/********************************************************************** object_tracing.c - Object Tracing mechanism/ObjectSpace extender for MRI. $Author$ created at: Mon May 27 16:27:44 2013 NOTE: This extension library is not expected to exist except C Ruby. NOTE: This feature is an example usage of internal event tracing APIs. All the files in this distribution are covered under the Ruby's license (see the file COPYING). **********************************************************************/ #include "internal.h" #include "ruby/debug.h" #include "objspace.h" struct traceobj_arg { int running; int keep_remains; VALUE newobj_trace; VALUE freeobj_trace; st_table *object_table; /* obj (VALUE) -> allocation_info */ st_table *str_table; /* cstr -> refcount */ struct traceobj_arg *prev_traceobj_arg; }; static const char * make_unique_str(st_table *tbl, const char *str, long len) { if (!str) { return NULL; } else { st_data_t n; char *result; if (st_lookup(tbl, (st_data_t)str, &n)) { st_insert(tbl, (st_data_t)str, n+1); st_get_key(tbl, (st_data_t)str, &n); result = (char *)n; } else { result = (char *)ruby_xmalloc(len+1); strncpy(result, str, len); result[len] = 0; st_add_direct(tbl, (st_data_t)result, 1); } return result; } } static void delete_unique_str(st_table *tbl, const char *str) { if (str) { st_data_t n; st_lookup(tbl, (st_data_t)str, &n); if (n == 1) { n = (st_data_t)str; st_delete(tbl, &n, 0); ruby_xfree((char *)n); } else { st_insert(tbl, (st_data_t)str, n-1); } } } static void newobj_i(VALUE tpval, void *data) { struct traceobj_arg *arg = (struct traceobj_arg *)data; rb_trace_arg_t *tparg = rb_tracearg_from_tracepoint(tpval); VALUE obj = rb_tracearg_object(tparg); VALUE path = rb_tracearg_path(tparg); VALUE line = rb_tracearg_lineno(tparg); VALUE mid = rb_tracearg_method_id(tparg); VALUE klass = rb_tracearg_defined_class(tparg); struct allocation_info *info; const char *path_cstr = RTEST(path) ? make_unique_str(arg->str_table, RSTRING_PTR(path), RSTRING_LEN(path)) : 0; VALUE class_path = (RTEST(klass) && !OBJ_FROZEN(klass)) ? rb_class_path_cached(klass) : Qnil; const char *class_path_cstr = RTEST(class_path) ? make_unique_str(arg->str_table, RSTRING_PTR(class_path), RSTRING_LEN(class_path)) : 0; st_data_t v; if (st_lookup(arg->object_table, (st_data_t)obj, &v)) { info = (struct allocation_info *)v; if (arg->keep_remains) { if (info->living) { /* do nothing. there is possibility to keep living if FREEOBJ events while suppressing tracing */ } } /* reuse info */ delete_unique_str(arg->str_table, info->path); delete_unique_str(arg->str_table, info->class_path); } else { info = (struct allocation_info *)ruby_xmalloc(sizeof(struct allocation_info)); } info->living = 1; info->flags = RBASIC(obj)->flags; info->klass = RBASIC_CLASS(obj); info->path = path_cstr; info->line = NUM2INT(line); info->mid = mid; info->class_path = class_path_cstr; info->generation = rb_gc_count(); st_insert(arg->object_table, (st_data_t)obj, (st_data_t)info); } static void freeobj_i(VALUE tpval, void *data) { struct traceobj_arg *arg = (struct traceobj_arg *)data; rb_trace_arg_t *tparg = rb_tracearg_from_tracepoint(tpval); st_data_t obj = (st_data_t)rb_tracearg_object(tparg); st_data_t v; struct allocation_info *info; if (arg->keep_remains) { if (st_lookup(arg->object_table, obj, &v)) { info = (struct allocation_info *)v; info->living = 0; } } else { if (st_delete(arg->object_table, &obj, &v)) { info = (struct allocation_info *)v; delete_unique_str(arg->str_table, info->path); delete_unique_str(arg->str_table, info->class_path); ruby_xfree(info); } } } static int free_keys_i(st_data_t key, st_data_t value, st_data_t data) { ruby_xfree((void *)key); return ST_CONTINUE; } static int free_values_i(st_data_t key, st_data_t value, st_data_t data) { ruby_xfree((void *)value); return ST_CONTINUE; } static void allocation_info_tracer_mark(void *ptr) { struct traceobj_arg *trace_arg = (struct traceobj_arg *)ptr; rb_gc_mark(trace_arg->newobj_trace); rb_gc_mark(trace_arg->freeobj_trace); } static void allocation_info_tracer_free(void *ptr) { struct traceobj_arg *arg = (struct traceobj_arg *)ptr; /* clear tables */ st_foreach(arg->object_table, free_values_i, 0); st_free_table(arg->object_table); st_foreach(arg->str_table, free_keys_i, 0); st_free_table(arg->str_table); xfree(arg); } static size_t allocation_info_tracer_memsize(const void *ptr) { size_t size; struct traceobj_arg *trace_arg = (struct traceobj_arg *)ptr; size = sizeof(*trace_arg); size += st_memsize(trace_arg->object_table); size += st_memsize(trace_arg->str_table); return size; } static int hash_foreach_should_replace_key(st_data_t key, st_data_t value, st_data_t argp, int error) { VALUE allocated_object; allocated_object = (VALUE)value; if (allocated_object != rb_gc_location(allocated_object)) { return ST_REPLACE; } return ST_CONTINUE; } static int hash_replace_key(st_data_t *key, st_data_t *value, st_data_t argp, int existing) { *key = rb_gc_location((VALUE)*key); return ST_CONTINUE; } static void allocation_info_tracer_compact(void *ptr) { struct traceobj_arg *trace_arg = (struct traceobj_arg *)ptr; if (st_foreach_with_replace(trace_arg->object_table, hash_foreach_should_replace_key, hash_replace_key, 0)) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "hash modified during iteration"); } } static const rb_data_type_t allocation_info_tracer_type = { "ObjectTracing/allocation_info_tracer", { allocation_info_tracer_mark, allocation_info_tracer_free, /* Never called because global */ allocation_info_tracer_memsize, allocation_info_tracer_compact, }, 0, 0, RUBY_TYPED_FREE_IMMEDIATELY }; static VALUE traceobj_arg; static struct traceobj_arg *tmp_trace_arg; /* TODO: Do not use global variables */ static int tmp_keep_remains; /* TODO: Do not use global variables */ static struct traceobj_arg * get_traceobj_arg(void) { if (tmp_trace_arg == 0) { VALUE obj = TypedData_Make_Struct(rb_cObject, struct traceobj_arg, &allocation_info_tracer_type, tmp_trace_arg); traceobj_arg = obj; rb_gc_register_mark_object(traceobj_arg); tmp_trace_arg->running = 0; tmp_trace_arg->keep_remains = tmp_keep_remains; tmp_trace_arg->newobj_trace = 0; tmp_trace_arg->freeobj_trace = 0; tmp_trace_arg->object_table = st_init_numtable(); tmp_trace_arg->str_table = st_init_strtable(); } return tmp_trace_arg; } /* * call-seq: trace_object_allocations_start * * Starts tracing object allocations. * */ static VALUE trace_object_allocations_start(VALUE self) { struct traceobj_arg *arg = get_traceobj_arg(); if (arg->running++ > 0) { /* do nothing */ } else { if (arg->newobj_trace == 0) { arg->newobj_trace = rb_tracepoint_new(0, RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT_NEWOBJ, newobj_i, arg); arg->freeobj_trace = rb_tracepoint_new(0, RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT_FREEOBJ, freeobj_i, arg); } rb_tracepoint_enable(arg->newobj_trace); rb_tracepoint_enable(arg->freeobj_trace); } return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: trace_object_allocations_stop * * Stop tracing object allocations. * * Note that if ::trace_object_allocations_start is called n-times, then * tracing will stop after calling ::trace_object_allocations_stop n-times. * */ static VALUE trace_object_allocations_stop(VALUE self) { struct traceobj_arg *arg = get_traceobj_arg(); if (arg->running > 0) { arg->running--; } if (arg->running == 0) { rb_tracepoint_disable(arg->newobj_trace); rb_tracepoint_disable(arg->freeobj_trace); } return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: trace_object_allocations_clear * * Clear recorded tracing information. * */ static VALUE trace_object_allocations_clear(VALUE self) { struct traceobj_arg *arg = get_traceobj_arg(); /* clear tables */ st_foreach(arg->object_table, free_values_i, 0); st_clear(arg->object_table); st_foreach(arg->str_table, free_keys_i, 0); st_clear(arg->str_table); /* do not touch TracePoints */ return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: trace_object_allocations { block } * * Starts tracing object allocations from the ObjectSpace extension module. * * For example: * * require 'objspace' * * class C * include ObjectSpace * * def foo * trace_object_allocations do * obj = Object.new * p "#{allocation_sourcefile(obj)}:#{allocation_sourceline(obj)}" * end * end * end * * C.new.foo #=> "objtrace.rb:8" * * This example has included the ObjectSpace module to make it easier to read, * but you can also use the ::trace_object_allocations notation (recommended). * * Note that this feature introduces a huge performance decrease and huge * memory consumption. */ static VALUE trace_object_allocations(VALUE self) { trace_object_allocations_start(self); return rb_ensure(rb_yield, Qnil, trace_object_allocations_stop, self); } int rb_bug_reporter_add(void (*func)(FILE *, void *), void *data); static int object_allocations_reporter_registered = 0; static int object_allocations_reporter_i(st_data_t key, st_data_t val, st_data_t ptr) { FILE *out = (FILE *)ptr; VALUE obj = (VALUE)key; struct allocation_info *info = (struct allocation_info *)val; fprintf(out, "-- %p (%s F: %p, ", (void *)obj, info->living ? "live" : "dead", (void *)info->flags); if (info->class_path) fprintf(out, "C: %s", info->class_path); else fprintf(out, "C: %p", (void *)info->klass); fprintf(out, "@%s:%lu", info->path ? info->path : "", info->line); if (!NIL_P(info->mid)) { VALUE m = rb_sym2str(info->mid); fprintf(out, " (%s)", RSTRING_PTR(m)); } fprintf(out, ")\n"); return ST_CONTINUE; } static void object_allocations_reporter(FILE *out, void *ptr) { fprintf(out, "== object_allocations_reporter: START\n"); if (tmp_trace_arg) { st_foreach(tmp_trace_arg->object_table, object_allocations_reporter_i, (st_data_t)out); } fprintf(out, "== object_allocations_reporter: END\n"); } static VALUE trace_object_allocations_debug_start(VALUE self) { tmp_keep_remains = 1; if (object_allocations_reporter_registered == 0) { object_allocations_reporter_registered = 1; rb_bug_reporter_add(object_allocations_reporter, 0); } return trace_object_allocations_start(self); } static struct allocation_info * lookup_allocation_info(VALUE obj) { if (tmp_trace_arg) { st_data_t info; if (st_lookup(tmp_trace_arg->object_table, obj, &info)) { return (struct allocation_info *)info; } } return NULL; } struct allocation_info * objspace_lookup_allocation_info(VALUE obj) { return lookup_allocation_info(obj); } /* * call-seq: allocation_sourcefile(object) -> string * * Returns the source file origin from the given +object+. * * See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples. */ static VALUE allocation_sourcefile(VALUE self, VALUE obj) { struct allocation_info *info = lookup_allocation_info(obj); if (info && info->path) { return rb_str_new2(info->path); } else { return Qnil; } } /* * call-seq: allocation_sourceline(object) -> integer * * Returns the original line from source for from the given +object+. * * See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples. */ static VALUE allocation_sourceline(VALUE self, VALUE obj) { struct allocation_info *info = lookup_allocation_info(obj); if (info) { return INT2FIX(info->line); } else { return Qnil; } } /* * call-seq: allocation_class_path(object) -> string * * Returns the class for the given +object+. * * class A * def foo * ObjectSpace::trace_object_allocations do * obj = Object.new * p "#{ObjectSpace::allocation_class_path(obj)}" * end * end * end * * A.new.foo #=> "Class" * * See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples. */ static VALUE allocation_class_path(VALUE self, VALUE obj) { struct allocation_info *info = lookup_allocation_info(obj); if (info && info->class_path) { return rb_str_new2(info->class_path); } else { return Qnil; } } /* * call-seq: allocation_method_id(object) -> string * * Returns the method identifier for the given +object+. * * class A * include ObjectSpace * * def foo * trace_object_allocations do * obj = Object.new * p "#{allocation_class_path(obj)}##{allocation_method_id(obj)}" * end * end * end * * A.new.foo #=> "Class#new" * * See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples. */ static VALUE allocation_method_id(VALUE self, VALUE obj) { struct allocation_info *info = lookup_allocation_info(obj); if (info) { return info->mid; } else { return Qnil; } } /* * call-seq: allocation_generation(object) -> integer or nil * * Returns garbage collector generation for the given +object+. * * class B * include ObjectSpace * * def foo * trace_object_allocations do * obj = Object.new * p "Generation is #{allocation_generation(obj)}" * end * end * end * * B.new.foo #=> "Generation is 3" * * See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples. */ static VALUE allocation_generation(VALUE self, VALUE obj) { struct allocation_info *info = lookup_allocation_info(obj); if (info) { return SIZET2NUM(info->generation); } else { return Qnil; } } void Init_object_tracing(VALUE rb_mObjSpace) { #if 0 rb_mObjSpace = rb_define_module("ObjectSpace"); /* let rdoc know */ #endif rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "trace_object_allocations", trace_object_allocations, 0); rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "trace_object_allocations_start", trace_object_allocations_start, 0); rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "trace_object_allocations_stop", trace_object_allocations_stop, 0); rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "trace_object_allocations_clear", trace_object_allocations_clear, 0); rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "trace_object_allocations_debug_start", trace_object_allocations_debug_start, 0); rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "allocation_sourcefile", allocation_sourcefile, 1); rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "allocation_sourceline", allocation_sourceline, 1); rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "allocation_class_path", allocation_class_path, 1); rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "allocation_method_id", allocation_method_id, 1); rb_define_module_function(rb_mObjSpace, "allocation_generation", allocation_generation, 1); }