require 'mkmf' # :stopdoc: if ! enable_config('bundled-libffi', false) dir_config 'libffi' pkg_config("libffi") ver = pkg_config("libffi", "modversion") if have_header('ffi.h') true elsif have_header('ffi/ffi.h') $defs.push(format('-DUSE_HEADER_HACKS')) true end and (have_library('ffi') || have_library('libffi')) end or begin ver = Dir.glob("#{$srcdir}/libffi-*/") .map {|n| File.basename(n)} .max_by {|n| n.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i)} if ver libffi =, :srcdir, :builddir, :include, :lib, :a, :cflags).new libffi.dir = ver if $srcdir == "." libffi.builddir = "#{ver}/#{RUBY_PLATFORM}" libffi.srcdir = "." else libffi.builddir = libffi.dir libffi.srcdir = relative_from("#{$srcdir}/#{ver}", "..") end libffi.include = "#{libffi.builddir}/include" libffi.lib = "#{libffi.builddir}/.libs" libffi.a = "#{libffi.lib}/libffi.#{$LIBEXT}" libffi.cflags = RbConfig.expand("$(CFLAGS)", CONFIG.merge("warnflags"=>"")) ver = ver[/libffi-(.*)/, 1] end end if ver ver = ver.gsub(/-rc\d+/, '') # If ver contains rc version, just ignored. ver = (ver.split('.') + [0,0])[0,3] $defs.push(%{-DRUBY_LIBFFI_MODVERSION=#{ '%d%03d%03d' % ver }}) else raise "missing libffi. Please install libffi." end have_header 'sys/mman.h' if have_header "dlfcn.h" have_library "dl" %w{ dlopen dlclose dlsym }.each do |func| abort "missing function #{func}" unless have_func(func) end have_func "dlerror" elsif have_header "windows.h" %w{ LoadLibrary FreeLibrary GetProcAddress }.each do |func| abort "missing function #{func}" unless have_func(func) end end have_const('FFI_STDCALL', 'ffi.h') || have_const('FFI_STDCALL', 'ffi/ffi.h') config =$arch_hdrdir, "ruby/config.h"))) types = {"SIZE_T"=>"SSIZE_T", "PTRDIFF_T"=>nil, "INTPTR_T"=>nil} types.each do |type, signed| if /^\#define\s+SIZEOF_#{type}\s+(SIZEOF_(.+)|\d+)/ =~ config if size = $2 and size != 'VOIDP' size = types.fetch(size) {size} $defs << format("-DTYPE_%s=TYPE_%s", signed||type, size) end if signed check_signedness(type.downcase, "stddef.h") end end end if libffi $LIBPATH.unshift libffi.lib $INCFLAGS << " -I" << libffi.include $LOCAL_LIBS.prepend("#{libffi.a} ").strip! end create_makefile 'fiddle' do |conf| next conf unless libffi if $gnumake submake = "$(MAKE) -C $(LIBFFI_DIR)\n" else submake = "cd $(LIBFFI_DIR) && \\\n\t\t" << "#{config_string("exec")} $(MAKE)".strip end sep = "/" seprpl = config_string('BUILD_FILE_SEPARATOR') {|s| sep = s; ":/=#{s}" if s != "/"} || "" conf << <<-MK.gsub(/^ +/, '') PWD = LIBFFI_CONFIGURE = $(LIBFFI_SRCDIR#{seprpl})#{sep}configure#{/'-C'/ =~ CONFIG['configure_args'] ? ' -C' : ''} LIBFFI_ARCH = #{RbConfig::CONFIG['arch'].sub(/\Ax64-(?=mingw|mswin)/, 'x86_64-')} LIBFFI_SRCDIR = #{libffi.srcdir} LIBFFI_DIR = #{libffi.dir} LIBFFI_A = #{libffi.a} LIBFFI_CFLAGS = #{libffi.cflags} FFI_H = $(LIBFFI_DIR)/include/ffi.h SUBMAKE_LIBFFI = #{submake} MK end if libffi $LIBPATH.pop $LOCAL_LIBS.prepend("ext/fiddle/") args = [$make, *sysquote($mflags)] Logging::open do Logging.message("%p\n", args) system(*args) or raise "failed to configure libffi. Please install libffi." end end # :startdoc: