path: root/yarvcore.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-02-14* eval_load.c, yarvcore.h: use rb_vm_t#loaded_features instead ofko1
2007-02-08* blockinlining.c, error.c, eval.c, eval_error.h, eval_intern.h,ko1
2007-02-07* this commit is a result of refactoring. only renaming functions,ko1
2007-02-06* blockinlining.c, compile.c, compile.h, error.c, eval.c,ko1
2007-02-05* eval_thread.c, remove eval_thread.c.ko1
2007-02-02*, compile.c, compile.h, debug.h, eval.c,nobu
2007-01-17* some refactoring around yarvcore and proc.ko1
2007-01-16* eval_proc.c (rb_proc_new): added.ko1
2007-01-06* insns.def : support direct method dispatch with "send" or "funcall".ko1
2007-01-04* yarv_version.h : removed.ko1
2006-12-31 * Merge YARVko1