/************************************************ digest.c - $Author$ created at: Fri May 25 08:57:27 JST 2001 Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto Copyright (C) 2001 Akinori MUSHA $RoughId: digest.c,v 1.16 2001/07/13 15:38:27 knu Exp $ $Id$ ************************************************/ /* * This module provides an interface to the following hash algorithms: * * - the MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm by the RSA Data Security, * Inc., described in RFC 1321 * * - the SHA-1 Secure Hash Algorithm by NIST (the US' National * Institute of Standards and Technology), described in FIPS PUB * 180-1. * * - the SHA-256/384/512 Secure Hash Algorithm by NIST (the US' * National Institute of Standards and Technology), described in * FIPS PUB 180-2. * * - the RIPEMD-160 cryptographic hash function, designed by Hans * Dobbertin, Antoon Bosselaers, and Bart Preneel. */ #include "digest.h" static VALUE mDigest, cDigest_Base; static ID id_metadata; /* * Digest::Base */ static algo_t * get_digest_base_metadata(klass) VALUE klass; { VALUE obj; algo_t *algo; if (rb_cvar_defined(klass, id_metadata) == Qfalse) { rb_notimplement(); } obj = rb_cvar_get(klass, id_metadata); Data_Get_Struct(obj, algo_t, algo); return algo; } static VALUE rb_digest_base_alloc(klass) VALUE klass; { algo_t *algo; VALUE obj; void *pctx; if (klass == cDigest_Base) { rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "Digest::Base is an abstract class"); } algo = get_digest_base_metadata(klass); pctx = xmalloc(algo->ctx_size); algo->init_func(pctx); obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, 0, free, pctx); return obj; } static VALUE rb_digest_base_s_digest(klass, str) VALUE klass; VALUE str; { algo_t *algo; void *pctx; size_t len; unsigned char *digest; VALUE obj = rb_digest_base_alloc(klass); algo = get_digest_base_metadata(klass); Data_Get_Struct(obj, void, pctx); StringValue(str); algo->update_func(pctx, RSTRING(str)->ptr, RSTRING(str)->len); len = algo->digest_len; digest = xmalloc(len); algo->final_func(digest, pctx); obj = rb_str_new(digest, len); free(digest); free(pctx); return obj; } static VALUE rb_digest_base_s_hexdigest(klass, str) VALUE klass; VALUE str; { algo_t *algo; void *pctx; size_t len; unsigned char *hexdigest; VALUE obj = rb_digest_base_alloc(klass); StringValue(str); algo = get_digest_base_metadata(klass); pctx = xmalloc(algo->ctx_size); algo->init_func(pctx); algo->update_func(pctx, RSTRING(str)->ptr, RSTRING(str)->len); len = algo->digest_len * 2; hexdigest = xmalloc(len + 1); /* +1 is for '\0' */ algo->end_func(pctx, hexdigest); obj = rb_str_new(hexdigest, len); free(hexdigest); free(pctx); return obj; } static VALUE rb_digest_base_become(copy, obj) VALUE copy, obj; { algo_t *algo; void *pctx1, *pctx2; VALUE klass; if (copy = obj) return copy; rb_check_frozen(copy); algo = get_digest_base_metadata(CLASS_OF(klass)); if (algo != get_digest_base_metadata(CLASS_OF(obj))) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument class"); } Data_Get_Struct(copy, void, pctx1); Data_Get_Struct(copy, void, pctx2); memcpy(pctx2, pctx1, algo->ctx_size); return copy; } static VALUE rb_digest_base_update(self, str) VALUE self, str; { algo_t *algo; void *pctx; StringValue(str); algo = get_digest_base_metadata(CLASS_OF(self)); Data_Get_Struct(self, void, pctx); algo->update_func(pctx, RSTRING(str)->ptr, RSTRING(str)->len); return self; } static VALUE rb_digest_base_init(argc, argv, self) int argc; VALUE* argv; VALUE self; { VALUE arg; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &arg); if (!NIL_P(arg)) rb_digest_base_update(self, arg); return self; } static VALUE rb_digest_base_digest(self) VALUE self; { algo_t *algo; void *pctx1, *pctx2; unsigned char *digest; size_t len; VALUE str; algo = get_digest_base_metadata(CLASS_OF(self)); Data_Get_Struct(self, void, pctx1); len = algo->ctx_size; pctx2 = xmalloc(len); memcpy(pctx2, pctx1, len); len = algo->digest_len; digest = xmalloc(len); algo->final_func(digest, pctx2); str = rb_str_new(digest, len); free(digest); free(pctx2); return str; } static VALUE rb_digest_base_hexdigest(self) VALUE self; { algo_t *algo; void *pctx1, *pctx2; unsigned char *hexdigest; size_t len; VALUE str; algo = get_digest_base_metadata(CLASS_OF(self)); Data_Get_Struct(self, void, pctx1); len = algo->ctx_size; pctx2 = xmalloc(len); memcpy(pctx2, pctx1, len); len = algo->digest_len * 2; hexdigest = xmalloc(len + 1); /* +1 is for '\0' */ algo->end_func(pctx2, hexdigest); str = rb_str_new(hexdigest, len); free(hexdigest); free(pctx2); return str; } static VALUE rb_digest_base_equal(self, other) VALUE self, other; { algo_t *algo; VALUE klass; VALUE str1, str2; klass = CLASS_OF(self); algo = get_digest_base_metadata(klass); if (CLASS_OF(other) == klass) { void *pctx1, *pctx2; Data_Get_Struct(self, void, pctx1); Data_Get_Struct(other, void, pctx2); return algo->equal_func(pctx1, pctx2) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } StringValue(other); str2 = other; if (RSTRING(str2)->len == algo->digest_len) str1 = rb_digest_base_digest(self); else str1 = rb_digest_base_hexdigest(self); if (RSTRING(str1)->len == RSTRING(str2)->len && rb_str_cmp(str1, str2) == 0) return Qtrue; return Qfalse; } /* * Init */ void Init_digest() { mDigest = rb_define_module("Digest"); cDigest_Base = rb_define_class_under(mDigest, "Base", rb_cObject); rb_define_singleton_method(cDigest_Base, "allocate", rb_digest_base_alloc, 0); rb_define_singleton_method(cDigest_Base, "digest", rb_digest_base_s_digest, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cDigest_Base, "hexdigest", rb_digest_base_s_hexdigest, 1); rb_define_method(cDigest_Base, "initialize", rb_digest_base_init, -1); rb_define_method(cDigest_Base, "become", rb_digest_base_become, 1); rb_define_method(cDigest_Base, "update", rb_digest_base_update, 1); rb_define_method(cDigest_Base, "<<", rb_digest_base_update, 1); rb_define_method(cDigest_Base, "digest", rb_digest_base_digest, 0); rb_define_method(cDigest_Base, "hexdigest", rb_digest_base_hexdigest, 0); rb_define_method(cDigest_Base, "to_s", rb_digest_base_hexdigest, 0); rb_define_method(cDigest_Base, "==", rb_digest_base_equal, 1); id_metadata = rb_intern("metadata"); }