# paned2.rb -- # # This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing # a paned window that separates two windows vertically. # # based on "Id: paned2.tcl,v 1.1 2002/02/22 14:07:01 dkf Exp" if defined?($paned2_demo) && $paned2_demo $paned2_demo.destroy $paned2_demo = nil end $paned2_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w| title("Vertical Paned Window Demonstration") iconname("paned2") positionWindow(w) } TkLabel.new($paned2_demo, :font=>$font, :wraplength=>'4i', :justify=>:left, :text=><:top) The sash between the two scrolled windows below can be used to divide the area between them. Use the left mouse button to resize without redrawing by just moving the sash, and use the middle mouse button to resize opaquely (always redrawing the windows in each position.) If your Tk library linked to Ruby doesn't include a 'panedwindow', this demo doesn't work. Please use later version of Tk which supports a 'panedwindow'. EOL # The bottom buttons TkFrame.new($paned2_demo){|f| pack(:side=>:bottom, :fill=>:x, :pady=>'2m') TkButton.new(f, :text=>'Dismiss', :width=>15, :command=>proc{ $paned2_demo.destroy $paned2_demo = nil }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true) TkButton.new(f, :text=>'See Code', :width=>15, :command=>proc{ showCode 'paned2' }).pack(:side=>:left, :expand=>true) } paneList = TkVariable.new # define as normal variable (not array) paneList.value = [ # ruby's array --> tcl's list 'List of Ruby/Tk Widgets', 'TkButton', 'TkCanvas', 'TkCheckbutton', 'TkEntry', 'TkFrame', 'TkLabel', 'TkLabelframe', 'TkListbox', 'TkMenu', 'TkMenubutton', 'TkMessage', 'TkPanedwindow', 'TkRadiobutton', 'TkScale', 'TkScrollbar', 'TkSpinbox', 'TkText', 'TkToplevel' ] # Create the pane itself TkPanedwindow.new($paned2_demo, :orient=>:vertical){|f| pack(:side=>:top, :expand=>true, :fill=>:both, :pady=>2, :padx=>'2m') add(TkFrame.new(f){|paned2_top| TkListbox.new(paned2_top, :listvariable=>paneList) { # Invert the first item to highlight it itemconfigure(0, :background=>self.cget(:foreground), :foreground=>self.cget(:background) ) yscrollbar(TkScrollbar.new(paned2_top).pack(:side=>:right, :fill=>:y)) pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true) } }, TkFrame.new(f) {|paned2_bottom| # The bottom window is a text widget with scrollbar paned2_xscr = TkScrollbar.new(paned2_bottom) paned2_yscr = TkScrollbar.new(paned2_bottom) paned2_text = TkText.new(paned2_bottom, :width=>30, :wrap=>:non) { insert('1.0', "This is just a normal text widget") xscrollbar(paned2_xscr) yscrollbar(paned2_yscr) } Tk.grid(paned2_text, paned2_yscr, :sticky=>'nsew') Tk.grid(paned2_xscr, :sticky=>'nsew') TkGrid.columnconfigure(paned2_bottom, 0, :weight=>1) TkGrid.rowconfigure(paned2_bottom, 0, :weight=>1) } ) }