# # tkalignbox.rb : align widgets with same width/height # # by Hidetoshi NAGAI # # The box size depends on 'reqheight' and 'reqwidth' of contained widgets. # If you want to give the box size when those requested sizes are 0, # please set box.propagate = false (See the test routine at the tail of # this file). require 'tk' class TkAlignBox < TkFrame def initialize(*args) if self.class == TkAlignBox fail RuntimeError, "TkAlignBox is an abstract class" end @padx = 0 @pady = 0 if args[-1].kind_of? Hash keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop) @padx = keys.delete('padx') || 0 @pady = keys.delete('pady') || 0 args.push(keys) end super(*args) @max_width = 0 @max_height = 0 @propagate = true @widgets = [] end def _set_framesize fail RuntimeError, "TkAlignBox is an abstract class" end private :_set_framesize def _place_config(widget, idx, cnt) fail RuntimeError, "TkAlignBox is an abstract class" end private :_place_config def align widgets = [] @widgets.each{|w| widgets << w if w.winfo_exist?} @widgets = widgets cnt = @widgets.size.to_f @widgets.each_with_index{|w, idx| _place_config(w, idx, cnt)} @widgets = widgets _set_framesize if @propagate self end def add(*widgets) widgets.each{|w| unless w.kind_of? TkWindow fail RuntimeError, "#{w.inspect} is not a widget instance." end @widgets.delete(w) @widgets << w sz = w.winfo_reqwidth @max_width = sz if @max_width < sz sz = w.winfo_reqheight @max_height = sz if @max_height < sz } align end def <<(widget) add(widget) end def insert(idx, widget) unless widget.kind_of? TkWindow fail RuntimeError, "#{widget.inspect} is not a widget instance." end @widgets.delete(widget) @widgets[idx,0] = widget sz = widget.winfo_reqwidth @max_width = sz if @max_width < sz sz = widget.winfo_reqheight @max_height = sz if @max_height < sz align end def delete(idx) ret = @widgets.delete_at(idx) @req_size = 0 @widget.each{|w| sz = w.winfo_reqwidth @max_width = sz if @max_width < sz sz = w.winfo_reqheight @max_height = sz if @max_height < sz } align ret end def padx(size = nil) if size @padx = size align else @padx end end def pady(size = nil) if size @pady = size align else @pady end end attr_accessor :propagate end class TkHBox < TkAlignBox def _set_framesize bd = self.borderwidth self.width((@max_width + 2*@padx) * @widgets.size + 2*bd) self.height(@max_height + 2*@pady + 2*bd) end private :_set_framesize def _place_config(widget, idx, cnt) widget.place_in(self, 'relx'=>idx/cnt, 'x'=>@padx, 'rely'=>0, 'y'=>@pady, 'relwidth'=>1.0/cnt, 'width'=>-2*@padx, 'relheight'=>1.0, 'height'=>-2*@pady) end private :_place_config end TkHLBox = TkHBox class TkHRBox < TkHBox def _place_config(widget, idx, cnt) widget.place_in(self, 'relx'=>(cnt - idx - 1)/cnt, 'x'=>@padx, 'rely'=>0, 'y'=>@pady, 'relwidth'=>1.0/cnt, 'width'=>-2*@padx, 'relheight'=>1.0, 'height'=>-2*@pady) end private :_place_config end class TkVBox < TkAlignBox def _set_framesize bd = self.borderwidth self.width(@max_width + 2*@padx + 2*bd) self.height((@max_height + 2*@pady) * @widgets.size + 2*bd) end private :_set_framesize def _place_config(widget, idx, cnt) widget.place_in(self, 'relx'=>0, 'x'=>@padx, 'rely'=>idx/cnt, 'y'=>@pady, 'relwidth'=>1.0, 'width'=>-2*@padx, 'relheight'=>1.0/cnt, 'height'=>-2*@pady) end private :_place_config end TkVTBox = TkVBox class TkVBBox < TkVBox def _place_config(widget, idx, cnt) widget.place_in(self, 'relx'=>0, 'x'=>@padx, 'rely'=>(cnt - idx - 1)/cnt, 'y'=>@pady, 'relwidth'=>1.0, 'width'=>-2*@padx, 'relheight'=>1.0/cnt, 'height'=>-2*@pady) end private :_place_config end ################################################ # test ################################################ if __FILE__ == $0 f = TkHBox.new(:borderwidth=>3, :relief=>'ridge').pack f.add(TkButton.new(f, :text=>'a'), TkButton.new(f, :text=>'aa', :font=>'Helvetica 16'), TkButton.new(f, :text=>'aaa'), TkButton.new(f, :text=>'aaaa')) f = TkHBox.new(:borderwidth=>3, :relief=>'ridge', :padx=>7, :pady=>3, :background=>'yellow').pack f.add(TkButton.new(f, :text=>'a'), TkButton.new(f, :text=>'aa', :font=>'Helvetica 16'), TkButton.new(f, :text=>'aaa'), TkButton.new(f, :text=>'aaaa')) f = TkVBox.new(:borderwidth=>5, :relief=>'groove').pack f.add(TkButton.new(f, :text=>'a'), TkButton.new(f, :text=>'aa', :font=>'Helvetica 30'), TkButton.new(f, :text=>'aaa'), TkButton.new(f, :text=>'aaaa')) f = TkHRBox.new(:borderwidth=>3, :relief=>'raised').pack(:fill=>:x) f.add(TkButton.new(f, :text=>'a'), TkButton.new(f, :text=>'aa'), TkButton.new(f, :text=>'aaa')) f = TkVBBox.new(:borderwidth=>3, :relief=>'ridge').pack(:fill=>:x) f.propagate = false f.height 100 f.add(TkFrame.new(f){|ff| TkButton.new(ff, :text=>'a').pack(:pady=>4, :padx=>6, :fill=>:both, :expand=>true) }, TkFrame.new(f){|ff| TkButton.new(ff, :text=>'aa').pack(:pady=>4, :padx=>6, :fill=>:both, :expand=>true) }, TkFrame.new(f){|ff| TkButton.new(ff, :text=>'aaaa').pack(:pady=>4, :padx=>6, :fill=>:both, :expand=>true) }) Tk.mainloop end