/* * This file is part of the "Coroutine" project and released under the MIT License. * * Created by Samuel Williams on 24/6/2019. * Copyright, 2019, by Samuel Williams. All rights reserved. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #define COROUTINE __attribute__((noreturn)) void struct coroutine_context { ucontext_t state; struct coroutine_context * from; }; typedef COROUTINE(* coroutine_start)(struct coroutine_context *from, struct coroutine_context *self); COROUTINE coroutine_trampoline(void * _start, void * _context); static inline void coroutine_initialize_main(struct coroutine_context * context) { context->from = NULL; getcontext(&context->state); } static inline void coroutine_initialize( struct coroutine_context *context, coroutine_start start, void *stack, size_t size ) { assert(start && stack && size >= 1024); coroutine_initialize_main(context); context->state.uc_stack.ss_size = size; // Despite what it's called, this is not actually a stack pointer. It points to the address of the stack allocation (the lowest address). context->state.uc_stack.ss_sp = (char*)stack; context->state.uc_stack.ss_flags = 0; context->state.uc_link = NULL; makecontext(&context->state, (void(*)(void))coroutine_trampoline, 2, (void*)start, (void*)context); } static inline struct coroutine_context * coroutine_transfer(struct coroutine_context * current, struct coroutine_context * target) { struct coroutine_context * previous = target->from; target->from = current; swapcontext(¤t->state, &target->state); target->from = previous; return target; } static inline void coroutine_destroy(struct coroutine_context * context) { context->state.uc_stack.ss_sp = NULL; context->state.uc_stack.ss_size = 0; context->from = NULL; }