require 'benchmark_driver/struct' require 'benchmark_driver/metric' require 'benchmark_driver/default_job' require 'benchmark_driver/default_job_parser' require 'tempfile' class BenchmarkDriver::Runner::Total METRIC = 'Total time', unit: 's', larger_better: false) # JobParser returns this, `BenchmarkDriver::Runner.runner_for` searches "*::Job" Job = # Dynamically fetched and used by `BenchmarkDriver::JobParser.parse` JobParser = BenchmarkDriver::DefaultJobParser.for(klass: Job, metrics: [METRIC]) # @param [BenchmarkDriver::Config::RunnerConfig] config # @param [BenchmarkDriver::Output] output # @param [BenchmarkDriver::Context] contexts def initialize(config:, output:, contexts:) @config = config @output = output @contexts = contexts end # This method is dynamically called by `` # @param [Array] jobs def run(jobs) if jobs.any? { |job| job.loop_count.nil? } raise 'missing loop_count is not supported in Ruby repository' end @output.with_benchmark do jobs.each do |job| @output.with_job(name: do job.runnable_contexts(@contexts).each do |context| duration = BenchmarkDriver::Repeater.with_repeat(config: @config, larger_better: false) do run_benchmark(job, context: context) end @output.with_context(name:, executable: context.executable, gems: context.gems, prelude: context.prelude) do { metric => duration }, duration: duration, loop_count: job.loop_count) end end end end end end private # @param [BenchmarkDriver::Runner::Ips::Job] job - loop_count is not nil # @param [BenchmarkDriver::Context] context # @return [BenchmarkDriver::Metrics] def run_benchmark(job, context:) benchmark = preludes: [context.prelude, job.prelude], script: job.script, teardown: job.teardown, loop_count: job.loop_count, )['benchmark_driver-', '.rb']) do |f| with_script(benchmark.render(result: f.path, target: target)) do |path| IO.popen([*context.executable.command, path], &:read) # TODO: print stdout if verbose=2 if $?.success? Float( else BenchmarkDriver::Result::ERROR end end end end # This method is overridden by some subclasses def metric METRIC end # This method is overridden by some subclasses def target :total end def with_script(script) if @config.verbose >= 2 sep = '-' * 30 $stdout.puts "\n\n#{sep}[Script begin]#{sep}\n#{script}#{sep}[Script end]#{sep}\n\n" end['benchmark_driver-', '.rb']) do |f| f.puts script f.close return yield(f.path) end end # @param [String] prelude # @param [String] script # @param [String] teardown # @param [Integer] loop_count BenchmarkScript =, :script, :teardown, :loop_count) do # @param [String] result - A file to write result def render(result:, target:) prelude = preludes.reject(&:nil?).reject(&:empty?).join("\n") <<-RUBY #{prelude} require 'benchmark' __bmdv_result = Benchmark.measure { #{while_loop(script, loop_count)} } #{teardown} File.write(#{result.dump}, __bmdv_result.#{target}) RUBY end private def while_loop(content, times) if !times.is_a?(Integer) || times <= 0 raise"Unexpected times: #{times.inspect}") elsif times == 1 return content end # TODO: execute in batch <<-RUBY __bmdv_i = 0 while __bmdv_i < #{times} #{content} __bmdv_i += 1 end RUBY end end private_constant :BenchmarkScript end