/********************************************************************** object_traceing.c - Object Tracing mechanism/ObjectSpace extender for MRI. $Author: sorah $ created at: Mon May 27 16:27:44 2013 NOTE: This extension library is not expected to exist except C Ruby. NOTE: This feature is an example usage of internal event tracing APIs. All the files in this distribution are covered under the Ruby's license (see the file COPYING). **********************************************************************/ #include "ruby/ruby.h" #include "ruby/debug.h" size_t rb_gc_count(void); /* from gc.c */ struct traceobj_arg { VALUE newobj_trace; VALUE freeobj_trace; st_table *object_table; st_table *path_table; struct traceobj_arg *prev_traceobj_arg; }; struct traceobj_arg *traceobj_arg; /* TODO: do not use GLOBAL VARIABLE!!! */ struct allocation_info { char *path; unsigned long line; size_t generation; }; static void newobj_i(VALUE tpval, void *data) { struct traceobj_arg *arg = (struct traceobj_arg *)data; rb_trace_arg_t *tparg = rb_tracearg_from_tracepoint(tpval); VALUE obj = rb_tracearg_object(tparg); VALUE path = rb_tracearg_path(tparg); VALUE line = rb_tracearg_lineno(tparg); int path_len = RSTRING_LEN(path); struct allocation_info *info = (struct allocation_info *)ruby_xmalloc(sizeof(struct allocation_info)); char *path_cstr = ruby_xmalloc(path_len + 1); char *path_stored_cstr; strncpy(path_cstr, RSTRING_PTR(path), path_len); path_cstr[path_len] = 0; if (st_get_key(arg->path_table, (st_data_t)path_cstr, (st_data_t *)&path_stored_cstr)) { st_data_t n; st_lookup(arg->path_table, (st_data_t)path_stored_cstr, &n); st_insert(arg->path_table, (st_data_t)path_stored_cstr, n+1); ruby_xfree(path_cstr); path_cstr = path_stored_cstr; } else { st_add_direct(arg->path_table, (st_data_t)path_cstr, 1); } info->path = path_cstr; info->line = NUM2INT(line); info->generation = rb_gc_count(); st_insert(arg->path_table, (st_data_t)path_cstr, 0); st_insert(arg->object_table, (st_data_t)obj, (st_data_t)info); } static void freeobj_i(VALUE tpval, void *data) { struct traceobj_arg *arg = (struct traceobj_arg *)data; rb_trace_arg_t *tparg = rb_tracearg_from_tracepoint(tpval); VALUE obj = rb_tracearg_object(tparg); struct allocation_info *info; st_data_t n; if (st_delete(arg->object_table, (st_data_t *)&obj, (st_data_t *)&info)) { st_lookup(arg->path_table, (st_data_t)info->path, &n); if (n == 1) { st_delete(arg->path_table, (st_data_t *)&info->path, 0); ruby_xfree(info->path); } else { st_insert(arg->path_table, (st_data_t)info->path, n-1); } ruby_xfree(info); } } static int free_keys_i(st_data_t key, st_data_t value, void *data) { ruby_xfree((void *)key); return ST_CONTINUE; } static int free_values_i(st_data_t key, st_data_t value, void *data) { ruby_xfree((void *)value); return ST_CONTINUE; } static VALUE stop_trace_object_allocations(void *data) { struct traceobj_arg *arg = (struct traceobj_arg *)data; rb_tracepoint_disable(arg->newobj_trace); rb_tracepoint_disable(arg->freeobj_trace); st_foreach(arg->object_table, free_values_i, 0); st_foreach(arg->path_table, free_keys_i, 0); st_free_table(arg->object_table); st_free_table(arg->path_table); traceobj_arg = arg->prev_traceobj_arg; return Qnil; } static VALUE trace_object_allocations(VALUE objspace) { struct traceobj_arg arg; arg.newobj_trace = rb_tracepoint_new(0, RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT_NEWOBJ, newobj_i, &arg); arg.freeobj_trace = rb_tracepoint_new(0, RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT_FREEOBJ, freeobj_i, &arg); arg.object_table = st_init_numtable(); arg.path_table = st_init_strtable(); arg.prev_traceobj_arg = traceobj_arg; traceobj_arg = &arg; rb_tracepoint_enable(arg.newobj_trace); rb_tracepoint_enable(arg.freeobj_trace); return rb_ensure(rb_yield, Qnil, stop_trace_object_allocations, (VALUE)&arg); } struct allocation_info * allocation_info(VALUE obj) { if (traceobj_arg) { struct allocation_info *info; if (st_lookup(traceobj_arg->object_table, obj, (st_data_t *)&info)) { return info; } } return NULL; } static VALUE allocation_sourcefile(VALUE objspace, VALUE obj) { struct allocation_info *info = allocation_info(obj); if (info) { return rb_str_new2(info->path); } else { return Qnil; } } static VALUE allocation_sourceline(VALUE objspace, VALUE obj) { struct allocation_info *info = allocation_info(obj); if (info) { return INT2FIX(info->line); } else { return Qnil; } } static VALUE allocation_generation(VALUE objspace, VALUE obj) { struct allocation_info *info = allocation_info(obj); if (info) { return SIZET2NUM(info->generation); } else { return Qnil; } } void Init_object_tracing(VALUE rb_mObjSpace) { rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "trace_object_allocations", trace_object_allocations, 0); rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "allocation_sourcefile", allocation_sourcefile, 1); rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "allocation_sourceline", allocation_sourceline, 1); rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "allocation_generation", allocation_generation, 1); }