# frozen_string_literal: true require 'mkmf' # :stopdoc: def gcc? RbConfig::CONFIG["GCC"] == "yes" end def disable_optimization_build_flag(flags) if gcc? expanded_flags = RbConfig.expand(flags.dup) optimization_option_pattern = /(^|\s)?-O\d(\s|$)?/ if optimization_option_pattern.match?(expanded_flags) expanded_flags.gsub(optimization_option_pattern, '\\1-Og\\2') else flags + " -Og" end else flags end end def enable_debug_build_flag(flags) if gcc? expanded_flags = RbConfig.expand(flags.dup) debug_option_pattern = /(^|\s)-g(?:gdb)?\d?(\s|$)/ if debug_option_pattern.match?(expanded_flags) expanded_flags.gsub(debug_option_pattern, '\\1-ggdb3\\2') else flags + " -ggdb3" end else flags end end checking_for(checking_message("--enable-debug-build option")) do enable_debug_build = enable_config("debug-build", false) if enable_debug_build $CFLAGS = disable_optimization_build_flag($CFLAGS) $CFLAGS = enable_debug_build_flag($CFLAGS) end enable_debug_build end libffi_version = nil have_libffi = false bundle = enable_config('bundled-libffi') unless bundle dir_config 'libffi' if pkg_config("libffi") libffi_version = pkg_config("libffi", "modversion") end have_ffi_header = false if have_header(ffi_header = 'ffi.h') have_ffi_header = true elsif have_header(ffi_header = 'ffi/ffi.h') $defs.push('-DUSE_HEADER_HACKS') have_ffi_header = true end if have_ffi_header && (have_library('ffi') || have_library('libffi')) have_libffi = true end end unless have_libffi # for https://github.com/ruby/fiddle extlibs_rb = File.expand_path("../../bin/extlibs.rb", $srcdir) if bundle && File.exist?(extlibs_rb) require "fileutils" require_relative "../../bin/extlibs" extlibs = ExtLibs.new cache_dir = File.expand_path("../../tmp/.download_cache", $srcdir) ext_dir = File.expand_path("../../ext", $srcdir) Dir.glob("#{$srcdir}/libffi-*/").each{|dir| FileUtils.rm_rf(dir)} extlibs.run(["--cache=#{cache_dir}", ext_dir]) end if bundle != false libffi_package_name = Dir.glob("#{$srcdir}/libffi-*/") .map {|n| File.basename(n)} .max_by {|n| n.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i)} end unless libffi_package_name raise "missing libffi. Please install libffi." end libffi_srcdir = "#{$srcdir}/#{libffi_package_name}" ffi_header = 'ffi.h' libffi = Struct.new(*%I[dir srcdir builddir include lib a cflags ldflags opt arch]).new libffi.dir = libffi_package_name if $srcdir == "." libffi.builddir = libffi_package_name libffi.srcdir = "." else libffi.builddir = libffi.dir libffi.srcdir = relative_from(libffi_srcdir, "..") end libffi.include = "#{libffi.builddir}/include" libffi.lib = "#{libffi.builddir}/.libs" libffi.a = "#{libffi.lib}/libffi_convenience.#{$LIBEXT}" nowarn = CONFIG.merge("warnflags"=>"") libffi.cflags = RbConfig.expand("$(CFLAGS)".dup, nowarn) libffi_version = libffi_package_name[/libffi-(.*)/, 1] FileUtils.mkdir_p(libffi.dir) libffi.opt = CONFIG['configure_args'][/'(-C)'/, 1] libffi.ldflags = RbConfig.expand("$(LDFLAGS) #{libpathflag([relative_from($topdir, "..")])} #{$LIBRUBYARG}".dup) libffi.arch = RbConfig::CONFIG['host'] if $mswin unless find_executable(as = /x64/ =~ libffi.arch ? "ml64" : "ml") raise "missing #{as} command." end $defs << "-DFFI_BUILDING" libffi_config = "#{relative_from($srcdir, '..')}/win32/libffi-config.rb" config = CONFIG.merge("top_srcdir" => $top_srcdir) args = $ruby.gsub(/:\/=\\/, '') args.gsub!(/\)\\/, ')/') args = args.shellsplit args.map! {|s| RbConfig.expand(s, config)} args << '-C' << libffi.dir << libffi_config opts = {} else args = %W[sh #{libffi.srcdir}/configure ] opts = {chdir: libffi.dir} end cc = RbConfig::CONFIG['CC'] cxx = RbConfig::CONFIG['CXX'] ld = RbConfig::CONFIG['LD'] args.concat %W[ --srcdir=#{libffi.srcdir} --host=#{libffi.arch} ] args << ($enable_shared || !$static ? '--enable-shared' : '--enable-static') args << libffi.opt if libffi.opt args.concat %W[ CC=#{cc} CFLAGS=#{libffi.cflags} CXX=#{cxx} CXXFLAGS=#{RbConfig.expand("$(CXXFLAGS)".dup, nowarn)} LD=#{ld} LDFLAGS=#{libffi.ldflags} ] FileUtils.rm_f("#{libffi.include}/ffitarget.h") Logging::open do Logging.message("%p in %p\n", args, opts) unless system(*args, **opts) begin IO.copy_stream(libffi.dir + "/config.log", Logging.instance_variable_get(:@logfile)) rescue SystemCallError => e Logging.message("%s\n", e.message) end raise "failed to configure libffi. Please install libffi." end end if $mswin && File.file?("#{libffi.include}/ffitarget.h") FileUtils.rm_f("#{libffi.include}/ffitarget.h") end unless File.file?("#{libffi.include}/ffitarget.h") FileUtils.cp("#{libffi_srcdir}/src/x86/ffitarget.h", libffi.include, preserve: true) end $INCFLAGS << " -I" << libffi.include end if libffi_version # If libffi_version contains rc version, just ignored. libffi_version = libffi_version.gsub(/-rc\d+/, '') libffi_version = (libffi_version.split('.').map(&:to_i) + [0,0])[0,3] $defs.push(%{-DRUBY_LIBFFI_MODVERSION=#{ '%d%03d%03d' % libffi_version }}) warn "libffi_version: #{libffi_version.join('.')}" end case when $mswin, $mingw, (libffi_version && (libffi_version <=> [3, 2]) >= 0) $defs << "-DUSE_FFI_CLOSURE_ALLOC=1" when (libffi_version && (libffi_version <=> [3, 2]) < 0) else have_func('ffi_closure_alloc', ffi_header) end if libffi_version if (libffi_version <=> [3, 0, 11]) >= 0 $defs << "-DHAVE_FFI_PREP_CIF_VAR" end else have_func('ffi_prep_cif_var', ffi_header) end have_header 'sys/mman.h' have_header 'link.h' if have_header "dlfcn.h" have_library "dl" %w{ dlopen dlclose dlsym }.each do |func| abort "missing function #{func}" unless have_func(func) end have_func "dlerror" have_func "dlinfo" have_const("RTLD_DI_LINKMAP", "dlfcn.h") elsif have_header "windows.h" %w{ LoadLibrary FreeLibrary GetProcAddress GetModuleFileName }.each do |func| abort "missing function #{func}" unless have_func(func) end have_library "ws2_32" end have_const('FFI_STDCALL', ffi_header) config = File.read(RbConfig.expand(File.join($arch_hdrdir, "ruby/config.h"))) types = {"SIZE_T"=>"SSIZE_T", "PTRDIFF_T"=>nil, "INTPTR_T"=>nil} types.each do |type, signed| if /^\#define\s+SIZEOF_#{type}\s+(SIZEOF_(.+)|\d+)/ =~ config if size = $2 and size != 'VOIDP' size = types.fetch(size) {size} $defs << "-DTYPE_#{signed||type}=TYPE_#{size}" end if signed check_signedness(type.downcase, "stddef.h") end else check_signedness(type.downcase, "stddef.h") end end if libffi $LOCAL_LIBS.prepend("./#{libffi.a} ").strip! # to exts.mk $INCFLAGS.gsub!(/-I#{libffi.dir}/, '-I$(LIBFFI_DIR)') end create_makefile 'fiddle' do |conf| if !libffi next conf << "LIBFFI_CLEAN = none\n" elsif $gnumake && !$nmake submake_arg = "-C $(LIBFFI_DIR)\n" else submake_pre = "cd $(LIBFFI_DIR) && #{config_string("exec")}".strip end if $nmake cmd = "$(RUBY) -C $(LIBFFI_DIR) #{libffi_config} --srcdir=$(LIBFFI_SRCDIR)" else cmd = "cd $(LIBFFI_DIR) && #$exec $(LIBFFI_SRCDIR)/configure #{libffi.opt}" end sep = "/" seprpl = config_string('BUILD_FILE_SEPARATOR') {|s| sep = s; ":/=#{s}" if s != "/"} || "" conf << <<-MK.gsub(/^ +| +$/, '') PWD = LIBFFI_CONFIGURE = #{cmd} LIBFFI_ARCH = #{libffi.arch} LIBFFI_SRCDIR = #{libffi.srcdir.sub(libffi.dir, '$(LIBFFI_DIR)')} LIBFFI_DIR = #{libffi.dir} LIBFFI_A = #{libffi.a.sub(libffi.dir, '$(LIBFFI_DIR)')} LIBFFI_CFLAGS = #{libffi.cflags} LIBFFI_LDFLAGS = #{libffi.ldflags} FFI_H = $(LIBFFI_DIR)/include/ffi.h SUBMAKE_PRE = #{submake_pre} SUBMAKE_ARG = #{submake_arg} LIBFFI_CLEAN = libffi MK end if libffi $LIBPATH.pop end # :startdoc: