#ifndef RUBY_RUBY_BACKWARD_H /*-*-C++-*-vi:se ft=cpp:*/ #define RUBY_RUBY_BACKWARD_H 1 /** * @author Ruby developers * @copyright This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. * Permission is hereby granted, to either redistribute and/or * modify this file, provided that the conditions mentioned in the * file COPYING are met. Consult the file for details. */ #include "ruby/internal/value.h" #include "ruby/internal/interpreter.h" #include "ruby/backward/2/attributes.h" #define RBIMPL_ATTR_DEPRECATED_SINCE(ver) RBIMPL_ATTR_DEPRECATED(("since " #ver)) #define RBIMPL_ATTR_DEPRECATED_INTERNAL(ver) RBIMPL_ATTR_DEPRECATED(("since "#ver", also internal")) #define RBIMPL_ATTR_DEPRECATED_INTERNAL_ONLY() RBIMPL_ATTR_DEPRECATED(("only for internal use")) RBIMPL_ATTR_DEPRECATED_INTERNAL_ONLY() void rb_clear_constant_cache(void); /* from version.c */ #if defined(RUBY_SHOW_COPYRIGHT_TO_DIE) && !!(RUBY_SHOW_COPYRIGHT_TO_DIE+0) # error RUBY_SHOW_COPYRIGHT_TO_DIE is deprecated #endif #endif /* RUBY_RUBY_BACKWARD_H */