don't have to use it, because in reality you can set `$~` * using rb_gv_set() as usual. * * @param[in] md Arbitrary Ruby object. * @post The passed object is assigned to `$~`. * * @internal * * Yes, this function bypasses the Check_Type() that would normally prevent * evil souls from assigning evil objects to `$~`. Use of this function is a * really bad smell. */ void rb_backref_set(VALUE md); /** * Queries the last line, or the `$_`. You don't have to use it, because in * reality you can get `$_` using rb_gv_get() as usual. * * @retval RUBY_Qnil There has never been a "line" yet. * @retval otherwise The last set `$_` value. */ VALUE rb_lastline_get(void); /** * Updates `$_`. You don't have to use it, because in reality you can set `$_` * using rb_gv_set() as usual. * * @param[in] str Arbitrary Ruby object. * @post The passed object is assigned to `$_`. * * @internal * * Unlike `$~`, you can assign non-strings to `$_`, even from ruby scripts. */ void rb_lastline_set(VALUE str); /* symbol.c */ /** * Collects every single bits of symbols that have ever interned in the entire * history of the current process. * * @return An array that contains all symbols that have ever existed. */ VALUE rb_sym_all_symbols(void); RBIMPL_SYMBOL_EXPORT_END() #endif /* RBIMPL_INTERN_PARSE_H */