#!ruby -s $output ||= "callback" $out = open("#{$output}.c", "w") $dl_h = ARGV[0] || "dl.h" # import DLSTACK_SIZE, DLSTACK_ARGS and so on File.open($dl_h){|f| pre = "" f.each{|line| line.chop! if( line[-1] == ?\\ ) line.chop! line.concat(" ") pre += line next end if( pre.size > 0 ) line = pre + line pre = "" end case line when /#define\s+DLSTACK_SIZE\s+\(?(\d+)\)?/ DLSTACK_SIZE = $1.to_i when /#define\s+DLSTACK_ARGS\s+(.+)/ DLSTACK_ARGS = $1.to_i when /#define\s+DLTYPE_([A-Z_]+)\s+\(?(\d+)\)?/ eval("#{$1} = #{$2}") when /#define\s+MAX_DLTYPE\s+\(?(\d+)\)?/ MAX_DLTYPE = $1.to_i when /#define\s+MAX_CALLBACK\s+\(?(\d+)\)?/ MAX_CALLBACK = $1.to_i end } } CDECL = "cdecl" STDCALL = "stdcall" CALLTYPES = [CDECL, STDCALL] DLTYPE = { VOID => { :name => 'void', :type => 'void', :conv => nil, }, CHAR => { :name => 'char', :type => 'char', :conv => 'NUM2CHR(%s)' }, SHORT => { :name => 'short', :type => 'short', :conv => 'NUM2INT(%s)', }, INT => { :name => 'int', :type => 'int', :conv => 'NUM2INT(%s)', }, LONG => { :name => 'long', :type => 'long', :conv => 'NUM2LONG(%s)', }, LONG_LONG => { :name => 'long_long', :type => 'LONG_LONG', :conv => 'NUM2LL(%s)', }, FLOAT => { :name => 'float', :type => 'float', :conv => '(float)RFLOAT_VALUE(%s)', }, DOUBLE => { :name => 'double', :type => 'double', :conv => 'RFLOAT_VALUE(%s)', }, VOIDP => { :name => 'ptr', :type => 'void *', :conv => 'NUM2PTR(%s)', }, } def func_name(ty, argc, n, calltype) "rb_dl_callback_#{DLTYPE[ty][:name]}_#{argc}_#{n}_#{calltype}" end $out << (< 0 ? ", args[#{argc}]" : ""}; #{ sizeof_voidp = [""].pack('p').size sizeof_long = [0].pack('l!').size (0...argc).collect{|i| if sizeof_voidp == sizeof_long " args[%d] = LONG2NUM(stack%d);" % [i,i] elsif sizeof_voidp == 8 # should get sizeof_long_long... " args[%d] = LL2NUM(stack%d);" % [i,i] else raise "unknown size of void*" end }.join("\n") } cb = rb_ary_entry(rb_ary_entry(#{proc_entry}, #{ty}), #{(n * DLSTACK_SIZE) + argc}); ret = rb_funcall2(cb, rb_dl_cb_call, #{argc}, #{argc > 0 ? 'args' : 'NULL'}); return #{DLTYPE[ty][:conv] ? DLTYPE[ty][:conv] % "ret" : ""}; } #{calltype == STDCALL ? "#endif\n" : ""} EOS end def gen_push_proc_ary(ty, aryname) sprintf(" rb_ary_push(#{aryname}, rb_ary_new3(%d,%s));", MAX_CALLBACK * DLSTACK_SIZE, (0...MAX_CALLBACK).collect{ (0...DLSTACK_SIZE).collect{ "Qnil" }.join(",") }.join(",")) end def gen_push_addr_ary(ty, aryname, calltype) sprintf(" rb_ary_push(#{aryname}, rb_ary_new3(%d,%s));", MAX_CALLBACK * DLSTACK_SIZE, (0...MAX_CALLBACK).collect{|i| (0...DLSTACK_SIZE).collect{|argc| "PTR2NUM(%s)" % func_name(ty,argc,i,calltype) }.join(",") }.join(",")) end def gen_callback_file(ty) filename = "#{$output}-#{ty}.c" initname = "rb_dl_init_callbacks_#{ty}" body = <<-EOS #include "dl.h" extern VALUE rb_DLCdeclCallbackAddrs, rb_DLCdeclCallbackProcs; #ifdef FUNC_STDCALL extern VALUE rb_DLStdcallCallbackAddrs, rb_DLStdcallCallbackProcs; #endif extern ID rb_dl_cb_call; EOS yield body body << <<-EOS void #{initname}() { #{gen_push_proc_ary(ty, "rb_DLCdeclCallbackProcs")} #{gen_push_addr_ary(ty, "rb_DLCdeclCallbackAddrs", CDECL)} #ifdef FUNC_STDCALL #{gen_push_proc_ary(ty, "rb_DLStdcallCallbackProcs")} #{gen_push_addr_ary(ty, "rb_DLStdcallCallbackAddrs", STDCALL)} #endif } EOS [filename, initname, body] end callbacks = [] for ty in 0...MAX_DLTYPE filename, initname, body = gen_callback_file(ty) {|f| foreach_proc_entry do |calltype, proc_entry| for argc in 0...DLSTACK_SIZE for n in 0...MAX_CALLBACK f << gencallback(ty, calltype, proc_entry, argc, n) end end end } $out << "void #{initname}();\n" callbacks << [filename, body] end $out << (<