Thu Dec 25 21:58:15 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: make PIC objects if it will be linked as a shared object eventually. [ruby-core:67128] Thu Dec 25 19:01:13 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku * ext/fiddle/win32/libffi-3.2.1-mswin.patch: support mswin32. Thu Dec 25 17:30:40 2014 Naohisa Goto * gc.c (wmap_final_func): fix memory size shortage when realloc wmap. Fix SEGV during finilize of WeakRef on Solaris (though the SEGV could occur on all OS/platforms). [ruby-dev:48779] [Bug #10646] Thu Dec 25 17:27:06 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada * (NET_LUID): include winsock2.h instead of windows.h. patch by Jon Forums in [ruby-core:67125]. [Bug #10640] Thu Dec 25 16:14:10 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada * ext/io/console/console.c (console_dev): send the given arguments to the opened console. as a special case, do nothing if :close is given. * test/lib/leakchecker.rb (LeakChecker#check_fd_leak): close if console. For the changes before 2.2.0, see doc/ChangeLog-2.2.0 For the changes before 2.1.0, see doc/ChangeLog-2.1.0 For the changes before 2.0.0, see doc/ChangeLog-2.0.0 For the changes before 1.9.3, see doc/ChangeLog-1.9.3 For the changes before 1.8.0, see doc/ChangeLog-1.8.0 Local variables: coding: us-ascii add-log-time-format: (lambda () (let* ((time (current-time)) (system-time-locale "C") (diff (+ (cadr time) 32400)) (lo (% diff 65536)) (hi (+ (car time) (/ diff 65536)))) (format-time-string "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y" (list hi lo) t))) indent-tabs-mode: t tab-width: 8 change-log-indent-text: 2 end: vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2