#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This script is a sample of MultiTkIp class require "multi-tk" ############################### TkLabel.new(:text=>'This is the Default Master Ipnterpreter').pack(:padx=>5, :pady=>3) TkButton.new(:text=>'QUIT', :command=>proc{exit}).pack(:pady=>3) TkFrame.new(:borderwidth=>2, :height=>3, :relief=>:sunken).pack(:fill=>:x, :expand=>true, :padx=>10, :pady=>7) safe0_p = proc{|*args| p args} ############################### puts "---- create a safe slave IP with Ruby's safe-level == 1 ----------" ip = MultiTkIp.new_safe_slave(1){|*args| safe0_p["safe_slave safe_level == #{$SAFE}", args]} puts "\n---- create procs ----------" puts 'x = proc{p [\'proc x\', "$SAFE==#{$SAFE}"]; exit}' #x = proc{p ['proc x', "$SAFE==#{$SAFE}"]; exit} x = proc{p ['proc x', "$SAFE==#{$SAFE}"]; exit} TkLabel.new(:text=>'x = proc{p [\'proc x\', "$SAFE==#{$SAFE}"]; exit}', :anchor=>:w).pack(:fill=>:x) puts 'y = proc{|label| p [\'proc y\', "$SAFE==#{$SAFE}", label]; label.text($SAFE)}' y = proc{|label| p ['proc y', "$SAFE==#{$SAFE}", label]; label.text($SAFE)} TkLabel.new(:text=>'y = proc{|label| p [\'proc y\', "$SAFE==#{$SAFE}", label]; label.text($SAFE)}', :anchor=>:w).pack(:fill=>:x) puts 'z = proc{p [\'proc z\', "$SAFE==#{$SAFE}"]; exit}' z = proc{p ['proc z', "$SAFE==#{$SAFE}"]; exit} TkLabel.new(:text=>'z = proc{p [\'proc z\', "$SAFE==#{$SAFE}"]; exit}', :anchor=>:w).pack(:fill=>:x) puts "\n---- call 1st eval_proc ----------" print 'lbl = ' p lbl = ip.eval_proc{ TkLabel.new(:text=>"1st eval_proc : $SAFE == #{$SAFE}").pack f = TkFrame.new.pack TkLabel.new(f, :text=>"$SAFE == ").pack(:side=>:left) # TkLabel.new(f, :text=>" (<-- 'lbl' widget is here)").pack(:side=>:right) l = TkLabel.new(f).pack(:side=>:right) TkButton.new(:text=>':command=>proc{l.text($SAFE)}', :command=>proc{l.text($SAFE)}).pack(:fill=>:x, :padx=>5) TkButton.new(:text=>':command=>x', :command=>x).pack(:fill=>:x, :padx=>5) TkButton.new(:text=>':command=>proc{exit}', :command=>proc{ safe0_p["'exit' is called at $SAFE=#{$SAFE}"];exit} ).pack(:fill=>:x, :padx=>5) TkFrame.new(:borderwidth=>2, :height=>3, :relief=>:sunken).pack(:fill=>:x, :expand=>true, :padx=>10, :pady=>7) l # return the label widget } puts "\n---- change the safe slave IP's safe-level ==> 3 ----------" ip.safe_level = 3 puts "\n---- call 2nd eval_proc ----------" p ip.eval_proc(proc{ TkLabel.new(:text=>"2nd eval_proc : $SAFE == #{$SAFE}").pack f = TkFrame.new.pack TkLabel.new(f, :text=>"$SAFE == ").pack(:side=>:left) l = TkLabel.new(f, :text=>$SAFE).pack(:side=>:right) TkButton.new(:text=>':command=>proc{l.text($SAFE)}', :command=>proc{l.text($SAFE)}).pack(:fill=>:x, :padx=>5) TkButton.new(:text=>':command=>proc{y.call(l)}', :command=>proc{y.call(l)}).pack(:fill=>:x, :padx=>5) TkButton.new(:text=>':command=>proc{Proc.new(&y).call(l)}', :command=>proc{ Proc.new(&y).call(l) }).pack(:fill=>:x, :padx=>5) TkButton.new(:text=>':command=>proc{MultiTkIp._proc_on_current_safelevel(y).call(l)}', :command=>proc{ MultiTkIp._proc_on_current_safelevel(y).call(l) }).pack(:fill=>:x, :padx=>5) if Object.const_defined?(:RubyVM) && ::RubyVM.class == Class TkButton.new(:text=>':command=>proc{Thread.new(l, &y).value}', :command=>proc{ Thread.new(l, &y).value }).pack(:fill=>:x, :padx=>5) else # KNOWN BUG:: # Current multi-tk.rb cannot support long term threads on callbacks. # Such a thread freezes the Ruby/Tk process. end TkButton.new(:text=>':command=>proc{z.call}', :command=>proc{z.call}).pack(:fill=>:x, :padx=>5) TkFrame.new(:borderwidth=>2, :height=>3, :relief=>:sunken).pack(:fill=>:x, :expand=>true, :padx=>10, :pady=>7) }) puts "\n---- call 1st and 2nd eval_str ----------" p bind = ip.eval_str(' TkLabel.new(:text=>"1st and 2nd eval_str : $SAFE == #{$SAFE}").pack f = TkFrame.new.pack TkLabel.new(f, :text=>"$SAFE == ").pack(:side=>:left) l = TkLabel.new(f, :text=>$SAFE).pack(:side=>:right) TkButton.new(:text=>":command=>proc{y.call(l)}", :command=>proc{y.call(l)}).pack(:fill=>:x, :padx=>5) binding ', binding) p ip.eval_str(" TkButton.new(:text=>':command=>proc{ l.text = $SAFE }', :command=>proc{ l.text = $SAFE }).pack(:fill=>:x, :padx=>5) TkFrame.new(:borderwidth=>2, :height=>3, :relief=>:sunken).pack(:fill=>:x, :expand=>true, :padx=>10, :pady=>7) ", bind) puts "\n---- change the safe slave IP's safe-level ==> 4 ----------" ip.safe_level = 4 puts "\n---- call 3rd and 4th eval_proc ----------" p ip.eval_proc{ TkLabel.new(:text=>"3rd and 4th eval_proc : $SAFE == #{$SAFE}").pack } p ip.eval_proc{ TkButton.new(:text=>':command=>proc{ lbl.text = $SAFE }', :command=>proc{ lbl.text = $SAFE }).pack(:fill=>:x, :padx=>5) } puts "\n---- start event-loop ( current $SAFE == #{$SAFE} ) ----------" Tk.mainloop