require 'mkmf' $LDFLAGS = "-L/usr/local/lib" if"/usr/local/lib") $CFLAGS = "-Dss_family=__ss_family -Dss_len=__ss_len" case PLATFORM when /mswin32/ test_func = "WSACleanup" have_library("wsock32", "WSACleanup") when /cygwin32/ test_func = "socket" when /beos/ test_func = "socket" have_library("net", "socket") when /i386-os2_emx/ test_func = "socket" have_library("socket", "socket") else test_func = "socket" have_library("nsl", "t_open") have_library("socket", "socket") end $ipv6 = false if enable_config("ipv6", true) if try_run(< #include main() { exit(0); if (socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0) < 0) exit(1); else exit(0); } EOF $CFLAGS+=" -DENABLE_IPV6" $ipv6 = true end end $ipv6type = nil $ipv6lib = nil $ipv6libdir = nil if $ipv6 if egrep_cpp("yes", < #ifdef IPV6_INRIA_VERSION yes #endif EOF $ipv6type = "inria" $CFLAGS="-DINET6 "+$CFLAGS elsif egrep_cpp("yes", < #ifdef __KAME__ yes #endif EOF $ipv6type = "kame" $ipv6lib="inet6" $ipv6libdir="/usr/local/v6/lib" $CFLAGS="-DINET6 "+$CFLAGS elsif "/usr/inet6" $ipv6type = "linux" $ipv6lib="inet6" $ipv6libdir="/usr/inet6/lib" $CFLAGS="-DINET6 -I/usr/inet6/include "+$CFLAGS elsif egrep_cpp("yes", < #ifdef _TOSHIBA_INET6 yes #endif EOF $ipv6type = "toshiba" $ipv6lib="inet6" $ipv6libdir="/usr/local/v6/lib" $CFLAGS="-DINET6 "+$CFLAGS elsif egrep_cpp("yes", < #ifdef __V6D__ yes #endif EOF $ipv6type = "v6d" $ipv6lib="v6" $ipv6libdir="/usr/local/v6/lib" $CFLAGS="-DINET6 -I/usr/local/v6/include "+$CFLAGS elsif egrep_cpp("yes", < #ifdef _ZETA_MINAMI_INET6 yes #endif EOF $ipv6type = "zeta" $ipv6lib="inet6" $ipv6libdir="/usr/local/v6/lib" $CFLAGS="-DINET6 "+$CFLAGS end if $ipv6lib if $ipv6libdir and File.exist? "#{$ipv6libdir}/lib#{$ipv6lib}.a" $LDFLAGS += " -L#$ipv6libdir -l#$ipv6lib" else print < #include #include #include #include int main() { struct sockaddr_in sin; sin.sin_len; return 0; } EOF $CFLAGS="-DHAVE_SIN_LEN "+$CFLAGS end if try_link(< #include #include #include #include int main() { struct sockaddr sa; sa.sa_len; return 0; } EOF $CFLAGS="-DHAVE_SA_LEN "+$CFLAGS end have_header("sys/sysctl.h") $getaddr_info_ok = false if try_run(< #include #include #include #include main() { int passive, gaierr, inet4 = 0, inet6 = 0; struct addrinfo hints, *ai, *aitop; char straddr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN], strport[16]; for (passive = 0; passive <= 1; passive++) { memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_flags = passive ? AI_PASSIVE : 0; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; if ((gaierr = getaddrinfo(NULL, "54321", &hints, &aitop)) != 0) { (void)gai_strerror(gaierr); goto bad; } for (ai = aitop; ai; ai = ai->ai_next) { if (ai->ai_addr == NULL || ai->ai_addrlen == 0 || getnameinfo(ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen, straddr, sizeof(straddr), strport, sizeof(strport), NI_NUMERICHOST|NI_NUMERICSERV) != 0) { goto bad; } if (strcmp(strport, "54321") != 0) { goto bad; } switch (ai->ai_family) { case AF_INET: if (passive) { if (strcmp(straddr, "") != 0) { goto bad; } } else { if (strcmp(straddr, "") != 0) { goto bad; } } inet4++; break; case AF_INET6: if (passive) { if (strcmp(straddr, "::") != 0) { goto bad; } } else { if (strcmp(straddr, "::1") != 0) { goto bad; } } inet6++; break; case AF_UNSPEC: goto bad; break; default: /* another family support? */ break; } } } if (inet6 != 2 || inet4 != 2) goto bad; if (aitop) freeaddrinfo(aitop); exit(0); bad: if (aitop) freeaddrinfo(aitop); exit(1); } EOF $getaddr_info_ok = true end $objs = ["socket.o"] if $getaddr_info_ok if have_func("getaddrinfo") and have_func("getnameinfo") have_getaddrinfo = true end end if have_getaddrinfo $CFLAGS="-DHAVE_GETADDRINFO "+$CFLAGS else sockaddr_storage=true $CFLAGS="-I. "+$CFLAGS $objs += "getaddrinfo.o" $objs += "getnameinfo.o" have_func("inet_ntop") or have_func("inet_ntoa") have_func("inet_pton") or have_func("inet_aton") end have_header("sys/un.h") if have_func(test_func) have_func("hsterror") unless have_func("gethostname") have_func("uname") end if ENV["SOCKS_SERVER"] or enable_config("socks", false) if have_library("socks", "Rconnect") $CFLAGS="-DSOCKS" end end create_makefile("socket") end