# frozen_string_literal: false # # tk/menubar.rb # # Original version: # Copyright (C) 1998 maeda shugo. All rights reserved. # This file can be distributed under the terms of the Ruby. # Usage: # # menu_spec = [ # [['File', 0], # ['Open', proc{puts('Open clicked')}, 0], # '---', # ['Quit', proc{exit}, 0]], # [['Edit', 0], # ['Cut', proc{puts('Cut clicked')}, 2], # ['Copy', proc{puts('Copy clicked')}, 0], # ['Paste', proc{puts('Paste clicked')}, 0]] # ] # menubar = TkMenubar.new(nil, menu_spec, # 'tearoff'=>false, # 'foreground'=>'grey40', # 'activeforeground'=>'red', # 'font'=>'-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*--12-*-iso8859-1') # menubar.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x') # # # OR # # # menubar = TkMenubar.new # menubar.add_menu([['File', 0], # ['Open', proc{puts('Open clicked')}, 0], # '---', # ['Quit', proc{exit}, 0]]) # menubar.add_menu([['Edit', 0], # ['Cut', proc{puts('Cut clicked')}, 2], # ['Copy', proc{puts('Copy clicked')}, 0], # ['Paste', proc{puts('Paste clicked')}, 0]]) # menubar.configure('tearoff', false) # menubar.configure('foreground', 'grey40') # menubar.configure('activeforeground', 'red') # menubar.configure('font', '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*--12-*-iso8859-1') # menubar.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x') # # # OR # # radio_var = TkVariable.new('y') # menu_spec = [ # [['File', 0], # {:label=>'Open', :command=>proc{puts('Open clicked')}, :underline=>0}, # '---', # ['Check_A', TkVariable.new(true), 6], # {:type=>'checkbutton', :label=>'Check_B', # :variable=>TkVariable.new, :underline=>6}, # '---', # ['Radio_X', [radio_var, 'x'], 6], # ['Radio_Y', [radio_var, 'y'], 6], # ['Radio_Z', [radio_var, 'z'], 6], # '---', # ['cascade', [ # ['sss', proc{p 'sss'}, 0], # ['ttt', proc{p 'ttt'}, 0], # ['uuu', proc{p 'uuu'}, 0], # ['vvv', proc{p 'vvv'}, 0], # ], 0], # '---', # ['Quit', proc{exit}, 0]], # [['Edit', 0], # ['Cut', proc{puts('Cut clicked')}, 2], # ['Copy', proc{puts('Copy clicked')}, 0], # ['Paste', proc{puts('Paste clicked')}, 0]] # ] # menubar = TkMenubar.new(nil, menu_spec, # 'tearoff'=>false, # 'foreground'=>'grey40', # 'activeforeground'=>'red', # 'font'=>'Helvetica 12 bold') # menubar.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x') # See tk/menuspec.rb about the format of the menu_spec # To use add_menu, configuration must be done by calling configure after # adding all menus by add_menu, not by the constructor arguments. require 'tk' require 'tk/frame' require 'tk/composite' require 'tk/menuspec' class TkMenubar