# frozen_string_literal: true module Psych module Nodes ### # This represents a YAML Document. This node must be a child of # Psych::Nodes::Stream. A Psych::Nodes::Document must have one child, # and that child may be one of the following: # # * Psych::Nodes::Sequence # * Psych::Nodes::Mapping # * Psych::Nodes::Scalar class Document < Psych::Nodes::Node # The version of the YAML document attr_accessor :version # A list of tag directives for this document attr_accessor :tag_directives # Was this document implicitly created? attr_accessor :implicit # Is the end of the document implicit? attr_accessor :implicit_end ### # Create a new Psych::Nodes::Document object. # # +version+ is a list indicating the YAML version. # +tags_directives+ is a list of tag directive declarations # +implicit+ is a flag indicating whether the document will be implicitly # started. # # == Example: # This creates a YAML document object that represents a YAML 1.1 document # with one tag directive, and has an implicit start: # # Psych::Nodes::Document.new( # [1,1], # [["!", "tag:tenderlovemaking.com,2009:"]], # true # ) # # == See Also # See also Psych::Handler#start_document def initialize version = [], tag_directives = [], implicit = false super() @version = version @tag_directives = tag_directives @implicit = implicit @implicit_end = true end ### # Returns the root node. A Document may only have one root node: # http://yaml.org/spec/1.1/#id898031 def root children.first end def document?; true; end end end end