# -*- coding: us-ascii -*- # frozen_string_literal: false =begin = Info 'OpenSSL for Ruby 2' project Copyright (C) 2002 Michal Rokos All rights reserved. = Licence This program is licensed under the same licence as Ruby. (See the file 'LICENCE'.) =end require "mkmf" require File.expand_path('../deprecation', __FILE__) dir_config("openssl") dir_config("kerberos") Logging::message "=== OpenSSL for Ruby configurator ===\n" # Add -Werror=deprecated-declarations to $warnflags if available OpenSSL.deprecated_warning_flag ## # Adds -DOSSL_DEBUG for compilation and some more targets when GCC is used # To turn it on, use: --with-debug or --enable-debug # if with_config("debug") or enable_config("debug") $defs.push("-DOSSL_DEBUG") end Logging::message "=== Checking for system dependent stuff... ===\n" have_library("nsl", "t_open") have_library("socket", "socket") have_header("assert.h") Logging::message "=== Checking for required stuff... ===\n" if $mingw have_library("wsock32") have_library("gdi32") end result = pkg_config("openssl") && have_header("openssl/ssl.h") unless result result = have_header("openssl/ssl.h") result &&= %w[crypto libeay32].any? {|lib| have_library(lib, "OpenSSL_add_all_digests")} result &&= %w[ssl ssleay32].any? {|lib| have_library(lib, "SSL_library_init")} unless result Logging::message "=== Checking for required stuff failed. ===\n" Logging::message "Makefile wasn't created. Fix the errors above.\n" exit 1 end end result = checking_for("OpenSSL version is 0.9.8 or later") { try_static_assert("OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x00908000L", "openssl/opensslv.h") } unless result raise "OpenSSL 0.9.8 or later required." end unless OpenSSL.check_func("SSL_library_init()", "openssl/ssl.h") raise "Ignore OpenSSL broken by Apple.\nPlease use another openssl. (e.g. using `configure --with-openssl-dir=/path/to/openssl')" end Logging::message "=== Checking for OpenSSL features... ===\n" # compile options # check OPENSSL_NO_{SSL2,SSL3_METHOD} macro: on some environment, these symbols # exist even if compiled with no-ssl2 or no-ssl3-method. unless have_macro("OPENSSL_NO_SSL2", "openssl/opensslconf.h") have_func("SSLv2_method") end unless have_macro("OPENSSL_NO_SSL3_METHOD", "openssl/opensslconf.h") have_func("SSLv3_method") end have_func("TLSv1_1_method") have_func("TLSv1_2_method") have_func("RAND_egd") engines = %w{builtin_engines openbsd_dev_crypto dynamic 4758cca aep atalla chil cswift nuron sureware ubsec padlock capi gmp gost cryptodev aesni} engines.each { |name| OpenSSL.check_func_or_macro("ENGINE_load_#{name}", "openssl/engine.h") } # added in 1.0.0 have_func("EVP_CIPHER_CTX_copy") have_func("HMAC_CTX_copy") have_func("PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC") have_func("X509_NAME_hash_old") have_func("SSL_SESSION_cmp") # removed OpenSSL.check_func_or_macro("SSL_set_tlsext_host_name", "openssl/ssl.h") have_struct_member("CRYPTO_THREADID", "ptr", "openssl/crypto.h") # added in 1.0.1 have_func("SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb") have_macro("EVP_CTRL_GCM_GET_TAG", ['openssl/evp.h']) && $defs.push("-DHAVE_AUTHENTICATED_ENCRYPTION") # added in 1.0.2 have_func("X509_REVOKED_dup") have_func("SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb") OpenSSL.check_func_or_macro("SSL_get_server_tmp_key", "openssl/ssl.h") # added in 1.1.0 have_func("X509_STORE_get_ex_data") have_func("X509_STORE_set_ex_data") Logging::message "=== Checking done. ===\n" create_header create_makefile("openssl") {|conf| conf << "THREAD_MODEL = #{CONFIG["THREAD_MODEL"]}\n" } Logging::message "Done.\n"