# # Tk::RbWidget::ScrollFrame class # # This widget class is a frame widget with scrollbars. # The ScrollFrame doesn't propagate the size of embedded widgets. # When it is configured, scrollregion of the container is changed. # # Scrollbars can be toggled by Tk::RbWidget::ScrollFrame#vscroll & hscroll. # If horizontal or virtical scrollbar is turned off, the horizontal # or virtical size of embedded widgets is propagated. # # Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp) # require 'tk' class Tk::RbWidget::ScrollFrame < TkFrame include TkComposite DEFAULT_WIDTH = 200 DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 200 def initialize_composite(keys={}) @frame.configure(:width=>DEFAULT_WIDTH, :height=>DEFAULT_HEIGHT) # create scrollbars @h_scroll = TkScrollbar.new(@frame, 'orient'=>'horizontal') @v_scroll = TkScrollbar.new(@frame, 'orient'=>'vertical') # create a canvas widget @canvas = TkCanvas.new(@frame, :borderwidth=>0, :selectborderwidth=>0, :highlightthickness=>0) # allignment TkGrid.rowconfigure(@frame, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0) TkGrid.columnconfigure(@frame, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0) @canvas.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'news') @frame.grid_propagate(false) # assign scrollbars @canvas.xscrollbar(@h_scroll) @canvas.yscrollbar(@v_scroll) # convert hash keys keys = _symbolkey2str(keys) # check options for the frame framekeys = {} if keys.key?('classname') keys['class'] = keys.delete('classname') end if @classname = keys.delete('class') framekeys['class'] = @classname end if @colormap = keys.delete('colormap') framekeys['colormap'] = @colormap end if @container = keys.delete('container') framekeys['container'] = @container end if @visual = keys.delete('visual') framekeys['visual'] = @visual end if @classname.kind_of? TkBindTag @db_class = @classname @classname = @classname.id elsif @classname @db_class = TkDatabaseClass.new(@classname) else @db_class = self.class @classname = @db_class::WidgetClassName end # create base frame @base = TkFrame.new(@canvas, framekeys) # embed base frame @cwin = TkcWindow.new(@canvas, [0, 0], :window=>@base, :anchor=>'nw') @canvas.scrollregion(@cwin.bbox) # binding to reset scrollregion @base.bind('Configure'){ _reset_scrollregion(nil, nil) } # set default receiver of method calls @path = @base.path # scrollbars ON vscroll(keys.delete('vscroll'){true}) hscroll(keys.delete('hscroll'){true}) # please check the differences of the following definitions option_methods( :scrollbarwidth ) # set receiver widgets for configure methods (with alias) delegate_alias('scrollbarrelief', 'relief', @h_scroll, @v_scroll) # set receiver widgets for configure methods delegate('DEFAULT', @base) delegate('background', @frame, @base, @canvas, @h_scroll, @v_scroll) delegate('width', @frame) delegate('height', @frame) delegate('activebackground', @h_scroll, @v_scroll) delegate('troughcolor', @h_scroll, @v_scroll) delegate('repeatdelay', @h_scroll, @v_scroll) delegate('repeatinterval', @h_scroll, @v_scroll) delegate('borderwidth', @frame) delegate('relief', @frame) # do configure configure keys unless keys.empty? end # callback for Configure event def _reset_scrollregion(h_mod=nil, v_mod=nil) cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2 = @canvas.scrollregion x1, y1, x2, y2 = @cwin.bbox @canvas.scrollregion([x1, y1, x2, y2]) if h_mod.nil? && v_mod.nil? if x2 != cx2 && TkGrid.info(@h_scroll).size == 0 @frame.grid_propagate(true) @canvas.width = x2 Tk.update_idletasks @frame.grid_propagate(false) end if y2 != cy2 && TkGrid.info(@v_scroll).size == 0 @frame.grid_propagate(true) @canvas.height = y2 Tk.update_idletasks @frame.grid_propagate(false) end else @h_scroll.ungrid if h_mod == false @v_scroll.ungrid if v_mod == false h_flag = (TkGrid.info(@h_scroll).size == 0) v_flag = (TkGrid.info(@v_scroll).size == 0) @frame.grid_propagate(true) @canvas.width = (h_flag)? x2: @canvas.winfo_width @canvas.height = (v_flag)? y2: @canvas.winfo_height @h_scroll.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'ew') if h_mod @v_scroll.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'ns') if v_mod Tk.update_idletasks @frame.grid_propagate(false) end end private :_reset_scrollregion # forbid to change binding of @base frame def bind(*args) @frame.bind(*args) end def bind_append(*args) @frame.bind_append(*args) end def bind_remove(*args) @frame.bind_remove(*args) end def bindinfo(*args) @frame.bindinfo(*args) end # set width of scrollbar def scrollbarwidth(width = nil) if width @h_scroll.width(width) @v_scroll.width(width) else @h_scroll.width end end # vertical scrollbar : ON/OFF def vscroll(mode) Tk.update_idletasks st = TkGrid.info(@v_scroll) if mode && st.size == 0 then @v_scroll.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1, 'sticky'=>'ns') _reset_scrollregion(nil, true) elsif !mode && st.size != 0 then _reset_scrollregion(nil, false) else _reset_scrollregion(nil, nil) end self end # horizontal scrollbar : ON/OFF def hscroll(mode) Tk.update_idletasks st = TkGrid.info(@h_scroll) if mode && st.size == 0 then _reset_scrollregion(true, nil) elsif !mode && st.size != 0 then _reset_scrollregion(false, nil) else _reset_scrollregion(nil, nil) end self end end # test if __FILE__ == $0 f = Tk::RbWidget::ScrollFrame.new(:scrollbarwidth=>10, :width=>300, :height=>200) f.pack(:expand=>true, :fill=>:both) TkButton.new(f, :text=>'foo button', :command=>proc{puts 'foo'}).pack TkButton.new(f, :text=>'baaar button', :command=>proc{puts 'baaar'}).pack TkButton.new(f, :text=>'baz button', :command=>proc{puts 'baz'}).pack TkButton.new(f, :text=>'hoge hoge button', :command=>proc{puts 'hoge hoge'}).pack(:side=>:bottom) # f.hscroll(false) # add a text widget Tk.after(3000){ t = TkText.new(f).pack(:expand=>true, :fill=>:both) t.insert(:end, "An example of Tk::RbWidget::ScrollFrame widget.\n\n") t.insert(:end, "Here is a text widget.\n") t.insert(:end, "Please resize the application window, ") t.insert(:end, "and try the scrollbars ") t.insert(:end, "to move the view of packed widgets.\n") } # remove a vertical scrollbar, and then the scrollframe is not scrollable. Tk.after(6000){ f.vscroll(false) } # add a vertical scrollbar, and make the scrollframe scrollable. Tk.after(9000){ f.vscroll(true) } # remove a horizontal scrollbar, and then the scrollframe is not scrollable. Tk.after(12000){ f.hscroll(false) } # add a horizontal scrollbar, and make the scrollframe scrollable. Tk.after(15000){ f.hscroll(true) } Tk.mainloop end