assert_equal '0', %q{ begin GC.stress = true pid = fork {} Process.wait pid $?.to_i rescue NotImplementedError 0 end }, '[ruby-dev:32404]' assert_finish 10, %q{ begin children = (1..10).map{ Thread.start{fork{}}.value } while !children.empty? and pid = Process.wait children.delete(pid) end rescue NotImplementedError end }, '[ruby-core:22158]' # temporarily stop this test to enable explicit failure when # timer thread couldn't be created (r61706 and r61717). assert_normal_exit(<<'End', '[ruby-dev:37934]') if false main = Thread.current { sleep 0.01 until main.stop?; Thread.kill main } Process.setrlimit(:NPROC, 1) if defined?(Process::RLIMIT_NPROC) fork {} End assert_equal 'ok', %q{ begin r, w = IO.pipe if pid1 = fork w.close Process.kill("USR1", pid1) _, s = Process.wait2(pid1) s.success? ? :ok : :ng else r.close if pid2 = fork trap("USR1") {; Process.kill("USR2", pid2) } w.close Process.wait2(pid2) else w.close sleep 0.2 end exit true end rescue NotImplementedError :ok end }, '[ruby-core:28924]' assert_equal '[1, 2]', %q{ a = [] main = Thread.current trap(:INT) { a.push(1).size == 2 and main.wakeup } trap(:TERM) { a.push(2).size == 2 and main.wakeup } pid = $$ begin pid = fork do Process.kill(:INT, pid) Process.kill(:TERM, pid) end Process.wait(pid) 100.times {break if a.size > 1; sleep 0.001} a.sort rescue NotImplementedError [1, 2] end }, '[ruby-dev:44005] [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4950]'