#! ./miniruby dir = File.expand_path("../..", __FILE__) $:.unshift(dir) $:.unshift(".") if $".grep(/mkmf/).empty? $" << "mkmf.rb" load File.expand_path("lib/mkmf.rb", dir) end require 'erb' CONFIG['srcdir'] = RbConfig::CONFIG['srcdir'] CONFIG["MAKEDIRS"] ||= '$(MINIRUBY) -run -e mkdir -- -p' BUILTIN_ENCS = [] BUILTIN_TRANSES = [] ENC_PATTERNS = [] NOENC_PATTERNS = [] TRANS_PATTERNS = [] NOTRANS_PATTERNS = [] module_type = :dynamic until ARGV.empty? case ARGV[0] when /\A--builtin-encs=/ BUILTIN_ENCS.concat $'.split.map {|e| File.basename(e, '.*') << '.c'} ARGV.shift when /\A--builtin-transes=/ BUILTIN_TRANSES.concat $'.split.map {|e| File.basename(e, '.*') } ARGV.shift when /\A--encs=/ ENC_PATTERNS.concat $'.split ARGV.shift when /\A--no-encs=/ NOENC_PATTERNS.concat $'.split ARGV.shift when /\A--transes=/ TRANS_PATTERNS.concat $'.split ARGV.shift when /\A--no-transes=/ NOTRANS_PATTERNS.concat $'.split ARGV.shift when /\A--module$/ ARGV.shift when /\A--modulestatic$/ module_type = :static ARGV.shift else break end end ALPHANUMERIC_ORDER = proc {|e| e.scan(/(\d+)|(\D+)/).map {|n,a| a||[n.size,n.to_i]}.flatten} def target_encodings encs = Dir.open($srcdir) {|d| d.grep(/.+\.c\z/)} - BUILTIN_ENCS - ["mktable.c", "encinit.c"] encs.each {|e| e.chomp!(".c")} encs.reject! {|e| !ENC_PATTERNS.any? {|p| File.fnmatch?(p, e)}} if !ENC_PATTERNS.empty? encs.reject! {|e| NOENC_PATTERNS.any? {|p| File.fnmatch?(p, e)}} encs = encs.sort_by(&ALPHANUMERIC_ORDER) deps = Hash.new {[]} inc_srcs = Hash.new {[]} default_deps = %w[regenc.h oniguruma.h config.h defines.h] encs.delete(db = "encdb") encs.each do |e| File.foreach("#$srcdir/#{e}.c") do |l| if /^\s*#\s*include\s+(?:"([^\"]+)"|<(ruby\/\sw+.h)>)/ =~ l n = $1 || $2 if /\.c$/ =~ n inc_srcs[e] <<= $` n = "enc/#{n}" end deps[e] <<= n unless default_deps.include?(n) end end end class << inc_srcs; self; end.class_eval do define_method(:expand) do |d| d.map {|n| deps[n] | self.expand(self[n])}.flatten end end inc_srcs.each do |e, d| deps[e].concat(inc_srcs.expand(d)) end encs.unshift(db) return encs, deps end def target_transcoders atrans = [] trans = Dir.open($srcdir+"/trans") {|d| d.select {|e| if e.chomp!('.trans') atrans << e true elsif e.chomp!('.c') true end } } trans -= BUILTIN_TRANSES atrans -= BUILTIN_TRANSES trans.uniq! atrans.reject! {|e| !TRANS_PATTERNS.any? {|p| File.fnmatch?(p, e)}} if !TRANS_PATTERNS.empty? atrans.reject! {|e| NOTRANS_PATTERNS.any? {|p| File.fnmatch?(p, e)}} trans.reject! {|e| !TRANS_PATTERNS.any? {|p| File.fnmatch?(p, e)}} if !TRANS_PATTERNS.empty? trans.reject! {|e| NOTRANS_PATTERNS.any? {|p| File.fnmatch?(p, e)}} atrans = atrans.sort_by(&ALPHANUMERIC_ORDER) trans = trans.sort_by(&ALPHANUMERIC_ORDER) trans.delete(db = "transdb") trans.unshift(db) trans.compact! trans |= atrans trans.map! {|e| "trans/#{e}"} return atrans, trans end # Constants that "depend" needs. MODULE_TYPE = module_type ENCS, ENC_DEPS = target_encodings ATRANS, TRANS = target_transcoders if File.exist?(depend = File.join($srcdir, "depend")) erb = ERB.new(File.read(depend), trim_mode: '%') erb.filename = depend tmp = erb.result(binding) dep = "\n#### depend ####\n\n" + depend_rules(tmp).join else dep = "" end mkin = File.read(File.join($srcdir, "Makefile.in")) # Variables that should not be expanded in Makefile.in to allow # overriding inherited variables at make-time. not_expand_vars = %w(CFLAGS) mkin.gsub!(/@(#{RbConfig::CONFIG.keys.join('|')})@/) do not_expand_vars.include?($1) ? CONFIG[$1] : RbConfig::CONFIG[$1] end File.open(ARGV[0], 'wb') {|f| f.puts mkin, dep } if MODULE_TYPE == :static filename = "encinit.c.erb" erb = ERB.new(File.read(File.join($srcdir, filename)), trim_mode: '%-') erb.filename = "enc/#{filename}" tmp = erb.result(binding) begin Dir.mkdir 'enc' rescue Errno::EEXIST end require 'tool/lib/output' Output.new(path: "enc/encinit.c", ifchange: true).write(tmp) end