#!/usr/local/bin/ruby # frozen_string_literal: false # # irbtk.rb - irb with Ruby/Tk # # If you want to use 'multi-tk.rb', give option '--multi-tk'. # And if you want to use 'remote-tk.rb', give option '--remote-tk'. # If you want both, you don't need to give both options, because # 'remote-tk.rb' includes 'multi-tk.rb'. # ( There is no trouble even if you give both options. ) # require 'remote-tk' if ARGV.delete('--remote-tk') require 'multi-tk' if ARGV.delete('--multi-tk') require "tk" module Tk MAINLOOP = Thread.new{ mainloop } end require "irb" if __FILE__ == $0 IRB.start(__FILE__) else # check -e option if /^-e$/ =~ $0 IRB.start(__FILE__) else IRB.setup(__FILE__) end end