prelude: | bm_so_fasta = <<'EOS' # The Computer Language Shootout # # Contributed by Sokolov Yura $last = 42.0 def gen_random(max, im=139968, ia=3877, ic=29573) (max * ($last = ($last * ia + ic) % im)) / im end alu = "GGCCGGGCGCGGTGGCTCACGCCTGTAATCCCAGCACTTTGG"+ "GAGGCCGAGGCGGGCGGATCACCTGAGGTCAGGAGTTCGAGA"+ "CCAGCCTGGCCAACATGGTGAAACCCCGTCTCTACTAAAAAT"+ "ACAAAAATTAGCCGGGCGTGGTGGCGCGCGCCTGTAATCCCA"+ "GCTACTCGGGAGGCTGAGGCAGGAGAATCGCTTGAACCCGGG"+ "AGGCGGAGGTTGCAGTGAGCCGAGATCGCGCCACTGCACTCC"+ "AGCCTGGGCGACAGAGCGAGACTCCGTCTCAAAAA" iub = [ ["a", 0.27], ["c", 0.12], ["g", 0.12], ["t", 0.27], ["B", 0.02], ["D", 0.02], ["H", 0.02], ["K", 0.02], ["M", 0.02], ["N", 0.02], ["R", 0.02], ["S", 0.02], ["V", 0.02], ["W", 0.02], ["Y", 0.02], ] homosapiens = [ ["a", 0.3029549426680], ["c", 0.1979883004921], ["g", 0.1975473066391], ["t", 0.3015094502008], ] def make_repeat_fasta(id, desc, src, n) puts ">#{id} #{desc}" v = nil width = 60 l = src.length s = src * ((n / l) + 1) s.slice!(n, l) puts(s.scan(/.{1,#{width}}/).join("\n")) end def make_random_fasta(id, desc, table, n) puts ">#{id} #{desc}" rand, v = nil,nil width = 60 chunk = 1 * width prob = 0.0 table.each{|v| v[1]= (prob += v[1])} for i in 1..(n/width) puts((1..width).collect{ rand = gen_random(1.0) table.find{|v| v[1]>rand}[0] }.join) end if n%width != 0 puts((1..(n%width)).collect{ rand = gen_random(1.0) table.find{|v| v[1]>rand}[0] }.join) end end n = (ARGV[0] or 250_000).to_i make_repeat_fasta('ONE', 'Homo sapiens alu', alu, n*2) make_random_fasta('TWO', 'IUB ambiguity codes', iub, n*3) make_random_fasta('THREE', 'Homo sapiens frequency', homosapiens, n*5) EOS benchmark: - name: so_k_nucleotide prelude: | script = File.join(File.dirname($0), 'bm_so_fasta.rb') File.write(script, bm_so_fasta) def prepare_fasta_output n filebase = File.join(File.dirname($0), 'fasta.output') script = File.join(File.dirname($0), 'bm_so_fasta.rb') file = "#{filebase}.#{n}" unless FileTest.exist?(file) STDERR.puts "preparing #{file}" open(file, 'w'){|f| ARGV[0] = n $stdout = f load script $stdout = STDOUT } end end prepare_fasta_output(100_000) script: | # The Computer Language Shootout # # # contributed by jose fco. gonzalez # modified by Sokolov Yura seq = def frecuency( seq,length ) n, table = seq.length - length + 1, f, i = nil, nil (0 ... length).each do |f| (f ... n).step(length) do |i| table[seq[i,length]] += 1 end end [n,table] end def sort_by_freq( seq,length ) n,table = frecuency( seq,length ) a, b, v = nil, nil, nil table.sort{|a,b| b[1] <=> a[1]}.each do |v| puts "%s %.3f" % [v[0].upcase,((v[1]*100).to_f/n)] end puts end def find_seq( seq,s ) n,table = frecuency( seq,s.length ) puts "#{table[s].to_s}\t#{s.upcase}" end input = open(File.join(File.dirname($0), 'fasta.output.100000'), 'rb') line = input.gets while line !~ /^>THREE/ line = input.gets while (line !~ /^>/) & line do seq << line.chomp line = input.gets end [1,2].each {|i| sort_by_freq( seq,i ) } %w(ggt ggta ggtatt ggtattttaatt ggtattttaatttatagt).each{|s| find_seq( seq,s) } loop_count: 1