=begin = $RCSfile$ -- Buffering mix-in module. = Info 'OpenSSL for Ruby 2' project Copyright (C) 2001 GOTOU YUUZOU All rights reserved. = Licence This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby. (See the file 'LICENCE'.) = Version $Id$ =end module OpenSSL module Buffering include Enumerable attr_accessor :sync BLOCK_SIZE = 1024*16 def initialize(*args) @eof = false @rbuffer = "" @sync = @io.sync end # # for reading. # private def fill_rbuff begin @rbuffer << self.sysread(BLOCK_SIZE) rescue Errno::EAGAIN retry rescue EOFError @eof = true end end def consume_rbuff(size=nil) if @rbuffer.empty? nil else size = @rbuffer.size unless size ret = @rbuffer[0, size] @rbuffer[0, size] = "" ret end end public def read(size=nil, buf=nil) if size == 0 if buf buf.clear return buf else return "" end end until @eof break if size && size <= @rbuffer.size fill_rbuff end ret = consume_rbuff(size) || "" if buf buf.replace(ret) ret = buf end (size && ret.empty?) ? nil : ret end def readpartial(maxlen, buf=nil) if maxlen == 0 if buf buf.clear return buf else return "" end end if @rbuffer.empty? begin return sysread(maxlen, buf) rescue Errno::EAGAIN retry end end ret = consume_rbuff(maxlen) if buf buf.replace(ret) ret = buf end raise EOFError if ret.empty? ret end # Reads at most _maxlen_ bytes in the non-blocking manner. # # When no data can be read without blocking, # It raises OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError extended by # IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable. # # IO::WaitReadable means SSL needs to read internally. # So read_nonblock should be called again after # underlying IO is readable. # # IO::WaitWritable means SSL needs to write internally. # So read_nonblock should be called again after # underlying IO is writable. # # So OpenSSL::Buffering#read_nonblock needs two rescue clause as follows. # # # emulates blocking read (readpartial). # begin # result = ssl.read_nonblock(maxlen) # rescue IO::WaitReadable # IO.select([io]) # retry # rescue IO::WaitWritable # IO.select(nil, [io]) # retry # end # # Note that one reason that read_nonblock write to a underlying IO # is the peer requests a new TLS/SSL handshake. # See openssl FAQ for more details. # http://www.openssl.org/support/faq.html # def read_nonblock(maxlen, buf=nil) if maxlen == 0 if buf buf.clear return buf else return "" end end if @rbuffer.empty? return sysread_nonblock(maxlen, buf) end ret = consume_rbuff(maxlen) if buf buf.replace(ret) ret = buf end raise EOFError if ret.empty? ret end def gets(eol=$/, limit=nil) idx = @rbuffer.index(eol) until @eof break if idx fill_rbuff idx = @rbuffer.index(eol) end if eol.is_a?(Regexp) size = idx ? idx+$&.size : nil else size = idx ? idx+eol.size : nil end if limit and limit >= 0 size = [size, limit].min end consume_rbuff(size) end def each(eol=$/) while line = self.gets(eol) yield line end end alias each_line each def readlines(eol=$/) ary = [] while line = self.gets(eol) ary << line end ary end def readline(eol=$/) raise EOFError if eof? gets(eol) end def getc c = read(1) c ? c[0] : nil end def each_byte while c = getc yield(c) end end def readchar raise EOFError if eof? getc end def ungetc(c) @rbuffer[0,0] = c.chr end def eof? fill_rbuff if !@eof && @rbuffer.empty? @eof && @rbuffer.empty? end alias eof eof? # # for writing. # private def do_write(s) @wbuffer = "" unless defined? @wbuffer @wbuffer << s @sync ||= false if @sync or @wbuffer.size > BLOCK_SIZE or idx = @wbuffer.rindex($/) remain = idx ? idx + $/.size : @wbuffer.length nwritten = 0 while remain > 0 str = @wbuffer[nwritten,remain] begin nwrote = syswrite(str) rescue Errno::EAGAIN retry end remain -= nwrote nwritten += nwrote end @wbuffer[0,nwritten] = "" end end public def write(s) do_write(s) s.length end # Writes _str_ in the non-blocking manner. # # If there are buffered data, it is flushed at first. # This may block. # # write_nonblock returns number of bytes written to the SSL connection. # # When no data can be written without blocking, # It raises OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError extended by # IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable. # # IO::WaitReadable means SSL needs to read internally. # So write_nonblock should be called again after # underlying IO is readable. # # IO::WaitWritable means SSL needs to write internally. # So write_nonblock should be called again after # underlying IO is writable. # # So OpenSSL::Buffering#write_nonblock needs two rescue clause as follows. # # # emulates blocking write. # begin # result = ssl.write_nonblock(str) # rescue IO::WaitReadable # IO.select([io]) # retry # rescue IO::WaitWritable # IO.select(nil, [io]) # retry # end # # Note that one reason that write_nonblock read from a underlying IO # is the peer requests a new TLS/SSL handshake. # See openssl FAQ for more details. # http://www.openssl.org/support/faq.html # def write_nonblock(s) flush syswrite_nonblock(s) end def << (s) do_write(s) self end def puts(*args) s = "" if args.empty? s << "\n" end args.each{|arg| s << arg.to_s if $/ && /\n\z/ !~ s s << "\n" end } do_write(s) nil end def print(*args) s = "" args.each{ |arg| s << arg.to_s } do_write(s) nil end def printf(s, *args) do_write(s % args) nil end def flush osync = @sync @sync = true do_write "" @sync = osync end def close flush rescue nil sysclose end end end