$expect_verbose = false class IO # Reads ios until pattern matches or the timeout is over. It returns # an array with the read buffer, followed by the matches. If a block is given, # the result is yielded to the block and returns nil. The optional timeout parameter defines, # in seconds, the total time to wait for pattern. If it is over of eof is found, it # returns/yields nil. However, the buffer in a timeout session is kept for the next expect call. # The default timeout is 9999999 seconds. def expect(pat,timeout=9999999) buf = '' case pat when String e_pat = Regexp.new(Regexp.quote(pat)) when Regexp e_pat = pat else raise TypeError, "unsupported pattern class: #{pattern.class}" end @unusedBuf ||= '' while true if not @unusedBuf.empty? c = @unusedBuf.slice!(0).chr elsif !IO.select([self],nil,nil,timeout) or eof? then result = nil @unusedBuf = buf break else c = getc.chr end buf << c if $expect_verbose STDOUT.print c STDOUT.flush end if mat=e_pat.match(buf) then result = [buf,*mat.to_a[1..-1]] break end end if block_given? then yield result else return result end nil end end