#!/usr/bin/env ruby # browse -- # This script generates a directory browser, which lists the working # directory and allow you to open files or subdirectories by # double-clicking. require 'tk' class Browse BROWSE_WIN_COUNTER = TkVariable.new(0) def initialize(dir) BROWSE_WIN_COUNTER.value = BROWSE_WIN_COUNTER.to_i + 1 # create base frame base = TkToplevel.new { minsize(1,1) title('Browse : ' + dir) } # Create a scrollbar on the right side of the main window and a listbox # on the left side. list = TkListbox.new(base, 'relief'=>'sunken', 'width'=>20, 'height'=>20, 'setgrid'=>'yes') {|l| TkScrollbar.new(base, 'command'=>proc{|*args| l.yview *args}) {|s| pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y') l.yscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| s.set(first,last)}) } pack('side'=>'left', 'fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>'yes') # Fill the listbox with a list of all the files in the directory (run # the "ls" command to get that information). open("|ls -a #{dir}", 'r'){|fid| fid.readlines}.each{|fname| l.insert('end', fname.chomp) } } # Set up bindings for the browser. base.bind('Control-c', proc{ base.destroy Browse::BROWSE_WIN_COUNTER.value = \ Browse::BROWSE_WIN_COUNTER.to_i - 1}) list.bind('Double-Button-1', proc{TkSelection.get.each{|f| self.browse dir, f}}) end # The method below is invoked to open a browser on a given file; if the # file is a directory then another instance of this program is invoked; if # the file is a regular file then the Mx editor is invoked to display # the file. def browse (dir, file) file = dir + File::Separator + file if dir != '.' type = File.ftype(file) if type == 'directory' Browse.new(file) else if type == 'file' if ENV['EDITOR'] system(ENV['EDITOR'] + ' ' + file + ' &') else system('xedit ' + file + ' &') end else STDOUT.print "\"#{file}\" isn't a directory or regular file" end end end end Browse.new(ARGV[0] ? ARGV[0] : '.') TkRoot.new { withdraw Browse::BROWSE_WIN_COUNTER.trace('w', proc{exit if Browse::BROWSE_WIN_COUNTER.to_i == 0}) } Tk.mainloop