#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: false require 'tk' require 'tkextlib/vu/charts' #---USAGE info = "...the heart of a Realtime Oscilloscope, where the PCIs joystick port gives 4 digital inputs and 4 analog 8 bit values with an resolution of ~1 millisecond (!!!) running Realtime Linux.

creates DEMO.ps see what happens" puts info #---GEOMETRY geo_fr = [10, 10, 210, 180] geo_ch0 = [10, 10, 210, 90] geo_ch1 = [10, 90, 210, 180] geo_t1 = [15, 88] #---GUI c = TkCanvas.new(:width=>220, :height=>190).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true) #---background TkcRectangle.new(c, geo_fr, :width=>4, :fill=>'aquamarine3', :tags=>['osc', 'frbg']) #---channel 0 ch0 = Tk::Vu::TkcStripchart.new(c, geo_ch0, :fill=>'', :jumpscroll=>false, :outline=>'', :scaleline=>'', :stripline=>'cyan', :tags=>['osc', 'ch0']) #---channel 1 ch1 = Tk::Vu::TkcStripchart.new(c, geo_ch1, :fill=>'', :jumpscroll=>0, :outline=>'', :scaleline=>'', :stripline=>'red', :tags=>['osc', 'ch1']) #---frame TkcRectangle.new(c, geo_fr, :width=>4, :tags=>['osc', 'frfg']) #---position txt1 = TkcText.new(c, geo_t1, :text=>"B1-Motion: X:%X\tY:%Y", :anchor=>:nw, :tags=>['osc', 'txt1']) #---BINDINGS c.bind('B1-Motion', proc{|x, y, xx, yy| ch0[:values] = x ch1[:values] = y txt1[:text] = "B1-Motion: X:#{xx}\tY:#{yy}" }, '%x %y %X %Y') Tk.root.bind('v', proc{ puts ch0[:values].join(' ') puts ch0[:values].size }) Tk.root.bind('p', proc{ c.postscript(:file=>'DEMO.ps') puts "DEMO.ps printed" }) Tk.root.bind('q', proc{exit}) ##################### Tk.mainloop