#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # tcolor -- # このスクリプトはRGB,HSB,CYM形式をサポートする # 簡易カラーエディタです。 # # Copyright (C) 1998 Takaaki Tateishi(ttate@jaist.ac.jp) # last update: Thu Jun 18 06:32:35 JST 1998 # # まずはtk.rbを読み込む。 require "tk" # Tkによって変更される変数はTkVariableのインスタンスを使う。 $colorSpace = TkVariable.new(:rgb) $red = 65535 $green = 0 $blue = 0 $color = "#ffff00000000" $updating = TkVariable.new(0) $autoUpdate = TkVariable.new(1) $name = TkVariable.new("") # $command = TkVariable.new("print(%%,\"\n\")") $command = TkVariable.new("") $label1 = TkVariable.new("label1") $label2 = TkVariable.new("label2") $label3 = TkVariable.new("label3") # setup the entry of the resourc database if (TkVarAccess.new('tcl_platform')['platform'] == 'unix') TkOptionDB.add('*Entry.background', 'white') end # 各イベント用のメソッド def rgbToHsv(red,green,blue) if ( red > green ) max = red min = green else max = green min = red end if ( blue > max ) max = blue else if ( blue < min ) min = blue end end range = max - min if ( max == 0 ) sat = 0.0 else sat = (max-min)/max end if ( sat == 0 ) hue = 0.0 else rc = (max-red)/range gc = (max-green)/range bc = (max-blue)/range if ( red == max ) hue = 0.166667 * (bc - gc) else if ( green == max ) hue = 0.166667 * (2.0 + rc - bc) else hue = 0.166667 * (4.0 + gc - rc) end end if ( hue < 0.0 ) hue = hue + 1.0 end end [hue,sat,max/65535] end def hsbToRgb(hue,sat,value) v = 65535.0 * value if( sat == 0 ) ans = [v,v,v] else hue = hue*6.0 if ( hue >= 6 ) hue = 0.0 end i = hue.to_i f = hue - i p = 65535.0 * value * (1.0 - sat) q = 65535.0 * value * (1.0 - (sat * f)) t = 65535.0 * value * (1.0 - (sat * (1.0 - f))) case i when 0 ans = [v,t,p] when 1 ans = [q,v,p] when 2 ans = [p,v,t] when 3 ans = [p,q,v] when 4 ans = [t,p,v] when 5 ans = [v,p,q] else raise(eException,"i value #{i} is out of range") end end return ans end def doUpdate newCmd = $command.to_s.gsub("%%","\"#{$color}\"") eval(newCmd) end def tc_scaleChanged if( $updating.to_i == 1 ) return end scale1 = $root.middle.middle.scale1 scale2 = $root.middle.middle.scale2 scale3 = $root.middle.middle.scale3 case $colorSpace.value.intern when :rgb $red = (scale1.get * 65.535).to_i $green = (scale2.get * 65.535).to_i $blue = (scale3.get * 65.535).to_i when :cmy $red = (65535 - scale1.get * 65.535).to_i $green = (65535 - scale2.get * 65.535).to_i $blue = (65535 - scale3.get * 65.535).to_i when :hsb list = hsbToRgb(scale1.get / 1000.0, scale2.get / 1000.0, scale3.get / 1000.0) $red = list[0] $green = list[1] $blue = list[2] else raise(Exception,"unknown colorSpace") end $color = format("#%04x%04x%04x",$red.to_i,$green.to_i,$blue.to_i) $root.middle.right.set_color($color) if( $autoUpdate.to_i == 1 ) doUpdate end Tk.update(TRUE) end def tc_setScales $updating.value = 1 scale1 = $root.middle.middle.scale1 scale2 = $root.middle.middle.scale2 scale3 = $root.middle.middle.scale3 case $colorSpace.value.intern when :rgb scale1.set($red / 65.535) scale2.set($green / 65.535) scale3.set($blue / 65.535) when :cmy scale1.set((65535 - $red) / 65.535) scale2.set((65535 - $green) / 65.535) scale3.set((65535 - $blue) / 65.535) when :hsb list = rgbToHsv($red,$green,$blue) scale1.set( list[0] * 1000.0 ) scale2.set( list[1] * 1000.0 ) scale3.set( list[2] * 1000.0 ) else raise(Exception,"unknown colorSpace") end $updating.value = 0 end def tc_loadNamedColor(name) if name[0,1] != "#" list = TkWinfo.rgb($root.middle.right.swatch,name) $red = list[0] $green = list[1] $blue = list[2] else case name.length when 4 format = /#(.{1})(.{1})(.{1})/ shift = 12 when 7 format = /#(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})/ shift = 8 when 10 format = /#(.{3})(.{3})(.{3})/ shift = 4 when 13 format = /#(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})/ shift = 0 else raise(eException,"syntax error in color name \"#{name}\"") end name.scan(format){|strlist| if strlist.length != 3 raise(eException,"syntax error in color name \"#{name}\"") end $red = strlist[0].to_i $green = strlist[1].to_i $blue = strlist[2].to_i } $red = $red << shift $green = $green << shift $blue = $blue << shift end tc_setScales $color = format("#%04x%04x%04x",$red,$green,$blue) $root.middle.right.set_color($color) if $autoUpdate.to_i == 1 doUpdate end end def changeColorSpace(space) case space when :rgb $label1.value = "Red" $label2.value = "Green" $label3.value = "Blue" when :cmy $label1.value = "Cyan" $label2.value = "Magenta" $label3.value = "Yellow" when :hsb $label1.value = "Hue" $label2.value = "Saturation" $label3.value = "Brightness" end tc_setScales end # tcolor用のメニュー class TkColorMenuFrame"raised", "borderwidth"=>"2") # Fileメニューボタンの生成 @file = TkMenubutton.new(self){|button| # Fileメニューの作成 @file_menu = TkMenu.new(button){ add "radio", "label" => "RGB color space", "variable" => $colorSpace, "value" => :rgb, "underline" => "0", "command" => proc{changeColorSpace(:rgb)} add "radio", "label" => "CMY color space", "variable" => $colorSpace, "value" => :cmy, "underline" => "0", "command" => proc{changeColorSpace(:cmy)} add "radio", "label" => "HSB color space", "variable" => $colorSpace, "value" => :hsb, "underline" => "0", "command" => proc{changeColorSpace(:hsb)} add "separator" add "radio", "label" => "Automatic updates", "variable" => $autoUpdate, "value" => "1", "underline" => "0" add "radio", "label" => "Manual updates", "variable" => $autoUpdate, "value" => "0", "underline" => "0" add "separator" add "command", "label" => "Exit program", "underline" => "0", "command" => proc{exit} } # FileメニューとFileボタンを関連付ける menu @file_menu text "File" underline "0" }.pack("side"=>"left") self end end # 下部のフレームのためのクラス class TkColorBotFrame "raised", "borderwidth"=> 2) @commandLabel = TkLabel.new(self, "text"=> "Command:") @command = TkEntry.new(self, "relief"=> "sunken", "borderwidth"=> "2", "textvariable"=> $command, "font"=> "-Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*") @update = TkButton.new(self, "text"=> "Update", "command"=> proc{doUpdate}) @commandLabel.pack("side"=>"left") @update.pack("side"=>"right","pady"=>".1c","padx"=>".25c") @command.pack("expand"=>"yes","fill"=>"x","ipadx"=>".25c") self end end # 中段左のフレーム class TkColorMiddleLeftFrame"vertical", "relief"=>"sunken", "borderwidth"=>"2") @scroll.pack("side"=>"right","fill"=>"y") @names = TkListbox.new(self, "width"=>"20", "height"=>"12", "yscrollcommand"=> proc{|first,last| @scroll.set first,last}, "relief"=>"sunken", "borderwidth"=>"2", "exportselection"=>"false") @scroll.command(proc{|*args| @names.yview(*args)}) @names.bind("Double-1",proc{ tc_loadNamedColor(@names.get(@names.curselection))}) @names.pack("side"=>"left") while (line = f.gets) line.chop! linelist = line.split(/[ \t]+/) if linelist.length == 4 @names.insert("end",linelist[3]) end end f.close break end self end end # 中段中央のフレーム class TkColorMiddleMiddleFrame"top","expand"=>"yes") end @f4.pack("side"=>"top","expand"=>"yes","fill"=>"x") @label1 = TkLabel.new(self,"textvariable"=>$label1) @scale1 = TkScale.new(self,"from"=>"0","to"=>"1000","length"=>"6c", "orient"=>"horizontal", "command"=>proc{tc_scaleChanged}) @scale1.pack("side"=>"top","anchor"=>"w") @label1.pack("side"=>"top","anchor"=>"w") @label2 = TkLabel.new(self,"textvariable"=>$label2) @scale2 = TkScale.new(self,"from"=>"0","to"=>"1000","length"=>"6c", "orient"=>"horizontal", "command"=>proc{tc_scaleChanged}) @scale2.pack("side"=>"top","anchor"=>"w") @label2.pack("side"=>"top","anchor"=>"w") @label3 = TkLabel.new(self,"textvariable"=>$label3) @scale3 = TkScale.new(self,"from"=>"0","to"=>"1000","length"=>"6c", "orient"=>"horizontal", "command"=>proc{tc_scaleChanged}) @scale3.pack("side"=>"top","anchor"=>"w") @label3.pack("side"=>"top","anchor"=>"w") @nameLabel = TkLabel.new(self,"text"=>"Name:") @name = TkEntry.new(self,"relief"=>"sunken","borderwidth"=>"2", "textvariable"=>$name,"width"=>"10", "font"=>"-Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*") @nameLabel.pack("side"=>"left") @name.pack("side"=>"right", "expand"=>"1", "fill"=>"x") @name.bind("Return",proc{tc_loadNamedColor $name.to_s}) self end end class TkColorMiddleRightFrame"2c", "height"=>"5c", "background"=>$color) @value = TkLabel.new(self, "text"=>$color, "width"=>"13", "font"=>"-Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*") @swatch.pack("side"=>"top","expand"=>"yes","fill"=>"both") @value.pack("side"=>"bottom","pady"=>".25c") self end def set_color(color) @swatch["background"] = color @value["text"] = color end end # 中段のフレーム class TkColorMiddleFrame "raised", "borderwidth"=> "2") @left = TkColorMiddleLeftFrame.new(self) @left.pack("side"=>"left","padx"=>".25c","pady"=>".25c") @middle = TkColorMiddleMiddleFrame.new(self) @middle.pack("side"=>"left","expand"=>"yes","fill"=>"y") @right = TkColorMiddleRightFrame.new(self) @right.pack("side"=>"left","padx"=>".25c","pady"=>".25c","anchor"=>"s") self end end class TkColor"top", "fill"=>"x") @bottom = TkColorBotFrame.new(self) @bottom.pack("side"=>"bottom","fill"=>"x") @middle = TkColorMiddleFrame.new(self) @middle.pack("side"=>"top","fill"=>"both") self end end $root = TkColor.new # イベントを待つ為にループに入る。 changeColorSpace :rgb Tk.mainloop