====== Option +field_size_limit+ Specifies the \Integer field size limit. Default value: CSV::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.fetch(:field_size_limit) # => nil This is a maximum size CSV will read ahead looking for the closing quote for a field. (In truth, it reads to the first line ending beyond this size.) If a quote cannot be found within the limit CSV will raise a MalformedCSVError, assuming the data is faulty. You can use this limit to prevent what are effectively DoS attacks on the parser. However, this limit can cause a legitimate parse to fail; therefore the default value is +nil+ (no limit). For the examples in this section: str = <<~EOT "a","b" " 2345 ","" EOT str # => "\"a\",\"b\"\n\"\n2345\n\",\"\"\n" Using the default +nil+: ary = CSV.parse(str) ary # => [["a", "b"], ["\n2345\n", ""]] Using 50: field_size_limit = 50 ary = CSV.parse(str, field_size_limit: field_size_limit) ary # => [["a", "b"], ["\n2345\n", ""]] --- Raises an exception if a field is too long: big_str = "123456789\n" * 1024 # Raises CSV::MalformedCSVError (Field size exceeded in line 1.) CSV.parse('valid,fields,"' + big_str + '"', field_size_limit: 2048)