/************************************************ md5init.c - $Author: matz $ created at: Fri Aug 2 09:24:12 JST 1996 Copyright (C) 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto ************************************************/ /* This module provides an interface to the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm, described in RFC 1321. It requires the files md5c.c and md5.h (which are slightly changed from the versions in the RFC to avoid the "global.h" file.) */ #include "ruby.h" #include "md5.h" static VALUE cMD5; static VALUE md5_update(obj, str) VALUE obj; struct RString *str; { MD5_CTX *md5; Check_Type(str, T_STRING); Get_Data_Struct(obj, MD5_CTX, md5); MD5Update(md5, str->ptr, str->len); return Qnil; } static VALUE md5_digest(obj) VALUE obj; { MD5_CTX *md5, ctx; unsigned char digest[16]; Get_Data_Struct(obj, MD5_CTX, md5); ctx = *md5; MD5Final(digest, &ctx); return str_new(digest, 16); } static VALUE md5_clone(obj) VALUE obj; { VALUE clone; MD5_CTX *md5, *md5_new; Get_Data_Struct(obj, MD5_CTX, md5); obj = Make_Data_Struct(CLASS_OF(obj), MD5_CTX, 0, 0, md5_new); *md5_new = *md5; return obj; } static VALUE md5_new(argc, argv, class) { int i; VALUE arg, obj; MD5_CTX *md5; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &arg); if (!NIL_P(arg)) Check_Type(arg, T_STRING); obj = Make_Data_Struct(class, MD5_CTX, 0, 0, md5); MD5Init(md5); if (!NIL_P(arg)) { md5_update(obj, arg); } return obj; } Init_md5() { cMD5 = rb_define_class("MD5", cObject); rb_define_singleton_method(cMD5, "new", md5_new, -1); rb_define_method(cMD5, "update", md5_update, 1); rb_define_method(cMD5, "digest", md5_digest, 0); rb_define_method(cMD5, "clone", md5_clone, 0); }