/************************************************ coverage.c - $Author: $ Copyright (c) 2008 Yusuke Endoh ************************************************/ #include "ruby.h" #include "vm_core.h" #include "gc.h" static int current_mode; static VALUE me2counter = Qnil; /* * call-seq: * Coverage.start => nil * * Enables coverage measurement. */ static VALUE rb_coverage_start(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE coverages, opt; int mode, experimental_mode_enabled = 1; { const char *e = getenv("COVERAGE_EXPERIMENTAL_MODE"); if (!e || !*e) experimental_mode_enabled = 0; } if (!experimental_mode_enabled && argc != 0) rb_error_arity(argc, 0, 0); rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &opt); if (argc == 0) { mode = 0; /* compatible mode */ } else if (opt == ID2SYM(rb_intern("all"))) { mode = COVERAGE_TARGET_LINES | COVERAGE_TARGET_BRANCHES | COVERAGE_TARGET_METHODS; } else { mode = 0; opt = rb_convert_type(opt, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_hash"); if (RTEST(rb_hash_lookup(opt, ID2SYM(rb_intern("lines"))))) mode |= COVERAGE_TARGET_LINES; if (RTEST(rb_hash_lookup(opt, ID2SYM(rb_intern("branches"))))) mode |= COVERAGE_TARGET_BRANCHES; if (RTEST(rb_hash_lookup(opt, ID2SYM(rb_intern("methods"))))) mode |= COVERAGE_TARGET_METHODS; if (mode == 0) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "no measuring target is specified"); } } if (mode & COVERAGE_TARGET_METHODS) { me2counter = rb_hash_new_compare_by_id(); } else { me2counter = Qnil; } coverages = rb_get_coverages(); if (!RTEST(coverages)) { coverages = rb_hash_new(); rb_obj_hide(coverages); current_mode = mode; if (mode == 0) mode = COVERAGE_TARGET_LINES; rb_set_coverages(coverages, mode, me2counter); } else if (current_mode != mode) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "cannot change the measuring target during coverage measurement"); } return Qnil; } static VALUE branch_coverage(VALUE branches) { VALUE ret = rb_hash_new(); VALUE structure = rb_ary_dup(RARRAY_AREF(branches, 0)); VALUE counters = rb_ary_dup(RARRAY_AREF(branches, 1)); int i, j; long id = 0; for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(structure); i++) { VALUE branches = RARRAY_AREF(structure, i); VALUE base_type = RARRAY_AREF(branches, 0); VALUE base_first_lineno = RARRAY_AREF(branches, 1); VALUE base_first_column = RARRAY_AREF(branches, 2); VALUE base_last_lineno = RARRAY_AREF(branches, 3); VALUE base_last_column = RARRAY_AREF(branches, 4); VALUE children = rb_hash_new(); rb_hash_aset(ret, rb_ary_new_from_args(6, base_type, LONG2FIX(id++), base_first_lineno, base_first_column, base_last_lineno, base_last_column), children); for (j = 5; j < RARRAY_LEN(branches); j += 6) { VALUE target_label = RARRAY_AREF(branches, j); VALUE target_first_lineno = RARRAY_AREF(branches, j + 1); VALUE target_first_column = RARRAY_AREF(branches, j + 2); VALUE target_last_lineno = RARRAY_AREF(branches, j + 3); VALUE target_last_column = RARRAY_AREF(branches, j + 4); int idx = FIX2INT(RARRAY_AREF(branches, j + 5)); rb_hash_aset(children, rb_ary_new_from_args(6, target_label, LONG2FIX(id++), target_first_lineno, target_first_column, target_last_lineno, target_last_column), RARRAY_AREF(counters, idx)); } } return ret; } static int method_coverage_i(void *vstart, void *vend, size_t stride, void *data) { /* * ObjectSpace.each_object(Module){|mod| * mod.instance_methods.each{|mid| * m = mod.instance_method(mid) * if loc = m.source_location * p [m.name, loc, $g_method_cov_counts[m]] * end * } * } */ VALUE ncoverages = *(VALUE*)data, v; for (v = (VALUE)vstart; v != (VALUE)vend; v += stride) { if (RB_TYPE_P(v, T_IMEMO) && imemo_type(v) == imemo_ment) { const rb_method_entry_t *me = (rb_method_entry_t *) v; VALUE path = Qundef, first_lineno = Qundef; VALUE data[2], ncoverage, methods; VALUE methods_id = ID2SYM(rb_intern("methods")); VALUE klass; const rb_method_entry_t *me2 = rb_resolve_me_location(me, data); if (me != me2) continue; klass = me->owner; if (RB_TYPE_P(klass, T_ICLASS)) { rb_bug("T_ICLASS"); } path = data[0]; first_lineno = data[1]; if (FIX2LONG(first_lineno) <= 0) continue; ncoverage = rb_hash_aref(ncoverages, path); if (NIL_P(ncoverage)) continue; methods = rb_hash_aref(ncoverage, methods_id); { VALUE method_id = ID2SYM(me->def->original_id); VALUE rcount = rb_hash_aref(me2counter, (VALUE) me); VALUE key = rb_ary_new_from_args(3, klass, method_id, first_lineno); VALUE rcount2 = rb_hash_aref(methods, key); if (NIL_P(rcount)) rcount = LONG2FIX(0); if (NIL_P(rcount2)) rcount2 = LONG2FIX(0); if (!POSFIXABLE(FIX2LONG(rcount) + FIX2LONG(rcount2))) { rcount = LONG2FIX(FIXNUM_MAX); } else { rcount = LONG2FIX(FIX2LONG(rcount) + FIX2LONG(rcount2)); } rb_hash_aset(methods, key, rcount); } } } return 0; } static int coverage_peek_result_i(st_data_t key, st_data_t val, st_data_t h) { VALUE path = (VALUE)key; VALUE coverage = (VALUE)val; VALUE coverages = (VALUE)h; if (current_mode == 0) { /* compatible mode */ VALUE lines = rb_ary_dup(RARRAY_AREF(coverage, COVERAGE_INDEX_LINES)); rb_ary_freeze(lines); coverage = lines; } else { VALUE h = rb_hash_new(); if (current_mode & COVERAGE_TARGET_LINES) { VALUE lines = RARRAY_AREF(coverage, COVERAGE_INDEX_LINES); lines = rb_ary_dup(lines); rb_ary_freeze(lines); rb_hash_aset(h, ID2SYM(rb_intern("lines")), lines); } if (current_mode & COVERAGE_TARGET_BRANCHES) { VALUE branches = RARRAY_AREF(coverage, COVERAGE_INDEX_BRANCHES); rb_hash_aset(h, ID2SYM(rb_intern("branches")), branch_coverage(branches)); } if (current_mode & COVERAGE_TARGET_METHODS) { rb_hash_aset(h, ID2SYM(rb_intern("methods")), rb_hash_new()); } coverage = h; } rb_hash_aset(coverages, path, coverage); return ST_CONTINUE; } /* * call-seq: * Coverage.peek_result => hash * * Returns a hash that contains filename as key and coverage array as value. * * { * "file.rb" => [1, 2, nil], * ... * } */ static VALUE rb_coverage_peek_result(VALUE klass) { VALUE coverages = rb_get_coverages(); VALUE ncoverages = rb_hash_new(); if (!RTEST(coverages)) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "coverage measurement is not enabled"); } st_foreach(RHASH_TBL(coverages), coverage_peek_result_i, ncoverages); if (current_mode & COVERAGE_TARGET_METHODS) { rb_objspace_each_objects(method_coverage_i, &ncoverages); } rb_hash_freeze(ncoverages); return ncoverages; } /* * call-seq: * Coverage.result => hash * * Returns a hash that contains filename as key and coverage array as value * and disables coverage measurement. */ static VALUE rb_coverage_result(VALUE klass) { VALUE ncoverages = rb_coverage_peek_result(klass); rb_reset_coverages(); me2counter = Qnil; return ncoverages; } /* * call-seq: * Coverage.running? => bool * * Returns true if coverage stats are currently being collected (after * Coverage.start call, but before Coverage.result call) */ static VALUE rb_coverage_running(VALUE klass) { VALUE coverages = rb_get_coverages(); return RTEST(coverages) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /* Coverage provides coverage measurement feature for Ruby. * This feature is experimental, so these APIs may be changed in future. * * = Usage * * 1. require "coverage" * 2. do Coverage.start * 3. require or load Ruby source file * 4. Coverage.result will return a hash that contains filename as key and * coverage array as value. A coverage array gives, for each line, the * number of line execution by the interpreter. A +nil+ value means * coverage is disabled for this line (lines like +else+ and +end+). * * = Example * * [foo.rb] * s = 0 * 10.times do |x| * s += x * end * * if s == 45 * p :ok * else * p :ng * end * [EOF] * * require "coverage" * Coverage.start * require "foo.rb" * p Coverage.result #=> {"foo.rb"=>[1, 1, 10, nil, nil, 1, 1, nil, 0, nil]} */ void Init_coverage(void) { VALUE rb_mCoverage = rb_define_module("Coverage"); rb_define_module_function(rb_mCoverage, "start", rb_coverage_start, -1); rb_define_module_function(rb_mCoverage, "result", rb_coverage_result, 0); rb_define_module_function(rb_mCoverage, "peek_result", rb_coverage_peek_result, 0); rb_define_module_function(rb_mCoverage, "running?", rb_coverage_running, 0); rb_global_variable(&me2counter); }