#! /usr/bin/ruby require 'rbconfig' # http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/texinfo/texinfo/intl/config.charset # Fri, 30 May 2003 00:09:00 GMT' OS = Config::CONFIG["target"] SHELL = Config::CONFIG['SHELL'] class Hash::Ordered < Hash def [](key) val = super and val.last end def []=(key, val) ary = fetch(key) {return super(key, [self.size, key, val])} and ary.last = val end def each values.sort.each {|i, key, val| yield key, val} end end def charset_alias(config_charset, mapfile, target = OS) map = Hash::Ordered.new comments = [] IO.foreach("|#{SHELL} #{config_charset} #{target}") do |list| next comments << list if /^\#/ =~ list next unless /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/ =~ list sys, can = $1, $2 can.downcase! map[can] = sys end case target when /linux|-gnu/ map.delete('ascii') when /cygwin/ # get rid of tilde/yen problem. map['shift_jis'] = 'cp932' end open(mapfile, "w") do |f| f.puts("require 'iconv.so'") f.puts f.puts(comments) f.puts("class Iconv") map.each {|can, sys| f.puts(" charset_map['#{can}'.freeze] = '#{sys}'.freeze")} f.puts("end") end end (2..3) === ARGV.size or abort "usage: #$0 config.status map.rb [target]" charset_alias(*ARGV)