path: root/test
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-04-21stringio.c: non-ascii encodingnobu
2014-04-20 * st.c (st_foreach_check): chnage start point of search at checktarui
2014-04-19parse.y: allow parenthesed do-block in cmdargnobu
2014-04-16enum.c: fix condition to recycle block argumentnobu
2014-04-16test_enum.rb: add testsnobu
2014-04-16* test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: revert r45600.nobu
2014-04-16test_fileutils.rb: test :preserve optionnobu
2014-04-16ossl_pkey.c: fix memory leaknobu
2014-04-14proc.c: use already included ancestor iclassnobu
2014-04-13* bignum.c (SIZEOF_BDIGIT): Renamed from SIZEOF_BDIGITS.akr
2014-04-11test_array.rb: skip if timed outnobu
2014-04-11test_array.rb: expand timeoutnobu
2014-04-11proc.c: fix super in bound UnboundMethodnobu
2014-04-11vm_insnhelper.c: preserve encodingsnobu
2014-04-11array.c: maybe shared arraynobu
2014-04-11test_array.rb: do minor GCnobu
2014-04-11test_array.rb: simplify test_shared_markingnobu
2014-04-11envutil.rb: filter kwargsnobu
2014-04-10* test/ruby/test_array.rb: remove useless `assert'.ko1
2014-04-10* array.c (rb_ary_modify): remember shared array owner if a sharedko1
2014-04-10explicitly specify ::Filenaruse
2014-04-09* test/ruby/test_gc.rb: more long timeout.ko1
2014-04-09string.c: fix capacitynobu
2014-04-06* lib/matrix.rb: Add Matrix#cofactor [fix GH-568]marcandre
2014-04-06* lib/matrix.rb: Add first_minor [fix GH-568]marcandre
2014-04-06* test/matrix/test_matrix: Add tests for trivial cases [fix GH-576]marcandre
2014-04-06* lib/matrix: Handle empty diagonal matrix case [fix GH-576]marcandre
2014-04-05dln.c: non-ascii path on Windowsnobu
2014-04-05 * ext/date/date_core.c (d_lite_cmp): should compare with #<.tadf
2014-04-02Fix error with empty args.kazu
2014-04-01* lib/csv.rb: Symbol HeaderConverter: strip leading/trailing space.jeg2
2014-04-01* lib/csv.rb: Don't attempt to convert nil headers.jeg2
2014-03-31* test/ruby/memory_status.rb: require envutil before accessing EnvUtilusa
2014-03-31signal.c: preserve encodingnobu
2014-03-31vm.c: avoid inadvertent pin-downnobu
2014-03-30gc.c: avoid inadvertent pin-downnobu
2014-03-30process.c: preserve encodingsnobu
2014-03-30test_process.rb: test if success?nobu
2014-03-28test_member.rb: fix locale depending test failurenobu
2014-03-28struct.c: avoid pinning downnobu
2014-03-28struct.c: encoding of member namenobu
2014-03-28struct.c: not_a_member messagenobu
2014-03-28string.c: infect match resultnobu
2014-03-28string.c: backref substitutionnobu
2014-03-28string.c: unset $~ if unmatchnobu
2014-03-27string.c: search by rb_str_indexnobu
2014-03-27re.c: class name encodingnobu
2014-03-27test_m17n_comb.rb: refine assertionsnobu
2014-03-26encoding.c: fix encoding of dynsymnobu
2014-03-26encoding.c: enc_capable symbolnobu