# # tkextlib/tcllib/ip_entry.rb # by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp) # # * Part of tcllib extension # * An IP address entry widget # # (The following is the original description of the library.) # # This package provides a widget for the entering of a IP address. # It guarantees a valid address at all times. require 'tk' require 'tkextlib/tcllib.rb' # TkPackage.require('ipentry', '0.1') TkPackage.require('ipentry') module Tk module Tcllib class IP_Entry < Tk::Entry PACKAGE_NAME = 'ipentry'.freeze def self.package_name PACKAGE_NAME end def self.package_version begin TkPackage.require('ipentry') rescue '' end end end IPEntry = IP_Entry class IP_Entry6 < IP_Entry end IPEntry6 = IP_Entry6 IP6_Entry = IP_Entry6 end end class Tk::Tcllib::IP_Entry TkCommandNames = ['::ipentry::ipentry'.freeze].freeze WidgetClassName = 'IPEntry'.freeze WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self def create_self(keys) if keys and keys != None tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path, *hash_kv(keys, true)) else tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path) end end private :create_self def __strval_optkeys super() << 'fg' << 'bg' << 'insertbackground' end private :__strval_optkeys def complete? bool(tk_send_without_enc('complete')) end def insert(*ip) tk_send_without_enc('insert', array2tk_list(ip.flatten)) end end class Tk::Tcllib::IP_Entry6 < Tk::Tcllib::IP_Entry TkCommandNames = ['::ipentry::ipentry6'.freeze].freeze end