Summary of the changes since 1.6.5: : Syslog module Imported. : Digest module Added as a replacement for md5 and sha1 modules. require 'digest/md5' include Digest md = md << "abc" puts md puts MD5.hexdigest("123") : Struct Fixed to check frozen and taint status before modifying. : String#rindex Fixed with a bug when a regex is given. [ruby-dev:13843] "foobar".index("b") #=> 3 "foobar".index(/b/) #=> 3 "foobar".rindex("b") #=> 3 "foobar".rindex(/b/) #=> nil <- ??? : require Fixed with handling of a `~' to allow an extention to be omitted. [ruby-dev:13756) $ echo p __FILE__ > ~/a.rb $ ruby17 -v -r~/a -e0 ruby 1.7.1 (2001-07-03) [i686-linux] 0: No such file to load -- ~/a (LoadError) $ ruby16 -v -r~/a -e0 ruby 1.6.4 (2001-07-02) [i686-linux] 0: No such file to load -- ~/a (LoadError) $ ruby14 -v -r~/a -e0 ruby 1.4.6 (2000-08-16) [i686-linux] "/home/nobu/a.rb" : String#each_line Fixed to properly propagate taintness. [ruby-dev:13755] : NKF::nkf Fixed to properly propagate taintness. [ruby-dev:13754] : ruby -x Fixed with a bug that when a `-x' is specified the interpreter might exit without running a script. [ruby-dev:13752] : attr_* Fixed to raise an error when unwanted parameters are given. [ruby-dev:13748] class C def initialize @message = 'ok' end attr_reader :message end puts,2,3) # raises ArgumentError : Readline::completion_append_characte : Readline::completion_append_character= Added. : Socket::SO_* Added. : require / $LOAD_PATH Changed to use a new algorithm to locate a library. Now when requiring "foo", the following directories are searched for the library in the order listed. $prefix/lib/ruby/site_ruby/$ver/foo.rb $prefix/lib/ruby/site_ruby/$ver/ $prefix/lib/ruby/site_ruby/$ver/$arch/foo.rb $prefix/lib/ruby/site_ruby/$ver/$arch/ $prefix/lib/ruby/site_ruby/foo.rb $prefix/lib/ruby/site_ruby/ $prefix/lib/ruby/$ver/foo.rb $prefix/lib/ruby/$ver/ $prefix/lib/ruby/$ver/$arch/foo.rb $prefix/lib/ruby/$ver/$arch/ ./foo.rb ./ The previous behavior had a potential security risk because a foo.rb (if exists) in the current directory is located prior to a in $prefix/lib/ruby/site_ruby/$ver/$arch. [ruby-bugs (PR#140)] : lib/sync.rb : lib/mutex_m.rb Fixed for obj.extend(Sync_m) and obj.extend(Mutex_m). : $SAFE / load Fixed with a bug that a file with a tainted filename can be loaded when 1 <= $SAFE <= 3 and the second argument is true. [ruby-dev:13481] $SAFE = 1 filename = "foo" filename.taint load(filename, true) #=> true : Regexp Fixed for the following case. [ruby-talk:16233] ruby -e 'puts "OK" if /(.|a)bd/ =~ "cxbd"' ruby -e 'puts "OK" if /(a|.)bd/ =~ "cxbd"' #=> OK : $SAFE / def Fixed so defining a new method is allowed under $SAFE == 4, which previously wasn't. ruby -e '$SAFE = 4; def a; end' => -e:1: Insecure operation `(null)' at level 4 (SecurityError) : IO#ioctl Fixed to accept a Bignum as the second argument. Summary of the changes since 1.6.3: : Hash#replace Fixed so the following code does not fail in core dump. h = { 10 => 100, 20 => 200 } h2 = { } h.each { |k, v| if (k == 10) h.delete(10) h2.replace(h) # => Abort core dumped end } : $SAFE / File::unlink Changed to be forbidden under $SAFE >= 2. : ruby -T4 Fixed. ARGV is now properly marked as tainted so ruby -T4 no longer fails in SecurityError. : Regexp Fixed. Now \1 .. \9 always mean backreferences, and referring to unclosed/unmatched parentheses always fails. : String taint infection Fixed for the following cases. [ruby-dev:13340] # []= s1 = "abc" s2 = "cde".taint s1[0]= s2 p s1.tainted? # => false # crypt s = "abc".taint p s.crypt("cd").tainted? # => false # ljust s = "abc".taint p s.ljust(10).tainted? # => false # rjust s = "abc".taint p s.rjust(10).tainted? # => false # center s = "abc".taint p # => false Now they will all be marked as tainted. : rb_yield_0() Fixed so it adjusts a 1-element array when yielded from C API, as well. Previously, the following code produced a wrong result: class X include Enumerable def each(&block) end end x = p x.to_a #=> [[1], [2], [3]] Now it properly produces [1, 2, 3]. : $SAFE / alias Fixed so aliasing global variables is disallowed under $SAFE == 4. (()) : Open3::popen3 Fixed to do exit! instead of exit so the dying process does not invoke at_exit. (()) : SizedQueue#pop Fixed so the following code does not cause a dead lock. (()) ruby -r thread -e 'q =; q.push(1);' -e '{sleep 1; q.pop}; q.push(1);' : SizedQueue#max= Fixed so it really works. (()) : Queue : SizedQueue Fixed to rescue ThreadError in case the thread is dead just before calling Thread#run. (()) : Array#& : Array#| : Array#uniq Fixed so they do not freeze the elements. (()) (%w(foo bar) & %w(foo baz))[0].upcase! => -:1:in `upcase!': can't modify frozen string (TypeError) %w(foo bar bar baz).uniq[0].upcase! => -:1:in `upcase!': can't modify frozen string (TypeError) : shell.rb shell.rb 0.6 is newly imported as a standard library, along with documents. : forwardable.rb forwardable.rb 1.1 is newly imported as a standard library, along with documents. : irb & irb-tools irb and irb-tools are updated to 0.7.4 and 0.7.1, respectively. : Daylight saving time Fixed so it is handled correctly. [ruby-bugs-ja (PR#46)] env TZ=America/Managua ruby -e 'p Time.local(1998,12,1,0,59,59)' => Mon Nov 30 01:59:59 EST 1998 env TZ=America/Managua ruby -e 'p Time.local(1998,12,1,0,59,59).tv_sec' => 912409199 : SIGINFO Support SIGINFO of 4.4BSD. [ruby-bugs-ja (PR#45)] : Modifier rescue Fixed so the following code does not emit a parse error any more. (()), (()) raise "" rescue [] raise "" rescue (p "foo"; true) raise "" rescue -1 raise "" rescue (-1) : Thread Fixed so the following code does not cause a dead lock any more. Thread.start { Thread.stop } sleep => deadlock 0x40199b58: 2:0 - -:1 deadlock 0x401a2528: 2:4 (main) - -:2 -:2:in `sleep': Thread: deadlock (fatal) from -:2 ruby 1.6.3 (2001-03-19) [i586-linux] : Module#const_defined? : Module#const_get : Module#const_set Fixed so they do not access to anything other than constants. (()) : Marshal.dump Improved so it dumps Float with better precision: "%.12g" -> "%.16g" (()) : Fixnum#[] Fixed with a bug on the platforms which sizeof(long) > sizeof(int). : Regular Expression Fixed with a couple of minor bugs. (()), (()) : retry Fixed so the following code works correctly again. (()) def WHILE(cond) return if not cond yield retry end i=0 WHILE(i<3) { print i i+=1 } ruby 1.6.2 (2000-12-25) [i586-linux] => 012 ruby 1.6.3 (2001-03-19) [i586-linux] => 0 ruby 1.6.4 (2001-05-02) [i586-linux] => 012 : (())#size Fixed to return a correct value for files larger than 1G bytes."/tmp/1GB", "w") {|f|**30-1, 0) f.puts f.flush p f.stat.size } # => ruby 1.6.3 (2001-04-03) [i586-linux] -1073741824 # => ruby 1.6.4 (2001-04-19) [i586-linux] 1073741824 : (())#modulo, (())#divmod Fixed. (()) : (())#_id2ref Fixed so it does not raise a exception. : recursive malloc problem Fixed by preallocating a buffer for stdio using setvbuf(). (()) : (())#flock Fixed so it does not raise Errno::EACCES when the file to flock is already locked. (only applicable to the platforms which lack flock()) : (()).new(filename) Added. (()) : (())#% miscalculation (Re-)Fixed. a = 677330545177305025495135714080 b = 14269972710765292560 p a % b #=> 0 p -a % b #=> => ruby 1.6.3 (2001-04-02) [i386-cygwin] 0 14269972710765292560 => ruby 1.6.4 (2001-04-19) [i586-linux] 0 0 : (()) Fixed so a Bignum is properly restored through dump & load. : Universal Naming Convention(UNC) support (win32) Added. Now the UNC form (//host/share) is supported. Use slash (`(({/}))') instead of backslash (`(({\}))') for separating components. : (()).glob (win32) Fixed so it works for the current directory as well. p Dir["./*.c"] => []