require 'benchmark' require 'pp' require 'optparse' $list = true $gcprof = true opt = opt.on('-q'){$list = false} opt.on('-d'){$gcprof = false} opt.parse!(ARGV) script = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ARGV.shift) script += '.rb' unless FileTest.exist?(script) raise "#{script} not found" unless FileTest.exist?(script) puts "Script: #{script}" if $gcprof GC::Profiler.enable end tms = Benchmark.measure{|x| load script } gc_time = 0 if $gcprof gc_time = GC::Profiler.total_time if $list and RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0.0' # before 1.9.3, report() may run infinite loop GC::Profiler.disable end pp GC.stat puts "#{RUBY_DESCRIPTION} #{GC::OPTS.inspect}" desc = "#{RUBY_VERSION}#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL >= 0 ? "p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" : "dev"}" name = File.basename(script, '.rb') puts puts script puts Benchmark::CAPTION puts tms puts "GC total time (sec): #{gc_time}" # show High-Water Mark on Linux if File.exist?('/proc/self/status') && /VmHWM:\s*(\d+.+)/ =~'/proc/self/status') puts puts "VmHWM: #{$1.chomp}" end puts puts "Summary of #{name} on #{desc}\t#{tms.real}\t#{gc_time}\t#{GC.count}" puts " (real time in sec, GC time in sec, GC count)"