# How to use "configure" and "make" commands for Ruby This is for developers of Ruby. If you are a user of Ruby, please see README.md. ## In-place build ``` $ ./autogen.sh $ ./configure --prefix=$PWD/local $ make $ make install $ ./local/bin/ruby -e 'puts "Hello"' Hello ``` ## Out-of-place build ``` $ ./autogen.sh $ mkdir ../ruby-build $ cd ../ruby-build $ ../ruby-src/configure --prefix=$PWD/local $ make $ make install $ ./local/bin/ruby -e 'puts "Hello"' Hello ``` ## How to run the whole test suite ``` $ make check ``` It runs (about) four test suites: * `make test` (a test suite for the interpreter core) * `make test-all` (for all builtin classes and libraries) * `make test-spec` (a conformance test suite for Ruby implementations) * `make test-bundler` (a test suite for the bundler examples) ## How to run the test suite with log ``` $ make test OPTS=-v $ make test-all TESTS=-v $ make test-spec MSPECOPT=-Vfs ``` ## How to run a part of the test suite ### Runs a directory ``` $ make test-all TESTS=test/rubygems $ make test-all TESTS=rubygems ``` ### Runs a file ``` $ make test-all TESTS=test/ruby/test_foo.rb $ make test-all TESTS=ruby/foo ``` ### Runs a test whose name includes test_bar ``` $ make test-all TESTS="test/ruby/test_foo.rb -n /test_bar/" ``` ### Runs a file or directory with GNU make ``` $ make test/ruby/test_foo.rb $ make test/ruby/test_foo.rb TESTOPTS="-n /test_bar/" ``` ### Runs a ruby-spec directory ``` $ make test-spec MSPECOPT=spec/ruby/core/foo ``` ### Runs a ruby-spec file ``` $ make test-spec MSPECOPT=spec/ruby/core/foo/bar_spec.rb ``` ### Runs a ruby-spec file or directory with GNU make ``` $ make spec/ruby/core/foo/bar_spec.rb ``` ### Runs a bundler spec file ``` $ make test-bundler BUNDLER_SPECS=commands/exec_spec.rb:58 ``` ## How to measure coverage of C and Ruby code You need to be able to use gcc (gcov) and lcov visualizer. ``` $ ./autogen.sh $ ./configure --enable-gcov $ make $ make update-coverage $ rm -f test-coverage.dat $ make test-all COVERAGE=true $ make lcov $ open lcov-out/index.html ``` If you need only C code coverage, you can remove `COVERAGE=true` from the above process. You can also use `gcov` command directly to get per-file coverage. If you need only Ruby code coverage, you can remove `--enable-gcov`. Note that `test-coverage.dat` accumulates all runs of `make test-all`. Make sure that you remove the file if you want to measure one test run. You can see the coverage result of CI: https://rubyci.org/coverage ## How to benchmark see https://github.com/ruby/ruby/tree/master/benchmark#make-benchmark