class Object def self.yaml_tag url Psych.add_tag(url, self) end # FIXME: rename this to "to_yaml" when syck is removed ### # call-seq: to_yaml # # Convert an object to YAML def psych_to_yaml options = {} Psych.dump self, options end remove_method :to_yaml rescue nil alias :to_yaml :psych_to_yaml end class Module def psych_yaml_as url return if caller[0].end_with?('rubytypes.rb') if $VERBOSE warn "#{caller[0]}: yaml_as is deprecated, please use yaml_tag" end Psych.add_tag(url, self) end remove_method :yaml_as rescue nil alias :yaml_as :psych_yaml_as end module Kernel def psych_y *objects puts Psych.dump_stream(*objects) end remove_method :y rescue nil alias y psych_y end