/************************************************ bubblebabble.c - BubbleBabble encoding support $Author$ created at: Fri Oct 13 18:31:42 JST 2006 Copyright (C) 2006 Akinori MUSHA $Id$ ************************************************/ #include "ruby.h" static VALUE mDigest, cDigest_Base; static ID id_digest; static VALUE bubblebabble_str_new(VALUE str_digest) { char *digest; size_t digest_len; VALUE str; char *p; int i, j, seed = 1; static const char vowels[] = { 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y' }; static const char consonants[] = { 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'r', 's', 't', 'v', 'z', 'x' }; StringValue(str_digest); digest = RSTRING_PTR(str_digest); digest_len = RSTRING_LEN(str_digest); if ((LONG_MAX - 2) / 3 < (digest_len | 1)) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "digest string too long"); } str = rb_str_new(0, (digest_len | 1) * 3 + 2); p = RSTRING_PTR(str); i = j = 0; p[j++] = 'x'; for (;;) { unsigned char byte1, byte2; if (i >= digest_len) { p[j++] = vowels[seed % 6]; p[j++] = consonants[16]; p[j++] = vowels[seed / 6]; break; } byte1 = digest[i++]; p[j++] = vowels[(((byte1 >> 6) & 3) + seed) % 6]; p[j++] = consonants[(byte1 >> 2) & 15]; p[j++] = vowels[((byte1 & 3) + (seed / 6)) % 6]; if (i >= digest_len) { break; } byte2 = digest[i++]; p[j++] = consonants[(byte2 >> 4) & 15]; p[j++] = '-'; p[j++] = consonants[byte2 & 15]; seed = (seed * 5 + byte1 * 7 + byte2) % 36; } p[j] = 'x'; return str; } /* * call-seq: * Digest.bubblebabble(string) -> bubblebabble_string * * Returns a BubbleBabble encoded version of a given _string_. * * If extra arguments are given, they are passed to * Digest::ALGORITHM.digest() along with the _string_. */ static VALUE rb_digest_s_bubblebabble(VALUE klass, VALUE str) { return bubblebabble_str_new(str); } /* * call-seq: * Digest::ALGORITHM.bubblebabble(string, ...) -> hash_string * * Returns the BubbleBabble encoded hash value of a given _string_. */ static VALUE rb_digest_base_s_bubblebabble(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { return bubblebabble_str_new(rb_funcall2(klass, id_digest, argc, argv)); } /* * call-seq: * digest_obj.bubblebabble -> hash_string * * Returns the resulting hash value in a Bubblebabble encoded form. */ static VALUE rb_digest_base_bubblebabble(VALUE self) { return bubblebabble_str_new(rb_funcall(self, id_digest, 0)); } /* * This module adds some methods to Digest classes to perform * BubbleBabble encoding. */ void Init_bubblebabble(void) { mDigest = rb_define_module("Digest"); cDigest_Base = rb_define_class_under(mDigest, "Base", rb_cObject); /* Digest::bubblebabble() */ rb_define_module_function(mDigest, "bubblebabble", rb_digest_s_bubblebabble, 1); /* Digest::Base::bubblebabble() */ rb_define_singleton_method(cDigest_Base, "bubblebabble", rb_digest_base_s_bubblebabble, -1); /* Digest::Base#bubblebabble() */ rb_define_method(cDigest_Base, "bubblebabble", rb_digest_base_bubblebabble, 0); id_digest = rb_intern("digest"); }