# frozen_string_literal: true # $Id$ require 'optparse' def main output = nil parser = OptionParser.new parser.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [--output=PATH] " parser.on('--output=PATH', 'An output file.') {|path| output = path } parser.on('--help', 'Prints this message and quit.') { puts parser.help exit true } begin parser.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError => err $stderr.puts err.message $stderr.puts parser.help exit false end unless ARGV.size == 1 abort "wrong number of arguments (#{ARGV.size} for 1)" end out = "".dup File.open(ARGV[0]) {|f| prelude f, out grammar f, out usercode f, out } if output File.open(output, 'w') {|f| f.write out } else print out end end def prelude(f, out) @exprs = {} while line = f.gets case line when %r out << '/*' << $/ when %r out << '*/' << $/ when %r<%\*/> out << $/ when /\A%%/ out << '%%' << $/ return when /\A%token/ out << line.sub(/<\w+>/, '') when /\A%type/ out << line.sub(/<\w+>/, '') else if (/^enum lex_state_(?:bits|e) \{/ =~ line)..(/^\}/ =~ line) case line when /^\s*(EXPR_\w+),\s+\/\*(.+)\*\// @exprs[$1.chomp("_bit")] = $2.strip when /^\s*(EXPR_\w+)\s+=\s+(.+)$/ name = $1 val = $2.chomp(",") @exprs[name] = "equals to " + (val.start_with?("(") ? "#{val}" : "+#{val}+") end end out << line end end end require_relative "dsl" def grammar(f, out) while line = f.gets case line when %r out << DSL.new($2, ($1 || "").split(",")).generate << $/ when %r out << '#if 0' << $/ when %r out << '#endif' << $/ when %r<%\*/> out << $/ when /\A%%/ out << '%%' << $/ return else out << line end end end def usercode(f, out) require 'erb' compiler = ERB::Compiler.new('%-') compiler.put_cmd = compiler.insert_cmd = "out.<<" lineno = f.lineno src, = compiler.compile(f.read) eval(src, binding, f.path, lineno) end main