# NEWS for Ruby 3.2.0 This document is a list of user-visible feature changes since the **3.1.0** release, except for bug fixes. Note that each entry is kept to a minimum, see links for details. ## Language changes ## Command line options ## Core classes updates Note: We're only listing outstanding class updates. ## Stdlib updates * The following default gem are updated. * RubyGems 3.3.3 * base64 0.1.1 * benchmark 0.2.0 * bigdecimal 3.1.1 * bundler 2.3.3 * cgi 0.3.1 * csv 3.2.2 * date 3.2.2 * did_you_mean 1.6.1 * digest 3.1.0 * drb 2.1.0 * erb 2.2.3 * error_highlight 0.3.0 * etc 1.3.0 * fcntl 1.0.1 * fiddle 1.1.0 * fileutils 1.6.0 * find 0.1.1 * io-console 0.5.10 * io-wait 0.2.1 * ipaddr 1.2.3 * irb 1.4.1 * json 2.6.1 * logger 1.5.0 * net-http 0.2.0 * net-protocol 0.1.2 * nkf 0.1.1 * open-uri 0.2.0 * openssl 3.0.0 * optparse 0.2.0 * ostruct 0.5.2 * pathname 0.2.0 * pp 0.3.0 * prettyprint 0.1.1 * psych 4.0.3 * racc 1.6.0 * rdoc 6.4.0 * readline 0.0.3 * readline-ext 0.1.4 * reline 0.3.0 * resolv 0.2.1 * rinda 0.1.1 * ruby2_keywords 0.0.5 * securerandom 0.1.1 * set 1.0.2 * stringio 3.0.1 * strscan 3.0.1 * tempfile 0.1.2 * time 0.2.0 * timeout 0.2.0 * tmpdir 0.1.2 * un 0.2.0 * uri 0.11.0 * yaml 0.2.0 * zlib 2.1.1 * The following bundled gems are updated. * minitest 5.15.0 * power_assert 2.0.1 * rake 13.0.6 * test-unit 3.5.3 * rexml 3.2.5 * rbs 2.0.0 * typeprof 0.21.1 * The following default gems are now bundled gems. * net-ftp 0.1.3 * net-imap 0.2.2 * net-pop 0.1.1 * net-smtp 0.3.1 * matrix 0.4.2 * prime 0.1.2 * debug 1.4.0 ## Compatibility issues Note: Excluding feature bug fixes. ## Stdlib compatibility issues ## C API updates ## Implementation improvements ## JIT ### MJIT ### YJIT: New experimental in-process JIT compiler ## Static analysis ### RBS ### TypeProf ## Debugger ## error_highlight ## IRB Autocomplete and Document Display ## Miscellaneous changes