#! /usr/local/bin/ruby $".push 'mkmf.rb' if ARGV[0] == 'static' $force_static = true ARGV.shift elsif ARGV[0] == 'install' $install = true $destdir = ARGV[1] || '' ARGV.shift elsif ARGV[0] == 'clean' $clean = true ARGV.shift end $extlist = [] $cache_mod = false; $lib_cache = {} $func_cache = {} $hdr_cache = {} $top_srcdir = File.expand_path("..") $topdir = File.expand_path("..") $topdir = File.expand_path($topdir) $ruby_inc = $top_srcdir load "#{$top_srcdir}/lib/find.rb" #$dllopt = '-MD' $dllopt = '' if File.exist?("config.cache") then f = open("config.cache", "r") while f.gets case $_ when /^lib: ([\w_]+) (yes|no)/ $lib_cache[$1] = $2 when /^func: ([\w_]+) (yes|no)/ $func_cache[$1] = $2 when /^hdr: (.+) (yes|no)/ $hdr_cache[$1] = $2 end end f.close end def older(file1, file2) if !File.exist?(file1) then return true end if !File.exist?(file2) then return false end if File.mtime(file1) < File.mtime(file2) return true end return false end CFLAGS = "" #LINK = "cl -o conftest.exe -I../.. -Zi -O -I. %s conftest.c %s > nul" LINK = "cl -o conftest.exe -Zi -O %s conftest.c %s %s > nul" CPP = "cl -E -I#{$ruby_inc} -I#{$ruby_inc}/missing -I#{$ruby_inc}/win32 -I. -Zi -O %s conftest.c > nul" $null = open("nul", "w") $orgerr = $stderr.dup $orgout = $stdout.dup def xsystem command if $DEBUG return system(command) end $stderr.reopen($null) $stdout.reopen($null) r = system(command) $stderr.reopen($orgerr) $stdout.reopen($orgout) return r end def try_link0(src, opt="") cfile = open("conftest.c", "w") cfile.print src cfile.close xsystem(format(LINK, $CFLAGS, $LDFLAGS, opt)) end def try_link(src, opt="") begin try_link0(src, opt) ensure system "rm -f conftest*" end end def try_cpp(src, opt=$CFLAGS) cfile = open("conftest.c", "w") cfile.print src cfile.close begin xsystem(format(CPP, opt)) ensure system "rm -f conftest*" end end def egrep_cpp(pat, src, opt=$CFLAGS) cfile = open("conftest.c", "w") cfile.print src cfile.close begin xsystem(format(CPP+"|egrep #{pat}", opt)) ensure system "rm -f conftest*" end end def try_run(src, opt="") begin if try_link0(src, opt) if xsystem("./conftest") true else false end else nil end ensure system "rm -f conftest*" end end def install_rb(mfile) path = [] dir = [] Find.find("lib") do |f| next unless /\.rb$/ =~ f f = f[4..-1] path.push f dir |= File.dirname(f) end for f in dir next if f == "." mfile.printf "\t@test -d $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/%s || mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/%s\n", f, f end for f in path mfile.printf "\t$(INSTALL_DATA) lib/%s $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/%s\n", f, f end end def have_library(lib, func="main") #print format("have_library(%s, %s)\n", lib, func) if $lib_cache[lib] if $lib_cache[lib] == "yes" if $libs $libs = lib + ".lib " + $libs else $libs = lib + ".lib " end return true else return false end end if func && func != "" if $libs libs = lib + ".lib " + $libs else libs = lib + ".lib" end #print "libs=#{libs}\n" unless try_link(<<"SRC", libs) #include #include //char #{func}(); int main() { return 0; } int t() { #{func}(); return 0; } SRC #print "fail : #{libs}\n" $lib_cache[lib] = 'no' $cache_mod = true return false end end $libs = libs $lib_cache[lib] = 'yes' $cache_mod = true return true end def have_func(func) if $func_cache[func] if $func_cache[func] == "yes" $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_%s", func.upcase)) return true else return false end end cfile = open("conftest.c", "w") cfile.printf "\ #include #include //char %s(); int main() { return 0; } int t() { %s(); return 0; } ", func, func cfile.close libs = $libs libs = "" if libs == nil begin #print "libs=#{libs}\n" unless try_link(libs) $func_cache[func] = 'no' $cache_mod = true return false end ensure system "rm -f conftest*" end $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_%s", func.upcase)) $func_cache[func] = 'yes' $cache_mod = true return true end def have_header(header) if $hdr_cache[header] if $hdr_cache[header] == "yes" header.tr!("a-z./\055", "A-Z___") $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_%s", header)) return true else return false end end unless try_cpp(<<"SRC") #include <#{header}> SRC $hdr_cache[header] = 'no' $cache_mod = true return false end $hdr_cache[header] = 'yes' header.tr!("a-z./\055", "A-Z___") $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_%s", header)) $cache_mod = true return true end def arg_config(config, default=nil) return default if /mswin32/i =~ PLATFORM unless defined? $configure_args $configure_args = {} for arg in ENV["CONFIGURE_ARGS"].split next unless /^--/ =~ arg if /=/ =~ arg $configure_args[$`] = $' else $configure_args[arg] = true end end end $configure_args.fetch(config, default) end def with_config(config, default=nil) unless /^--with-/ =~ config config = '--with-' + config end arg_config(config, default) end def enable_config(config, default=nil) if arg_config("--enable-"+config, true) true elsif arg_config("--disable-"+config, false) false else default end end def create_header() if $defs.length > 0 hfile = open("extconf.h", "w") for line in $defs line =~ /^-D(.*)/ hfile.printf "#define %s 1\n", $1 end hfile.close end end def create_makefile(target) if $libs libs = $libs.split for lib in libs lib.sub!(/(.*)/, '"\1.lib"') if /.lib$/ !~ lib end $defs.push(format("-DEXTLIB='%s'", libs.join(","))) end $libs = "" unless $libs mfile = open("Makefile", "w") mfile.printf "\ SHELL = $(COMPSEC) #### Start of system configuration section. #### srcdir = . VPATH = . CC = cl CFLAGS = %s -I#{$ruby_inc} -I#{$ruby_inc}/missing -I#{$ruby_inc}/win32 -I. -O -DNT %s #{CFLAGS} #{$CFLAGS} %s RUBYLIB = ../../ruby.lib DLDFLAGS = /DLL LDSHARED = ", if $static then "" else "-fpic" end, $dllopt, $defs.join(" ") if $force_static print "static\n" else print "non static\n" end mfile.printf "\ libdir = /usr/local/lib/ruby/i386-mswin32 #### End of system configuration section. #### " mfile.printf "LOCAL_LIBS = %s\n", $LOCAL_LIBS unless $LOCAL_LIBS == "" mfile.printf "LIBS = %s\n", $libs mfile.printf "OBJS = " if !$objs then $objs = Dir["*.{c,cc}"] for f in $objs f.sub!(/\.(c|cc)$/, ".obj") end end mfile.printf $objs.join(" ") mfile.printf "\n" mfile.printf "\ TARGET = %s DLLIB = $(TARGET).%s INSTALL = ginstall -c DEFFILE = %s.def all: $(DLLIB) clean:; @rm -f *.obj *.lib *.exp vc*.pdb *.bak *.def @rm -f Makefile extconf.h conftest.* realclean: clean install: @test -d $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) || mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) @test -d $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir) || mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir) @test -d $(DESTDIR)$(archdir) || mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(archdir) ", target, if $force_static then "lib" else "dll" end, target if !$static mfile.printf "\ $(INSTALL) $(DLLIB) $(libdir)/$(DLLIB) " end if $force_static mfile.printf "\ $(DLLIB): $(OBJS) lib /OUT:$(DLLIB) $(OBJS) " else mfile.printf "\ $(DEFFILE): echo $(DEFFILE) $(DLLIB): $(OBJS) $(DEFFILE) cl -DLL -o$(DLLIB) $(OBJS) $(RUBYLIB) -link /DEF:$(DEFFILE) " end if File.exist?("depend") dfile = open("depend", "r") mfile.printf "###\n" while line = dfile.gets() mfile.printf "%s", line end dfile.close end mfile.close if $static #printf format("push %s,%s\n", $static, target); ##debug print## $extlist.push [$static,target] end end #template of .def file. def create_def(basename) defname = sprintf("%s.def", basename) f = open(defname, "w") f.printf "\ LIBRARY %s.dll CODE LOADONCALL DATA LOADONCALL DESCRIPTION 'win32 %s.dll' EXPORTS Init_%s ", basename, basename, basename f.close end def extmake(target) if $force_static or $static_ext[target] $static = target else $static = false end return if $nodynamic and not $static $objs = nil $LOCAL_LIBS = "" # to be assigned in extconf.rb $CFLAGS = "" $LDFLAGS = "" begin Dir.chdir target if $static_ext.size > 0 || !File.exist?("./Makefile") || older("./Makefile", "../Setup") || older("./Makefile", "../extmk.rb") || older("./Makefile", "./extconf.rb") then $defs = [] if File.exist?("extconf.rb") load "extconf.rb" else create_makefile(target); end end if !File.exist?("#{target}.def") create_def(target) end if File.exist?("./Makefile") if $install system "nmake install DESTDIR=#{$destdir}" if File.directory? "./lib" for i in Dir["./lib/*.rb"] system "ginstall -c #{i} /usr/local/lib/ruby/i386-mswin32" end end elsif $clean system "nmake clean" else #print "!!!make!!!\n" system "nmake all" end end if $static $extlibs = " " $extlibs += " " + $LDFLAGS unless $LDFLAGS == "" $extlibs += " " + $libs if $libs $extlibs += " " + $LOCAL_LIBS unless $LOCAL_LIBS == "" end ensure Dir.chdir ".." end end # get static-link modules $static_ext = {} if File.file? "./Setup" f = open("./Setup") while f.gets() $_.chop! sub!(/#.*$/, '') next if /^\s*$/ #print $_, "\n" if /^option +nodynamic/ $nodynamic = true next end $static_ext[$_.split[0]] = true end f.close end for d in Dir["*"] File.directory?(d) || next File.file?(d + "/MANIFEST") || next d = $1 if d =~ /\/([\/]*)$/ if $install print "installing ", d, "\n" elsif $clean print "cleaning ", d, "\n" else print "compiling ", d, "\n" end extmake(d) end if $cache_mod f = open("config.cache", "w") for k,v in $lib_cache f.printf "lib: %s %s\n", k, v end for k,v in $func_cache f.printf "func: %s %s\n", k, v end for k,v in $hdr_cache f.printf "hdr: %s %s\n", k, v end f.close end exit if $install or $clean $extinit = " " unless $extinit $extobjs = "" if $extlist.size > 0 for s,t in $extlist #for s,t in $static_ext #f = format("%s/%s.obj", s, t) #f = format("%s/%s.obj", s, s) l = format("%s/%s.lib", s, s) if File.exist?(l) $extinit += format("\ \tInit_%s();\n\ \trb_provide(\"%s.so\");\n\ ", s, s) $extobjs += "ext/" #$extobjs += f # *.obj $extobjs += l # *.lib $extobjs += " " else false end end if older("extinit.c", "Setup") f = open("extinit.c", "w") f.printf "void Init_ext() {\n" f.printf $extinit f.printf "}\n" f.close end if older("extinit.obj", "extinit.c") cmd = "cl -Zi -O -I. -c extinit.c" print cmd, "\n" system cmd or exit 1 end Dir.chdir ".." if older("ruby.exe", "ext/Setup") or older("ruby.exe", "miniruby.exe") `rm -f ruby.exe` end $extobjs = "ext/extinit.obj " + $extobjs #$extlibs = "" #print "EXTLIBS=#{$extlibs}\n" $extlibs.gsub!("-L/usr/local/lib", "") if $extlibs $extlibs.gsub!(" +", " ") if $extlibs #print "EXTLIBS=#{$extlibs}\n" system format('nmake ruby.exe EXTOBJS="%s" EXTLIBS="%s"', $extobjs, $extlibs) else Dir.chdir ".." if older("ruby.exe", "miniruby.exe") `rm -f ruby.exe` `cp miniruby.exe ruby.exe` end end #Local variables: # mode: ruby #end: