#include "transcode_data.h" <% require "gb18030-tbl" def linear(code) bytes = [code].pack('H8').unpack 'C4' ((bytes[0]*10+bytes[1])*126+bytes[2])*10+bytes[3] end def calculate_differences_gb_utf(table) table.collect do |code| code = code.dup if code[0].length == 4 if code[1] < 0x800 # GB-18030: 2 bytes, UTF-8: 2 bytes # do nothing else # GB-18030: 2 bytes, UTF-8: 3 bytes gb_linear2b = code[0].to_i(16) diff2b = gb_linear2b - code[1] + 24055 code[1] = "funsio(#{diff2b})" end else if code[1] < 0x800 # GB-18030: 4 bytes, UTF-8: 2 bytes # do nothing else # GB-18030: 4 bytes, UTF-8: 3 bytes gb_linear4b = linear(code[0]) diff4b = gb_linear4b - code[1] - 0x170000 code[1] = "funsio(#{diff4b})" end end code end end def calculate_differences_utf_gb(table) table_rev = table.map{|a,b| [b,a]} table_rev.collect do |code| code = code.dup if code[0] >= 0x800 if code[1].length == 4 #GB18030 2byte UTF-8 3byte gb_linear2b = code[1].to_i(16) diff2b = gb_linear2b - code[0] + 24055 code[1] = "funsio(#{diff2b})" else # GB-18030: 4 bytes, UTF-8: 3 bytes gb_linear4b = linear(code[1]) diff4b = gb_linear4b - code[0] - 0x170000 code[1] = "funsio(#{diff4b})" end end code end end transcode_tbl_only "GB18030", "UTF-8", [["{00-7f}", :nomap]] + calculate_differences_gb_utf(GB18030_TO_UCS_TBL) + [ ["{90-e2}{30-39}{81-fe}{30-39}", :func_so], ["e3{30-31}{81-fe}{30-39}", :func_so], ["e332{81-99}{30-39}", :func_so], ["e3329a{30-35}", :func_so], # "E3329A35" is U+10FFFF ] transcode_tbl_only "UTF-8", "GB18030", [["{00-7f}", :nomap]] + calculate_differences_utf_gb(GB18030_TO_UCS_TBL) + [ ["f0{90-bf}{80-bf}{80-bf}", :func_so], ["{f1-f3}{80-bf}{80-bf}{80-bf}", :func_so], ["f4{80-8f}{80-bf}{80-bf}", :func_so] ] %> <%= transcode_generated_code %> /* GB18030 4byte, UTF-8 4byte*/ static ssize_t fun_so_from_gb18030(void *statep, const unsigned char *s, size_t l, unsigned char *o, size_t osize) { /* outside BMP only */ /* u: Unicode Scalar Value */ unsigned int u = (s[0]-0x90)*10*126*10 + (s[1]-0x30)*126*10 + (s[2]-0x81)*10 + (s[3]-0x30) + 0x10000; o[0] = 0xF0 | (u>>18); o[1] = 0x80 | ((u>>12)&0x3F); o[2] = 0x80 | ((u>>6)&0x3F); o[3] = 0x80 | (u&0x3F); return 4; } /* GB18030 4byte, UTF-8 4byte*/ static ssize_t fun_so_to_gb18030(void *statep, const unsigned char *s, size_t l, unsigned char *o, size_t osize) { /* outside BMP only */ /* u: Unicode Scalar Value */ unsigned int u = ((s[0]&0x07)<<18) | ((s[1]&0x3F)<<12) | ((s[2]&0x3F)<<6) | (s[3]&0x3F); u -= 0x10000; o[3] = 0x30 + u%10; u /= 10; o[2] = 0x81 + u%126; u /= 126; o[1] = 0x30 + u%10; o[0] = 0x90 + u/10; return 4; } /* GB18030 2byte, UTF-8 3byte and GB18030 4byte, UTF-8 3byte*/ static ssize_t fun_sio_from_gb18030(void *statep, const unsigned char *s, size_t l, VALUE info, unsigned char *o, size_t osize) { unsigned int diff = (unsigned int)(info >> 8); unsigned int u; /* Unicode Scalar Value */ if (diff & 0x20000) { /* GB18030 4 bytes */ u = ((s[0]*10+s[1])*126+s[2])*10+s[3] - diff - 0x170000; } else { /* GB18030 2 bytes */ u = s[0]*256 + s[1] + 24055 - diff; } o[0] = 0xE0 | (u>>12); o[1] = 0x80 | ((u>>6)&0x3F); o[2] = 0x80 | (u&0x3F); return 3; } /* GB18030 2byte, UTF-8 3byte and GB18030 4byte, UTF-8 3byte*/ static ssize_t fun_sio_to_gb18030(void *statep, const unsigned char *s, size_t l, VALUE info, unsigned char *o, size_t osize) { unsigned int diff = (unsigned int)(info >> 8); unsigned int u; /* Unicode Scalar Value */ u = ((s[0]&0x0F)<<12) | ((s[1]&0x3F)<<6) | (s[2]&0x3F); if (diff & 0x20000) { /* GB18030 4 bytes */ u += (diff + 0x170000); u -= 1688980; u += 0x2; o[3] = 0x30 + u%10; u /= 10; u += 0x32; o[2] = 0x81 + u%126; u /= 126; u += 0x1; o[1] = 0x30 + u%10; u /= 10; o[0] = 0x81 + u; return 4; } else { /* GB18030 2 bytes */ u += (diff - 24055); o[1] = u%256; o[0] = u/256; return 2; } } static const rb_transcoder rb_from_GB18030 = { "GB18030", "UTF-8", from_GB18030, TRANSCODE_TABLE_INFO, 1, /* input_unit_length */ 4, /* max_input */ 4, /* max_output */ asciicompat_converter, /* asciicompat_type */ 0, NULL, NULL, /* state_size, state_init, state_fini */ NULL, NULL, NULL, fun_so_from_gb18030, NULL, NULL, NULL, fun_sio_from_gb18030 }; static const rb_transcoder rb_to_GB18030 = { "UTF-8", "GB18030", to_GB18030, TRANSCODE_TABLE_INFO, 1, /* input_unit_length */ 4, /* max_input */ 4, /* max_output */ asciicompat_converter, /* asciicompat_type */ 0, NULL, NULL, /* state_size, state_init, state_fini */ NULL, NULL, NULL, fun_so_to_gb18030, NULL, NULL, NULL, fun_sio_to_gb18030 }; TRANS_INIT(gb18030) { rb_register_transcoder(&rb_from_GB18030); rb_register_transcoder(&rb_to_GB18030); }